DiscoverMark Levin PodcastMark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/10/24
Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/10/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/10/24

Update: 2024-07-114


Mark Levin continues his endorsement of Sam Brown, the Republican nominee for the United States Senate in Nevada, highlighting his military service, his experience as a small business owner, and his commitment to helping veterans. He encourages listeners to visit Brown's website,, and provide him with their support. Levin then criticizes the Democrat Party's efforts to undermine voter security and their support for Joe Biden, highlighting the hypocrisy of Hollywood celebrities who support the Democrats despite their destructive policies. He cites examples of celebrities like George Clooney and Michael Douglas who have supported the Democrats despite their record of anti-Semitism, Islamism, and Marxism. Levin argues that these celebrities are spoiled and have done little to contribute to the country, but have contributed significantly to the Democrat Party. He concludes by discussing the Project 2025 initiative, a project by the Heritage Foundation aimed at promoting conservative values, and criticizes the Democrats' attacks on the project. He also highlights the involvement of powerful Democratic officials in the Manhattan DA's office, who are working to target Donald Trump. Levin emphasizes the importance of supporting conservative candidates like Sam Brown and fighting against the Democrats' destructive policies.


Introduction and Advertisement

This Chapter introduces the show and features an advertisement for Advantage Gold, a company specializing in gold and silver investments. Mark Levin emphasizes the importance of protecting one's financial future through diversification, particularly in times of political and economic uncertainty. He recommends Advantage Gold as a trusted source for gold and silver investments, highlighting their five-star service and sterling reputation. He encourages listeners to call Advantage Gold at 800-908-000 and mention Mark Levin for a free gold investment kit and potential qualification for $1,000 in free silver.

The Democrat Party's Assault on Voter Security

This Chapter delves into the Democrat Party's efforts to undermine voter security and potentially facilitate voter fraud. Mark Levin criticizes their opposition to voter ID and citizenship requirements, arguing that these measures are essential to ensure fair and legitimate elections. He highlights the historical context of voter suppression tactics employed by the Democrats, including Jim Crow segregation, poll taxes, and literacy tests, and points out their hypocrisy in accusing Republicans of these practices. He emphasizes that the Democrats' true objective is not to protect voting rights but to gain control through any means necessary. Levin cites the Save Act, a bill aimed at expanding proof of citizenship requirements and imposing voter roll purging requirements, which passed the House with only five Democrats voting in favor. He argues that the Democrats' opposition to such measures is rooted in their desire to allow illegal aliens to vote, which would distort the electoral system. Levin further discusses the issue of voter rolls being cleansed of ineligible voters, including deceased individuals and non-citizens, which he considers a necessary step to maintain the integrity of elections. He criticizes the Democrats' labeling of these efforts as racist and discriminatory, arguing that it is the Democrats who are truly racist by suggesting that minorities are incapable of obtaining identification. Levin concludes by emphasizing the importance of protecting the sanctity of the vote and ensuring that only American citizens participate in elections.

Chuck Schumer's Backstabbing of Joe Biden

This Chapter focuses on the revelation that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is privately signaling to donors that he is open to a Democratic presidential ticket without Joe Biden. Mark Levin criticizes Schumer's lack of principles and convictions, highlighting his history of self-aggrandizement and power-seeking. He contrasts Schumer's public support for Biden with his private reservations, labeling him a "sleazeball" for his duplicity. Levin discusses Schumer's efforts to gauge donor sentiment and his role in potentially convincing Biden to step aside. He highlights the hypocrisy of Schumer's actions, considering his public pronouncements of support for Biden while simultaneously exploring alternative candidates. Levin concludes by emphasizing the political maneuvering and backstabbing that characterize the Democrat Party's internal dynamics.

The Democrat Party's Panic Over Biden's Dementia

This Chapter explores the Democrat Party's internal turmoil and growing concerns about Joe Biden's mental fitness. Mark Levin describes the chaotic atmosphere surrounding Biden's presidency, highlighting the Democrats' anxieties about his ability to continue serving as president. He discusses the growing pressure from donors, party leaders, and even some members of Congress for Biden to step aside. Levin criticizes the Democrats' focus on political expediency over the well-being of the country, noting their reluctance to address Biden's dementia openly. He highlights the hypocrisy of the Democrats, who previously called for the 25th Amendment to be invoked against Donald Trump, but are now hesitant to do so against Biden. Levin concludes by emphasizing the Democrats' desperation to maintain power, even at the expense of the nation's best interests.

