Episode 22 - National Meet Directing Logistics w/ John Downing
In this episode, Coach Joe is away preparing our gyms for re-opening so Coach Arian brings on John Downing to delve deeper into the topic of meet directing logistics. Back in Episode 16, we discussed meet directing logistics but focused mostly on the local level. In this episode, we discuss the topic with John Downing focusing more on the national level, since he ran the 2019 USAPL Collegiate National Championships. After discussing how John got into the sport of Powerlifting, we discuss the process of preparing a proposal and planning for bidding on a National Championship, a breakdown of the biggest costs, a couple of things that went wrong, and whether John would go back and do it again. We then close the episode by discussing some of John's goals as an athlete, goals as a coach, and his involvement with Lift4Life. You can learn more about Lift4Life and get involved through the links below! Squats & Science Website - www.squatsandscience.com . Arian's Instagram - https://instagram.com/coachariank . Lift4Life Website - https://www.lift4life-worldwide.org/ . Lift4Life Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/lift4life_worldwide/ . John Downing's Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/downing_powerlifting/ . Intro & Outro music is Parasite Eve by Bring Me The Horizon.