DiscoverThe Goal Digger Podcast779: How Human Design Can Help You Build A Profitable, Aligned, and FUN Business
779: How Human Design Can Help You Build A Profitable, Aligned, and FUN Business

779: How Human Design Can Help You Build A Profitable, Aligned, and FUN Business

Update: 2024-06-03


Jenna Kutcher welcomes Erin Claire Jones, a human design expert, to the Gold Digger podcast. They discuss the differences between human design and other personality systems like the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs, highlighting human design's unique focus on individual energetic makeup and practical tools for living in alignment. Erin explains the five main types in human design: Manifesting Generators, Generators, Projectors, Reflectors, and Manifestors, and how each type interacts with the world. They delve into the benefits of understanding your human design, including how to structure your days, create opportunities, and make decisions in a way that aligns with your energy. Erin emphasizes the importance of honoring your design, even in challenging circumstances, and how it can be a powerful tool for parenting, especially for multi-passionate children. The conversation concludes with practical tips for living in alignment with your design, regardless of your type, and how to explore your human design further through Erin's resources.


Introduction and Human Design Overview

This Chapter introduces Jenna Kutcher and her guest, Erin Claire Jones, a human design expert. They discuss the concept of human design as a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science that sheds light on a person's energetic makeup and provides tools for living a happier and healthier life. They also highlight the practical applications of human design in business, relationships, and parenting.

Human Design vs. Other Personality Systems

This Chapter explores the differences between human design and other personality systems like the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs. Erin explains that human design is based on your time, date, and place of birth, providing highly specific information about your energetic makeup. She emphasizes the practical nature of human design, offering tools for implementation in various aspects of life.

The Five Human Design Types

This Chapter delves into the five main types in human design: Manifesting Generators, Generators, Projectors, Reflectors, and Manifestors. Erin describes the characteristics and strategies of each type, highlighting how they interact with the world and create opportunities. She also shares personal anecdotes about her own type and how it has impacted her life.

Benefits of Understanding Your Human Design

This Chapter explores the benefits of understanding your human design, including how to structure your days, create opportunities, and make decisions in a way that aligns with your energy. Erin provides specific examples of how these insights can be applied in various areas of life, from work to relationships to parenting.

Honoring Your Design in Different Circumstances

This Chapter addresses the question of how to honor your design in situations where you may not have complete freedom, such as a nine-to-five job. Erin suggests small ways to integrate your design into your daily life, even in restrictive environments.

Human Design and Parenting

This Chapter explores the application of human design in parenting, particularly for multi-passionate children. Erin shares a story about a client who was struggling to understand his daughter's seemingly lack of dedication, and how human design helped him see her behavior as a natural expression of her type. She emphasizes the importance of presenting options and honoring a child's natural instincts.

Universal Lessons from Human Design

This Chapter discusses universal lessons from human design that can benefit anyone, regardless of their type. Erin emphasizes the importance of recognizing and honoring individual differences, both in relationships and in business. She encourages listeners to question whether current strategies are truly aligned with their unique way of operating.

Living in Alignment with Your Design

This Chapter explores the concept of living in alignment with your design, which essentially means living as your authentic self. Erin explains how human design can help you identify areas where you may be out of alignment and provides practical tips for returning to a state of alignment. She also emphasizes the importance of developing discernment and trusting your own intuition.


Human Design

Human Design is a system that combines ancient wisdom and modern science to provide insights into a person's energetic makeup. It uses a person's birth date, time, and location to create a unique chart that reveals their strengths, weaknesses, and strategies for living a more fulfilling life. It offers practical tools for understanding how to structure your days, create opportunities, and make decisions in a way that aligns with your energy.

Erin Claire Jones

Erin Claire Jones is a human design expert who helps individuals and companies step into their work and lives as their truest selves. She uses human design to guide people towards their highest potential and offers practical tools and insights for living with greater ease and authenticity. Her work has been featured in Forbes, MindBodyGreen, and Well+Good, and she has spoken to crowds all over the world.

Manifesting Generator

A Manifesting Generator is one of the five human design types. They are multi-passionate doers who are meant to try many things and are constantly evolving. They are efficient and fast-paced, but they are also meant to let opportunities come to them rather than chasing after them. They are often natural leaders and guides who inspire others with their enthusiasm.


A Generator is another one of the five human design types. They are natural doers who enjoy diving deeply into one thing and then the next. They are steadfast, dedicated, and committed, and their energy is magnetic when they are lit up by what they are doing. They are meant to prioritize their desires and use their energy in ways that light them up.


A Projector is one of the five human design types. They are natural leaders, guides, advisors, and teachers who are not meant to do all the doing. Their energy ebbs and flows, and their gift is in how they see the world and how sensitive they are to others. They are often natural coaches, therapists, and leaders who are good at asking the right questions.