The Derb and Marshall Credit Card Bill and Data Security

This Chapter focuses on the Derb and Marshall credit card bill, a controversial piece of legislation that Mark Levin argues could jeopardize consumer data security. He criticizes the bill's potential to shift billions of dollars worth of consumer transactions to payment networks with weaker security measures, making credit card data more vulnerable to hacking and foreign intrusion. Levin highlights the bill's potential to benefit woke corporate megastores seeking to inflate their profits at the expense of consumer safety. He encourages listeners to visit to learn more about the bill and contact their senators to oppose it.

The Left's Infiltration of the Israeli Air Force

This Chapter examines the impact of leftist ideology on the Israeli Air Force, specifically in relation to the October 7th conflict. Mark Levin cites a report from Yashiva World News that reveals an Air Force officer's admission that the wave of army refusals encouraged by leftist organizations significantly damaged the Air Force's competence and contributed to the lack of response on October 7th. He highlights the role of leftist organizations, funded by George Soros and international NGOs, in promoting social protests and undermining the Israeli government. Levin criticizes the politicization of the Israeli military, drawing parallels to the situation in the United States with figures like Milley and Austin. He discusses the actions of Israeli politicians like Gantz and Galant, who have engaged in plotting against the Netanyahu government. Levin concludes by emphasizing the dangers of leftist ideology infiltrating and weakening military forces, particularly in the context of national security.

Advertisement for Beam Dream Powder

This Chapter features an advertisement for Beam Dream Powder, a natural sleep aid blend designed to promote restful sleep and enhance alertness. Mark Levin highlights the importance of quality sleep in today's challenging times, emphasizing the need for energy and focus to fight for one's values and for America. He recommends Beam Dream Powder as a purely American-made product that can help listeners fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up refreshed. He offers a special discount of up to 40% for Levinites by visiting and entering code LEVIN at checkout.

Interview with Sam Brown, Republican Senate Candidate in Nevada

This Chapter features an interview with Sam Brown, the Republican nominee for the United States Senate in Nevada. Mark Levin introduces Brown as a great candidate and a true American patriot, highlighting his military service, his experience as a small business owner, and his commitment to helping veterans. Levin discusses Brown's opponent, incumbent Senator Jackie Rosen, a radical leftist who votes in line with Biden and AOC. He criticizes Rosen's lack of action on issues like border security and her support for Biden's policies. Levin emphasizes the importance of the Nevada Senate race, highlighting its potential to shift the balance of power in the Senate. He formally endorses Brown for the Senate, encouraging listeners to contribute to his campaign at

Sam Brown's Campaign for the Senate

This Chapter continues the interview with Sam Brown, focusing on his campaign for the United States Senate in Nevada. Mark Levin highlights Brown's background as a working-class military family man, emphasizing his connection to everyday Nevadans. He discusses the importance of the race, noting that a Republican victory in Nevada could help secure a Senate majority for President Trump. Levin highlights the significant financial resources being poured into the race by the Democrats, particularly Chuck Schumer, who has already invested $40 million. He praises Brown's grassroots fundraising efforts, which have raised $10 million in one year. Levin emphasizes the importance of the race, noting that it is a single-digit contest with Rosen currently holding a slight lead. He encourages listeners to contribute to Brown's campaign at, emphasizing the potential impact of even small donations in a close race.

Mark Levin's Endorsement of Sam Brown

This Chapter features Mark Levin's continued endorsement of Sam Brown, the Republican nominee for the United States Senate in Nevada. Levin compares Brown to Jimmy Stewart's character in the movie "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," highlighting his integrity and commitment to serving the people. He encourages listeners to visit Brown's website,, and provide him with their support. Levin also discusses the importance of supporting conservative candidates and fighting against the Democrats' destructive policies.

