DiscoverBetrayal Trauma Recovery - BTR.ORGWomen Say THIS Is The Best Support For Betrayal Trauma – Victim Stories
Women Say THIS Is The Best Support For Betrayal Trauma – Victim Stories

Women Say THIS Is The Best Support For Betrayal Trauma – Victim Stories

Update: 2024-08-20


Have you been searching for the best support for betrayal trauma? Are you alone right now? Scared, heartbroken, and sick over the betrayal and emotional abuse that you are enduring?

Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group Sessions occur multiple times a day, in every time zone. We know getting dressed sometimes feels overwhelming and impossible to traumatized women. That’s why the Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group Sessions are the best support for betrayal trauma victims. Come as you are and know that you will be loved and validated, never judged.

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full">Women Say THIS is the Best Support For Victims of Betrayal Trauma</figure>

Transcript: The Best Support For Betrayal Trauma

On this week’s episode, I asked our coaches to see if Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group Session Clients would want to stay after their group session and share their feelings and experiences with our podcast listeners. Some of them wanted to talk, and others wanted to write their thoughts and have me read them. Additionally I’m also going to read some reviews that we’ve received.

Therapy Challenges

BTR Group Session Client #1: I probably listened to the podcast for about four years before things got to the point that I clearly had to take action. In fact, the Betrayal Trauma Recovery coaching combined with the podcast were the two things that saved my life. I went to three therapists who told me it was all my fault and I needed to go do my family of origin work and stop trying to control my husband. Who was just continuing to stomp all over everything that was sacred that I was trying to build with him.

I felt like there was a severed artery. He, the therapist and I sat there, it’s spewing blood all over everybody and nobody said a word and it felt just like gaslighting to me. I think therapy was very abusive. I was definitely abused by three different therapists because of that codependent model.

It’s infuriating that women are made to feel this way when they’re trying to get help. Chiefly, that’s all we did for the last two to three years. Additionally we “worked” together with S-Groups and CSATS. Then It just got worse. Everybody said, “Read this book.” And I thought, “I don’t need a book. I need help.”

I felt this mentality too, that like, we’re going to go to therapy and everything is going to get fixed . And that’s just kind of ridiculous . I was a failure in therapy three times, and I was considered a failure in recovery as well.

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full">What Is The Best Support For Betrayal Trauma? Victim Stories</figure>

BTR: Finding Safety, Value & Growth

Client continues: We have to feel safe, feel heard and feel valued however, I did not feel any of that until I found Betrayal Trauma Recovery. Betrayal Trauma Recovery really just was pivotal in my healing. Things can turn around with The Betrayal Trauma Recovery abuse model and the truth. My heart sheds a tear for every new woman that comes into Betrayal Recovery Trauma Group Sessions, conversely, my heart jumps up and down because she’s here.

I was able to do Betrayal Trauma Recovery Individual Sessions to work on really hard things to get up the guts after listening to the podcast for four years. I’m filled with gratitude.

Learn More about BTR Group Sessions

The Power Of Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group Sessions

Anne reading for BTR Group Session Client #2: I was desperate for help and searched the internet for answers. I came across a BTR podcast about gaslighting. This is what I’d been experiencing in my marriage for 26 years and there’s a name for it. It was a literally mind blowing revelation to me. That led me to the Betrayal Trauma Recovery website, where I went on a podcast binge and listened to everything.

I started attending Betrayal Trauma Group Sessions. My life began to get exponentially better. Thank you, Anne and the Betrayal Trauma Recovery coaches for being exactly what I needed.

BTR Group Session Client #3: Betrayal Trauma Recovery Group Sessions have definitely helped me know that I am not the only one who has experienced emotional and psychological abuse and sexual coercion. I did think I was alone and so isolated for over two decades. Finding the group and hearing so much of my story and other women’s stories as well, has really helped me feel connected and less isolated. Now I know that I have language and I am able to know exactly what I’m doing with the truth.

To help my life move forward, the groups and coaching have really changed me, above all I am so grateful that they’re here and willing to share and give coaching to improve all of our lives and to seek safety first.

<figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full">Where Can I Find The Best Support For My Trauma from My Husband's Emotional Abuse?</figure>

Messages Of Thanks And Support

Anne reading for BTR Group Session Client #4: My husband lives in an upside down world and I am not able to make sense or understand what he has done. No right sided person could stand to be in an upside down land. I am getting better every day.

Thank you for Betrayal Trauma Recovery. Thank you for investing in us. Your kids are blessed to have such a strong, deliberate woman for their mom and role model. Keep sharing. Keep advocating. You have impacted a lot of lives.

BTR Group Session Client #5: The skills that I’ve learned in Betrayal Trauma Recovery originally concentrated with my abuser, but the skills that I got and the education that I’m receiving transitioned to so many areas of life. Now I am able to use the restored intuition I have to see these people who feel entitled to my life, my skills and my story to use for themselves. Additionally I’m grateful, I have those skills.

Anne reading for BTR Group Session Client #6: Anne, your faithfulness and perseverance is encouraging, inspirational, and motivational every day. Right now, it doesn’t seem like there will ever be a different side to my story because I am in the thick of it. While listening to one of your podcasts I thought to myself for the first time that this pain won’t own me forever, I will own it one day.

I would not know that if it wasn’t for you and the most excellent coaches at Betrayal Trauma Recovery.

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The Impact Of BTR On Family And Friends</strong









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Women Say THIS Is The Best Support For Betrayal Trauma – Victim Stories

Women Say THIS Is The Best Support For Betrayal Trauma – Victim Stories