DiscoverBetrayal Trauma Recovery - BTR.ORG14 Emotional Abuse Survivor Stories
14 Emotional Abuse Survivor Stories

14 Emotional Abuse Survivor Stories

Update: 2024-09-242


Emotional abuse survivors overwhelmingly report that hearing other emotional abuse survivor stories helped them get to emotional safety.

If you’re experiencing your husband’s emotional abuse, check out our daily, online support group for women. We’d love to see you in a Session TODAY.

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full">Survivors of Emotional Abuse - Directly From Survivors</figure>

Transcription: Emotional Abuse Survivor Stories

Anne: Today’s episode is a montage of stories from emotional abuse survivors.

I’m also super humbled as I listened to these stories of the impact that BTR has had on women. Throughout the world then helping them recognize their abusive situations. Helping them know how loved and how cared for they are, and how much they deserve psychological and emotional peace and safety.

I honor all the women who listen to this podcast who are searching for answers. Who are genuinely trying to save their families. Not knowing what to do and getting harmful information from therapists, internet articles or clergy. Including resources that haven’t helped them understand the abuse.

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Honoring Survivor Stories

I want to thank everyone for listening. Above all I hope that BTR is helpful. The thought of any woman being in an abusive situation and not understanding what it is, is heartbreaking to me. Also, a thank you to all of you who have shared our material on social media or shared it with friends. In an effort to educate more women. So with that, here are their stories.

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full">Emotional Abuse Survivors Tell Us Their Story</figure>

Emotional Abuse Survivor Story #1

I have been in therapy for 12 years. Only now have I felt that I have the expert care and clarity that I have been searching for. You and this whole group are what I call, proactive. Where before it was just wishy washy, hit or miss, psycho-babble type of therapy. This group is exactly what women need, and I cannot thank you enough.

Emotional Abuse Survivor Story #2

This group is new to me. I have been in not a good place for about three years. This is the first time that I have had other people share their stories. Where I felt so validated. I could totally relate. This isn’t just me. I’m not going crazy. I can stand my ground and create boundaries to keep myself safe. To keep my kids safe. I have multiple daily options to check in, check out, share, not share, listen. The isolation that I felt before is starting to dissipate.

Emotional Abuse Survivor Story #3

I arrived at BTR in full blown trauma. Never having known what he was doing for years, and prior to we were married. Thank God that this is the place that I found. Because there was love and nurturing and education. All of the coaches are friends to walk with me and support me and I will forever be grateful.

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full">Emotional Abuse Survivors Give Us Their Stories</figure>

Emotional Abuse Survivor Story #4

I had been in therapy for a while, years, and at least a year with Chuck before I found Betrayal Trauma Recovery. There were no breakthroughs or anything. It was just the same cycle. Now that I know what it is, it was the same cycle of abuse. Happening over and over and over again with no real solution.

When I found BTR, I I honestly was trying to find reasons in my head as to why the group wouldn’t be good for me. Because I knew it was gonna change everything about my life. It did because I joined the group right before I initially separated from Chuck. So having BTR during that time of separation got me through. And then helped me make the decision to separate permanently and just not want to be with him anymore.

I wouldn’t be here and be growing the way that I am without BTR.

Emotional Abuse Survivor Story #5

Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group has been very important for me through this journey. I can just very succinctly say that it has saved my life. Chiefly I would say just simply that. Without BTR I wouldn’t be here.

Learn More about BTR Group Sessions

Emotional Abuse Survivor Story #6

For years we’d have fights. I would go to the internet to find out how I could be better. So that we could stop having fights, I would always search.

And article after article was never right. I just knew. And finally one day I stumbled upon the BTR podcast and I don’t really like listening to them. I like to read them so I’m thankful for the transcript. I finally knew that what I was reading was right. When I had a name for what was going on in my marriage. I could finally start to work to fix it and fixing it has meant not what I thought it would. It has saved my life too.

So without BTR, I wouldn’t have a name for what I experienced and I wouldn’t have the healing.

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full">The Reality of Surviving Emotional Abuse From Survivors Who Lived Through It</figure>

Emotional Abuse Survivor Story #7

I didn’t ever think that I would be In the position that I’m in, I was with my ex fiancé from the age of 13 for 20 years. He was living a double life. I found BTR when I was staying in hotels.

I had nowhere else to go and I booked a one on one with a coach. And I haven’t looked back. I have learned so much every single day that I hop on group. I see women that I am inspired by and women who are ahead of me in the journey. Women who are following me on the journey. We’re all on different journeys, but somehow the connection that we have and the love that we share is really real.

So thank you so much. I don’t know what I would have done without BTR for the last 12 months.

Emotional Abuse Survivor Story #8

I found BTR to be really helpful. In fact Betrayal Trauma Group Sessions are really helpful at connecting with other people going through this. Not feeling alone. Recogn









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14 Emotional Abuse Survivor Stories

14 Emotional Abuse Survivor Stories