Ep. 064: A Blueprint for a Successful Product launch
I’m joined by Luke Peters, CEO and founder of NewAir Appliances and host of the Page 1 Podcast, where he shares their blueprint for successfully launching new products. Luke starts by describing his ideal customer (2:15 ) and why New Air pivoted away from exclusively selling direct-to-consumer (2:50 ), and then explains how their 50 new product launches a year bring value (8:00 ) and the benefits of having the same SKUs for both your website and retail partners (12:00 ). Luke shifts to why customer reviews and YouTube influencers are a vital part of their launch strategy (15:20 ), discussing the most valuable types of on-site content (18:50 ) and elements of a successful YouTube video (21:00 ). Next, Luke dissects paid ad strategies and how opportunities on marketplaces impact a launched product’s ROI (24:10 ). He then discusses the importance of product reviews and his strategy for collecting early reviews (26:40 ) before wrapping up with contingencies for launches that don’t go as planned (33:20 ). He finishes by sharing some launch strategy pitfalls (39:30 ) and the biggest mistakes he sees other companies make when launching their own products (43:00 ).
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For More:
Greg Zakowicz
Twitter: https://twitter.com/WhatsGregDoing
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gregzakowicz
New Air:
Website: https://www.NewAir.com/
Luke Peters: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luke--peters/
Email: Luke@RetailBand.com
Bronto Marketing Platform:
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