The Democrats' Tactics and Project 2025

This Chapter focuses on the Democrats' tactics and their attacks on Project 2025, an initiative by the Heritage Foundation aimed at promoting conservative values. Levin criticizes the Democrats' use of intimidation and bullying tactics, comparing them to firefighters who run towards a fire. He emphasizes that he is not a politician and does not engage in the same tactics as the Democrats. Levin also discusses the importance of Project 2025 and its significance in promoting conservative values. He announces that he will be interviewing Kevin Roberts, the president of the Heritage Foundation, on the show the following Friday to discuss Project 2025 in more detail.

The Democrats' Involvement in the Manhattan DA's Office

This Chapter highlights the involvement of powerful Democratic officials in the Manhattan DA's office, who are working to target Donald Trump. Levin cites a report from Breitbart that reveals the involvement of Tom Perez, former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, and Jeff Zines, President Joe Biden's chief of staff, in placing Matthew Colin Jello, a Democrat official, as a leading prosecutor in the Manhattan DA's office. Levin criticizes the Democrats' efforts to use the justice system for political purposes and emphasizes the importance of fighting against their corruption.


Democrat Party

The Democratic Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. It is generally considered to be center-left on the political spectrum, advocating for social justice, economic equality, and government intervention in the economy. The party's platform includes policies such as universal healthcare, increased minimum wage, environmental protection, and gun control. The Democrat Party has a long history in the United States, dating back to the early 19th century. It has evolved over time, adapting to changing social and political landscapes. The party's current leadership includes figures such as Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer.

Voter ID

Voter ID laws require voters to present government-issued identification at the polls to verify their identity. These laws are often controversial, with supporters arguing that they help prevent voter fraud and ensure the integrity of elections. Opponents argue that they disproportionately disenfranchise minority voters and create unnecessary barriers to voting. The debate over voter ID laws is often intertwined with issues of race, ethnicity, and access to voting. The Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of voter ID laws, but the debate continues in state legislatures and courts across the country.

Voter Suppression

Voter suppression refers to any practice that makes it more difficult for eligible voters to register or cast a ballot. It can take many forms, including voter ID laws, purging voter rolls, closing polling places, and restricting early voting. Voter suppression is often used to target specific groups of voters, such as minorities, low-income individuals, and young people. It is a controversial issue, with supporters arguing that it is necessary to prevent voter fraud and maintain the integrity of elections. Opponents argue that it is a form of disenfranchisement that undermines democracy. The debate over voter suppression is often intertwined with issues of race, ethnicity, and access to voting.

Chuck Schumer

Chuck Schumer is the current Senate Majority Leader and a senior member of the Democratic Party. He has served in the United States Senate since 1999, representing New York. Schumer is known for his strong advocacy for progressive policies, including healthcare reform, climate change action, and gun control. He has been a vocal critic of the Republican Party and President Donald Trump. Schumer is considered a skilled political strategist and a powerful figure in the Democratic Party. He is often seen as a potential candidate for president in the future.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden is the 46th and current president of the United States. He is a member of the Democratic Party and has served in public office for over 50 years. Biden was elected vice president under President Barack Obama in 2008 and served two terms. He was elected president in 2020, defeating incumbent President Donald Trump. Biden's presidency has been marked by a number of challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. He has also faced criticism for his handling of the economy and immigration.

Jackie Rosen

Jackie Rosen is a Democratic senator from Nevada. She was elected to the Senate in 2018, defeating incumbent Republican Dean Heller. Rosen is a former member of the House of Representatives, where she served from 2017 to 2019. She is a member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Rosen is considered a moderate Democrat and has been a vocal advocate for issues such as healthcare, education, and environmental protection. She is also a strong supporter of Israel.

Sam Brown

Sam Brown is a Republican candidate for the United States Senate in Nevada. He is a veteran of the United States Army, having served in Afghanistan where he was severely wounded. Brown is a small business owner and has been active in veterans' advocacy. He is running against incumbent Democratic Senator Jackie Rosen. Brown is a strong supporter of President Donald Trump and his policies. He is also a vocal critic of Biden's handling of the economy and immigration.


