Episode 16 - Meet Directing Logistics
In this episode, Joe and Arian dive right into the topic of meet directing logistics. After having run the Squats & Science Championship last month and all meets being postponed or canceled right now, they figured it'd be a great next topic to discuss. The breakdown of the episode is as follows,
-USAPL meet director requirements
-"Non-recurring" expenses
-"Recurring" expenses
-Time investment for building registration, advertising, emails, etc -Time investment for setup, running each competition day, breakdown, submitting documents, etc
-Breakdown of where the money goes for USAPL/NAPF/IPF
-Obtaining customer feedback
In addition, you can check out the following 2 Instagram posts by Arian that give a more detailed breakdown for the meets he ran this year.
Squats & Science Championship - https://www.instagram.com/p/B-NJq9eAcna/
Boynton Barbell Championship - https://www.instagram.com/p/B7tu7WIgOsR/
And for more information about us, check out the following links.
Squats & Science Website - www.squatsandscience.com
Joe's Instagram - https://instagram.com/joeycannoli_sns
Arian's Instagram - https://instagram.com/coachariank