A Reflector is one of the five human design types. They are the rarest type and are known as the collective mirrors. They are highly sensitive to their environment and mirror back what they are around. They are super fluid and can feel like other types depending on the day. Their job is to honor whatever feels like them that day.


A Manifestor is one of the five human design types. They are innovative and disruptive forces who are gifted at getting things started. They are often provocative and spark the world into new ways of doing things. Their energy can ebb and flow, and they are meant to initiate and take action when the urge arises within them.


In human design, alignment refers to living in accordance with your unique energetic makeup. It means making decisions, structuring your days, and pursuing opportunities in a way that feels natural and fulfilling for you. When you are aligned, you experience greater ease, flow, and success in your life.


Discernment is the ability to make wise judgments and decisions based on your own intuition and values. It involves filtering information and experiences through your own lens to determine what is truly right for you, rather than blindly following external advice or trends.


Intuition is a deep inner knowing that guides you towards what is best for you. It is a powerful tool for making decisions, navigating challenges, and living a more authentic life. Human design encourages you to trust your intuition and make decisions based on what feels right for you, rather than relying solely on logic or external validation.


  • What are the key differences between human design and other personality systems like the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs?

    Human design is different from the Enneagram and Myers-Briggs in that it is based on your time, date, and place of birth, rather than answering questions on an assessment. It provides highly specific information about your energetic makeup and offers practical tools for implementation in various aspects of life.

  • What are the five main types in human design, and how do they differ?

    The five main types in human design are Manifesting Generators, Generators, Projectors, Reflectors, and Manifestors. Each type has unique characteristics and strategies for interacting with the world and creating opportunities. Manifesting Generators are multi-passionate doers, Generators are steadfast and dedicated, Projectors are natural leaders and guides, Reflectors are collective mirrors, and Manifestors are innovative and disruptive forces.

  • What are some of the benefits of understanding your human design?

    Understanding your human design can help you structure your days, create opportunities, and make decisions in a way that aligns with your energy. It can also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, understand your natural tendencies, and develop strategies for living a more fulfilling life.

  • How can I honor my human design in situations where I may not have complete freedom, such as a nine-to-five job?

    Even in restrictive environments, you can integrate your human design by making small changes to your daily routine. For example, you can take regular breaks, prioritize tasks that light you up, or ask colleagues to present you with specific questions or solutions.

  • How can human design be helpful for parenting, especially for multi-passionate children?

    Human design can help parents understand their children's unique energetic makeup and provide them with the support they need to thrive. For example, it can help parents understand why their children may seem to lack dedication or commitment, and it can provide strategies for honoring their natural instincts and passions.

  • What are some universal lessons from human design that can benefit anyone, regardless of their type?

    Human design reminds us that we are all wired differently and that expecting others to be like us can lead to friction in relationships. It encourages us to honor individual differences and to create strategies that work for our unique way of operating.

  • What does it mean to live in alignment with your human design, and how can you start doing so?

    Living in alignment with your human design means living as your authentic self. It involves making decisions, structuring your days, and pursuing opportunities in a way that feels natural and fulfilling for you. You can start living in alignment by paying attention to your intuition, making decisions based on what feels right for you, and creating a life that honors your unique strengths and weaknesses.

  • How can I explore my human design further?

    You can explore your human design further by getting your personalized chart and reading a guide that explains your unique design. You can also connect with a human design expert who can provide personalized guidance and support.

  • What are some resources for learning more about human design?

    You can learn more about human design by visiting Erin Claire Jones' website, which offers a free one-page summary of your design, as well as a personalized blueprint guide. You can also find many other resources online, including books, articles, and podcasts.

Show Notes

Raise your hand if you wish you had a customized roadmap of how to live your life to the fullest, achieve your highest potential, and be your most authentic self! I’m raising mine, too… and I think we may have cracked the code with Human Design!

Get your own super-personalized, hyper-specific Human Design Blueprint at and access a deeper, authentic perspective of who you truly are, what makes you tick, and what activates and motivates you! 

Human Design is a synthesis of ancient wisdom and modern science that sheds light on a person’s energetic makeup, as well as specific tools we can use to live our happiest and healthiest life. It doesn’t change who we are; it teaches us WHO we are. We use Human Design in our business on a near daily basis - it’s THAT powerful. 

Erin Claire Jones uses Human Design to help thousands of individuals and companies step into their work and their lives as their truest selves and to their highest potential. Her work as a guide, coach, and speaker has attracted a growing community of over 250,000 people who turn to her teachings for practical tools, digestible tips, and deeper self-knowledge they can access to live with greater ease and authenticity every single day!

Learning Human Design in Erin’s Blueprint Guide allowed me to discover not only more about who I am, what has led me to where I am now, but also what will get me to the next level and beyond. Head to NOW to take action on the life you want with clarity and direction! 

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779: How Human Design Can Help You Build A Profitable, Aligned, and FUN Business

779: How Human Design Can Help You Build A Profitable, Aligned, and FUN Business

Jenna Kutcher