DiscoverThe Art of Living Big | Subconscious | NLP | Mindset370: The Invisible Force That’s Controlling Your Destiny (And How to Take Charge)
370: The Invisible Force That’s Controlling Your Destiny (And How to Take Charge)

370: The Invisible Force That’s Controlling Your Destiny (And How to Take Charge)

Update: 2024-05-03


In todays episode, Betsy takes us on a journey to understand exactly HOW MUCH you are being impacted by an invisible force that is determining your income, your weight, your relationships and your happiness.


Hello, everyone. Hi. Welcome to the show today. Welcome to the art of living big. I’m excited to be here this week. I’m going to talk to you a little bit about who you’re hanging around with. But I’ve got some other stuff to tell you. First, it is porch season.

Now it’s officially porch season. You know, if you follow my instagram and you saw last year when I moved into my new house in, well, it’s a hundred year old house, but it was new to me last summer and it’s got this big porch and it’s, it’s, it’s literally the best thing ever. Last summer I had like a little couch and a couple little chairs. It’s not the biggest porch in the world, but it’s, it’s, it’s porch fing. It’s enough. It is enough. So I had this little living room set up, right? So great. And at my old house, I used to have this day bed.

And when I moved into this house, I was like, I can’t bring the day bed. There’s not enough room on the porch. It’s sort of awkward. But this year I hired a guy to come, like, power wash the porch because it was so dirty and it was getting kind of nice out. You know when it’s like starting to get nice and you just want to be outside, you can start to hear the birds are coming and all that. And I was like, it was a Saturday morning and I was like, I want to take a nap out here. So I dragged that day bed from my garage all the way from the back of the house and put it on my porch. I mean, is my porch a little crowded? It’s a little crowded, but it’s actually so.

It feels so amazing out there. Now I’ve got this day bed. I’ve got these big potted plants. The other day, an Amazon delivery guy came and he was like, this is like, like the greatest living room. I put outdoor curtains up so it like, gives it like this airy, awesome feel. I don’t know. It’s porch season, y’all. And I am so happy about it.

So I have been out there every chance that I get, anytime I have to do a training or anything like that for the program that I am a student in, which I’m going to get to that in just a second. That’s what I do. I go out on the porch and it just makes everything better, makes everything happier. So last summer when I had moved in, I noticed that up in the rafters of the porch there had.

Speaker B:
There had.

I was going to say there had been a bird nest up there. But when I moved in, there were babies, and the babies were only in there for a short amount of time, and then they flew out and went to live their lives. So this year, they’re back. And, you know, there was something really fun last year about having the babies on the porch when we first moved in. But I will tell you that once they were gone, I realized that. That it was a huge mess. The previous owners had left, like, some outdoor curtains out there, and they were just disgusting. And there was.

I swear, I think the babies, like, back their fannies up off the edge of the nest to poop because it was gross, right? So I had to have it cleaned, and it was just a huge mess. So this year, I had my porch cleaned, and I was like, all right, babies are going to have to go someplace else. I’ll get birdhouses. I’ll do something else. And so when they tried to build their nest in the rafters, as soon as I saw them doing it, I just sweeped away, you know, wiped away the little bit of grass that was there, and then they came back. And so I did that again. And then I turned on the porch fan because I thought, well, that’ll seem like a lot. And then the nest started back again, and so I put some.

I. I was trying to find something, like, shiny. And I know I could have just bought something or got something from Amazon, but I was like, I have these lucky cats. Do you know what I’m talking about? It’s like the cat has one paw up, and there’s, like, a set of them. So one has, like, the right pop and the other one has the left pop, but they’re shy. The ones I have are shiny. And I was like, I’m gonna put the. Gonna put those where the bird’s nest would be so that they’re.

It’s shiny and it scares them. Well, it did not scare them. In fact, I think they liked it, and they built their little nest around it with, like, the little happy cat, lucky cat right in the middle, like a little statue in the middle of their birds nest. I just decided that, you know, perhaps I was the new one and this had been their porch for years and years and years, and that I needed to just be a really good daycare provider and embrace that new job. And so that is what I have done. But now they have built that nest. I swear, it’s not even a circle. Like, you know, you think of a nest as, like, a circle, but because my edge of my curtain sort of, you know, the curtain rod comes out and the edge of the curtain covers that post that they’re on.

