Dr. Gina Dorfman: From Nowhere To Multiple Dental Offices to CEO: Session 22
Thank you for checking out ##POD Podcasts of Dentistry session number 22. Today we have a very cheerful and a perky guest and is not only a dentist but also a CEO of an award-winning Dental software company called YAPI.
Yes we are talking about doctor Gina Dorfman.
This interview is unlike any of her other interviews.it is not only very lively, which can be infectious but also a story of a young girl from nowhere to becoming a CEO of an award-winning software company called YAPI.
We talked about her journey to open multiple dental offices and reaching a fork to decide between a DSO and YAPI.
For those interested in day-to-day operations we did discuss systems in office, hiring and firing process, when to hire an associate and how to keep the assistants productive and happy.
For those interested in the business aspect of YAPI we discussed the growth, trajectory, milestones and finally funding by Angel Investors from the company called Growth 33
Find out about what a vivid vision is all about.
What makes YAPI a different kind of a company and Loan directly from the CEO of the company.
Gina opens her heart about the company answer key about herself through our Tim Ferriss inspired questions.
This is an inspiring story and a happy interview with Dr. Gina Dorfman.
I hope you have fun as much as I did. Please subscribe to our podcast at podcastsofdentistry.com/subscribe and without further Ado dr. Gina Dorfman.