371: Taking Back Your Power

371: Taking Back Your Power

Update: 2024-06-05


Are you ready to redefine success on your own terms and reclaim your personal power?

In this episode, Betsy shares her revelations about embracing a more expansive view of success that aligns with your values and experiences. She also dives into the crucial importance of taking responsibility for your own emotions and reactions, rather than giving that power away to others. Through a poignant real-life example, Betsy illustrates how we unconsciously learn to make others responsible for our feelings, and how we can break free from that disempowering pattern. She offers eye-opening insights on how to communicate more effectively, set stronger boundaries, and heal the underlying triggers that keep us stuck. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain a fresh perspective on success and learn practical strategies to step into your power in relationships and beyond.


Betsy [00:00:05 ]:
Welcome to the art of living big podcast. My name’s Betsy Paik. I’m an author, a speaker, and a trainer of NLP and hypnotherapy. And I’m focused on helping you understand and design your life with the power of the subconscious. This podcast is designed to help you.

Betsy [00:00:22 ]:
Think differently about what could be possible for your life.

Betsy [00:00:26 ]:
Now, let’s go live big.

Betsy [00:00:32 ]:
Hello, everyone. Welcome to the art of living big. It has been, I think it’s been a month since we’ve had a show. It had. May was such a busy, crazy month. I’m going to tell you all kinds of things, but I didn’t record because it was so busy and crazy. But we’ve hired somebody new. We hired someone new in May, will be hiring two new people this month, in the month of June.

Betsy [00:00:58 ]:
And so my big goal for the rest of the month, for the rest of the year is to be really consistent with the podcast. It’s like the fun thing I get to do. I mean, all of the things I get to do are fun, but I really like doing the podcast. And so I have missed being here. So one thing that I have noticed really slows me down was my, my goal to record live.

Betsy [00:01:24 ]:
And here’s the thing. There are so many times when I.

Betsy [00:01:27 ]:
Record this podcast when I’m inspired, and I’m not always inspired when I’m, like, camera ready. Honestly, I almost laugh when I say that. Am I ever really camera ready? It’s not like I’m like a beauty queen. But regardless, I just decided today I was inspired and I’m gonna just record. And that’s okay. We’re not gonna have a video that.

Betsy [00:01:49 ]:
Goes along with it. And probably most of you are listening.

Betsy [00:01:52 ]:
To this on iTunes anyway, so. All right, so I’ve got baby birds. Did I tell you guys before that I had these baby birds? So probably a month ago, maybe five weeks ago, I started to notice that these birds were putting pieces of grass, right, starting their nest on my front porch. Now, if you follow along on Instagram, you know that I am really obsessed with my front porch. Like, I spend a lot of time out there. I have a day bed out there. I have a couch out there, a couple chairs. Like, I mean, it’s like a living room.

Betsy [00:02:27 ]:
It’s got curtains. Do you know what I mean? Like, I love my front porch, and.

Betsy [00:02:32 ]:
I truly spend a lot of time out there.

Betsy [00:02:34 ]:
I mean, on the weekends, I’m reading out there or napping out there. And during the week, there are times where if I’m with my coach being coached. I will take my coaching calls out there and in between calls just to, like, you know, regroup and. And make notes and all of those things. I like to go outside, and, of course, my dog Henry really loves it. So, anyway, about five weeks ago, I start noticing that there is this grass, right, that’s growing on top of the pillar. Now, when we moved into this house last year, we moved in. We bought it in May, beginning in May, and then we moved in towards the end of June, and there was an old nest there, and it was disgusting.

Betsy [00:03:15 ]:
Like, you know, bird poop. You know, it’s bird’s nest stuff. Bird’s nest stuff was happening, and there was this old nest, and so I had taken the nest down, and I was like, yuck. That’s really gross. So, when they started building this nest this year, I started to brush it away, and I would take the end of a broom and, like, push the grass that they were accumulating away, but they kept coming back and kept coming back. And finally I got to the point where I was like, you know, they would be working really hard during the time that I wasn’t out there and gaining momentum, and I felt like maybe it was me who was new to the porch, and they had been doing this on the porch for years. And so after putting up shiny objects and all kinds of things to thwart their efforts, I decided to just fall in love with the new edition.

