DiscoverWise Women@Work with Felicia GarlandYour Workplace Should Be Beautiful Ep 43
Your Workplace Should Be Beautiful Ep 43

Your Workplace Should Be Beautiful Ep 43

Update: 2020-03-25


Do you feel inspired in your workplace? Supported? I don’t mean in your physical location (although that’s an important space given Covid-19 and the recent closing down of business sites), but by your manager and company employer? Alyson DeMaso, founder of Raising Beauty LLC, is on a mission to help business leaders and managers turn their organizations into beautiful places where employees thrive.
By coincidence, Alyson is a former human resources and leadership-training executive at The Estee Lauder Companies.  It was in this capacity that she discovered how ramping up employee engagement can lead to a healthier bottom line.  “It’s all about return on investment,” Alyson says. “I can demonstrate that inspired employees are more productive, and that’s good for any company.”
In this podcast we discuss Alyson’s personal growth and development within the big-company environment. You could sum it up by the following:  Find a need and fill it!  We also chat about:
  • Alyson’s definition of a beautiful workplace – it’s not about paint color and furniture –
  • and why it is important to cultivate an emotionally healthy and supportive business culture
  • How she was able to demonstrate the ROI of leadership training—it’s a skill applicable to any business situation
  • Energy for performance and design thinking
  • The challenges of starting a new business – and why it is better to have a narrower market focus
  • Why it’s important to tune into your inner compass
  • The impact of her family on her business plan and philosophy
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Your Workplace Should Be Beautiful Ep 43

Your Workplace Should Be Beautiful Ep 43

Felicia Garland