And so the nest is like a. An oval, like an oblong giant. It’s like a penthouse. You guys up on this rafter, all protected with the curtains and the fan for comfort. I mean, they seem really happy. So I’m not sure if there are any eggs in it yet. I’m trying not to. They squawk pretty loud when I go outside, but I think they’re sort of getting used to me sitting there.

As long as I’m just sitting there. Fine. Um, but I will keep you posted, and, of course, that will be an ongoing drama on Instagram stories if you follow me over there. So I’m kind of excited about it now. So sometimes, you know, we just gotta. We gotta take the bird poop and just make the best of it. So that is what I’ve done. All right, so next weekend.

Next weekend’s mother’s Day. Next weekend’s mother’s Day. Mother’s Day. And my birthday is coming, like, the following week. It’s weird because there have been times, like, when I was growing up, where my birthday actually landed on Mother’s Day. So depending on how Mother’s Day goes, my. My birthday is pretty close to it. So I was like, I really want to go somewhere for my birthday.

And I had a free companion pass on Delta that was going to expire at the end of the month. So I was like, we have to go someplace where we can fly. And, um, I ended up kind of one morning going, I know where I want to go. Let’s go to Key west. And so we’re going to just go, like, a fast trip, a Friday morning. We’ll be back on Sunday night. I’m so excited about it. Um, I mean, we’ll celebrate my birthday, but, you know, I’m 50.

I’ll be 53 years old. Like, I’ve celebrated a lot of birthdays. Less about the celebration and more just about getting to be by the ocean for a little bit. I’m so excited. I had enough points. The whole thing was, like, points driven and free, and it feels really fun and amazing. So that is what I’m going to be up to. I wanted to talk to you this week, though, about something that has been coming up inside our group, inside the navigate method.

So if you’re not familiar, I’m assuming you’re familiar because you’re here, but I have a program called the Navigate method that I created that guides women through a journey, navigating a new path in or out of their marriage. So when they are stuck in indecision, it gives them crystal clarity. It’s super powerful. It’s incredible to watch these women go through this process and how they come into the experience and then how they are when they leave the experience. And it’s so fun for me. You know, this week we had somebody that was finishing up their ten weeks, and they were saying to the people that were earlier, you know, that were like, you know, week four or five, like, just wait.

Speaker B:
Just wait.

You know, it’s just so fun to see that they can see this huge shift in how they experience the world and how they’re living in it and how that impacts their relationships and their friendships and their career and all the things. So, anyway, something that came up this week, and there are different themes. You know, I feel like there’ll be a theme that kind of comes through on different sessions and kind of like everybody’s sort of in the same place, you know, where everyone’s like, oh. And one of the things that we were talking about is when people leave our program, they really want to stay in it. Like, they want to stay in the culture. They want to stay in the experience, because it’s really such a different way of thinking. And I think it’s so different from our, like, real lives. I’m using air quotes, real lives of most people that when they get in it, they’re like, this feels so true, you know? And I think truth, when we feel that gives us, like, a sense of peace.

They’re learning how to calm their nervous system so they feel good, you know? And so we do a lot of things to keep them in the environment so that even when they’re completed their ten weeks, they’re still getting that experience, so that they can maintain until it becomes who they are.

Speaker B:

And soon it does. It becomes who you are. It becomes how you think and how you view and see the world. So this week, a theme that kept coming up is, you know, when we go outside of the group, who are we spending time with? You know, the group provides a cocoon of experience and personalities, right? Things that people that you want to be aligned with, right? They’re all learning the same things. They’re talking the same language, that understand the nuances of reality that maybe their friends outside of the program might not. So that’s them being in. That is a huge part of who they are surrounding themselves with. Okay,









Sleep Timer


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370: The Invisible Force That’s Controlling Your Destiny (And How to Take Charge)

370: The Invisible Force That’s Controlling Your Destiny (And How to Take Charge)

Betsy Pake