Betsy [00:04:15 ]:

Betsy [00:04:16 ]:
We were gonna have babies. I was gonna be like a foster mom. I bought a very fancy birdbath and a special kind of three tiered farmers market with all different kinds of food that I researched that they would like. How did I research? Am I a bird person? No. I downloaded an app to record their sounds so that I knew what kind of bird it was, so I’d know what kind of food to get. I mean, I was like, I’m gonna take such good care of this, mama, and this is gonna be great. And it all has been great until. Well, they were born.

Betsy [00:04:54 ]:
They were born over memorial day. They’re about ready to leave the nest today. So it’s June 3, so it’s only been, like, a week. I mean, I guess they grow up and kick themselves out of the nest pretty fast.

Betsy [00:05:06 ]:
But it.

Betsy [00:05:07 ]:
The mess. I swear, I don’t know if they just, like, back their butts up over the edge of the nest or what happens, but it’s just awful. And there’s bird.

Betsy [00:05:19 ]:
You know, birds have mites.

Betsy [00:05:20 ]:
I saw a huge tick out there today. On the curtains. I mean, I’m just thoroughly disgusted. I cannot shower enough to. To, like, but I got some rubber gloves, and as soon as those birds are really gone, like, really, really gone, and I’ll make sure they’re really gone, I’m going out there and removing the curtains and, you know, doing all the things that need to be done. I thought I would clean the curtains, but I actually think I’m gonna have to just buy new ones because they are pretty raunchy. So birds are about ready to fly the cooper, and they’re all hanging out there. They’re little fluff balls now, and they’re on the edge of the nest, like, on the edge of the curtain rod out there, and they’re ready to go.

Betsy [00:06:06 ]:
So that has been taking up so much of my attention as I was anticipating their arrival. And now I feel deeply, deeply betrayed by the amount of dirt and disgustingness out there. So that’s what I’ve spent my may doing, I guess. That’s what I’m telling you. There’s been a lot going on with the birds. I got a couple times this past month where I got to go to the ocean, and if you’ve been here for a while, you know that that’s just such a fun thing for me. I turned 53 in May, and so we went to Key west for just a long weekend, and it was really fun and relaxing, and I got to be by the ocean, and I love Key west, so it was just really fun. We usually go probably every year.

Betsy [00:06:53 ]:
I try to go every year, and I’ll tell you, may was really, really full for me. And I want to share this because I don’t know if this might help you, too. Sometimes we have this idea of, like, what success is and what it looks.

Betsy [00:07:09 ]:
Like, and I think how we experience success, right? We’re supposed to experience it in a certain way. And, you know, at the end of the month, at the end of May, I was like, oh, dang. This month really humbled me. And then I was like, wait a minute. We did so many things. We got testimonials this month. One of the most testimonials we got said, let me just pull it up. This program has been nothing short of life changing for me.

Betsy [00:07:38 ]:
I’d been in therapy for a year and a half, and nothing moved me forward. Like, this world has, like, impact, right? Making impact. And we moved a lot of things forward that are, like, silent things, right? The things that maybe nobody would notice necessarily on the back end, but things that we’re doing to streamline things and make things easier and make things go smoother for people. And, you know, the way people are brought into the program so they have this really incredible experience. And, you know, we made so many big strides in all of those places, but you wouldn’t see them. And we don’t typically think of that stuff as success, right. Trying to make things better. And so this.

Betsy [00:08:22 ]:
And. And I got to go to the ocean twice, which, if you’ve been here for any amount of time, you know, that that’s a big deal for me, so living my life the way that I want. So I offer you this thought, because sometimes we have an idea of what success looks like, and when we’re at the end of the road, we go, oh, this isn’t what I thought. This isn’t what I had decided. But we get to choose. We get to choose, and we can look back and then make a list and point out all the things that did go right, all the things that did move the needle in the direction that you wanted, all the ways that you learned lessons right, all the ways that you created balance for yourself or had special moments. I think sometimes we define success in a certain way. And although there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, I just want to open you up to the idea that it can be defined however it is that you want.

Betsy [00:09:18 ]:
And so I talk to









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371: Taking Back Your Power

371: Taking Back Your Power

Betsy Pake