Grace Rizza: The Journey Of A Struggling Entrepreneur To A Successful Marketing Firm Session 4
Welcome to #POD : PODcast of dentistry and I am your host Dr. Panks Dhingra
Today's guest is none other than Grace from and
We go through a range of conversations and there's a lot that we can learn from these conversations.
These conversations should make us think the way that we should be building and implementing systems in our offices. I see these conversations with Grace as a stepping stone to set up systems in the offices in a way that work.
She shares her weekly schedule and the schedule that makes her being so productive and what her structured week looks like.
She shares all her learning experiences of managing a team, and how we can implement that in our Dental offices.
She also shares why she rants in her podcasts and how she intends to use those podcasts to educate dental offices/managers/Owners to achieve marketing success.
She shares how she got into dentistry and how she survived her first year in business, what she ate at that time.
Well the food is actually more symbolic but it does show a great quality of a start up and of course Grace's.
She shares her favorite rant and why she believes that the customer is NOT always right
She also opens up what her definition of success and who she considers successful.
She opens up what she calls as a Business Karma, what is it and how does it impact everybody who's in the business.
She shares her morning ritual and she opens up what she does on Super Tuesdays every week .
She also shares what her rigorous marketing process is, who is her ideal client and red flags that we should look for before hiring a marketing agency.
She talks about team management and training the staff and not to mention she answers my favorite Tim Ferris Inspired Questions, with books, purchases quotes, and many many more.
I hope you like the session as much as I do.