Discover#POD: PODcasts of DentistryCraig Cody: Journey From COP TO CPA To Planning & Avoiding Tax Mistakes: Session 8
Craig Cody: Journey From COP TO CPA To Planning & Avoiding Tax Mistakes: Session 8

Craig Cody: Journey From COP TO CPA To Planning & Avoiding Tax Mistakes: Session 8

Update: 2020-02-22


Today will be talking about the dreaded taxes. They are around the corner and I have interviewed TWO Dental CPAs as in session 7 and session 8. Session 7 will be with Mr. Bilal Mehanna and section 8 will be with Mr. Craig Cody.

For those who learned the basics of taxes with Mr. Mahanna in session number seven, this session is like the extension of session 7 with Mr. Cody. Mr. Cody owns a dental CPA Firm based in New York as Craig Cody and Company. He also has a partner with the same name who deals mainly in the real estate.

Craig Cody has a unique story—He was a cop who turned into a CPA. You will feel really connected with Mr. Craig. He’s an expert in taxes and shares years and years of experience.

He is an avid podcaster himself with the podcast named “ The Progressive Dentist. He very much believes in long-term planning. Mr Cody has offered our audience to get a free published book called as 12 biggest tax mistakes that cost thousands. You can get yours for free at

Mr. Cody goes in Great detail about how to reduce down your tax liabilities legally. There are some great sections in tax code which not many people take advantage of. He shares how he can implement for you as the owner. He truly believes in  “It’s not how much you make but how much you keep”

Bring a Podcaster and avid learner, you will feel that you are listening to an expert  not only in Taxes but in business too. He talks about his life, his experiences, his morning rituals, his mindset of business, his mistakes in life, his advice to younger dentists and a lot more.

I learned a lot about Taxes and some more. I am sure you will too.

Let’s listen to Mr. Craig Cody.

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Craig Cody: Journey From COP TO CPA To Planning & Avoiding Tax Mistakes: Session 8

Craig Cody: Journey From COP TO CPA To Planning & Avoiding Tax Mistakes: Session 8

Dr. Panks Dhingra