Nevada is a state located in the western United States. It is known for its desert landscape, its gambling industry, and its vibrant cities such as Las Vegas and Reno. Nevada is a politically diverse state, with a history of close elections. The state is home to a number of important industries, including tourism, mining, and technology. Nevada is also a popular destination for outdoor recreation, with opportunities for hiking, camping, and skiing.

Project 2025

Project 2025 is an initiative by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, aimed at promoting conservative values and policies. The project focuses on a range of issues, including economic growth, national security, and social welfare. It has been criticized by the Democrats, who have accused it of being a far-right agenda. The project has been praised by conservatives, who see it as a roadmap for restoring America's greatness. The project's name refers to the year 2025, which is the target date for achieving its goals.

Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. It is one of the most influential conservative organizations in the United States. The Heritage Foundation conducts research and advocacy on a wide range of issues, including economic policy, foreign policy, and social policy. It is known for its strong support for free markets, limited government, and traditional values. The Heritage Foundation has been a major force in shaping the conservative movement in the United States. It has played a key role in promoting conservative policies and ideas, and it has been a major source of support for Republican candidates and elected officials.


  • What are the Democrat Party's main arguments against voter ID and citizenship requirements?

    The Democrat Party argues that voter ID laws disproportionately disenfranchise minority voters and create unnecessary barriers to voting. They claim that these measures are racist and discriminatory, suggesting that minorities are incapable of obtaining identification. They also argue that these requirements are redundant, citing the existence of other forms of identification required for various government services.

  • What are the potential consequences of the Derb and Marshall credit card bill?

    The Derb and Marshall credit card bill could jeopardize consumer data security by shifting billions of dollars worth of transactions to payment networks with weaker security measures. This could make credit card data more susceptible to hacking and foreign intrusion, putting consumers' financial information at risk.

  • How has leftist ideology impacted the Israeli Air Force?

    Leftist organizations have encouraged army refusals, significantly damaging the competence of the Israeli Air Force and contributing to the lack of response during the October 7th conflict. These organizations, funded by George Soros and international NGOs, have promoted social protests and undermined the Israeli government, leading to a decline in military preparedness.

  • What are the main concerns about Joe Biden's mental fitness?

    There are growing concerns about Joe Biden's mental fitness, with many people believing that he suffers from dementia. This has led to calls for him to step aside from the presidency, particularly from donors, party leaders, and some members of Congress. The Democrats' reluctance to address Biden's dementia openly highlights their focus on political expediency over the well-being of the country.

  • What are the key issues in the Nevada Senate race?

    The key issues in the Nevada Senate race are the economy and the border crisis. Nevada has been significantly affected by the COVID-19 lockdowns and has the second highest unemployment rate in the nation. The state also faces high energy costs and a struggling working class. The influx of illegal immigrants is a major concern for many Nevadans, who feel that they are being unfairly burdened by the Democrats' open border policies.

  • Why is Sam Brown a strong candidate for the Senate?

    Sam Brown is a strong candidate for the Senate because of his military service, his experience as a small business owner, and his commitment to helping veterans. He is a true American patriot who understands the concerns of everyday Nevadans. He is a strong supporter of President Donald Trump and his policies, and he is a vocal critic of Biden's handling of the economy and immigration.

  • What are the Democrats' motivations for potentially replacing Joe Biden?

    The Democrats' motivations for potentially replacing Joe Biden are primarily driven by political expediency. They are concerned that Biden's declining mental fitness could hurt their chances of winning the next election. They are also facing pressure from donors and party leaders who believe that a new candidate would be more viable. However, their actions also reveal a lack of concern for the country's best interests, as they prioritize power over the well-being of the nation.

  • What are the potential consequences of the Democrat Party's internal turmoil?

    The Democrat Party's internal turmoil could have significant consequences for the country. If they are unable to resolve their differences and present a united front, it could lead to further political instability and gridlock. It could also damage their chances of winning the next election, potentially leading to a Republican victory.

  • What is Project 2025 and why is it being attacked by the Democrats?

    Project 2025 is an initiative by the Heritage Foundation aimed at promoting conservative values and policies. The Democrats are attacking the project because they see it as a threat to their own agenda. They are using intimidation and bullying tactics to try to silence those who support the project. The Democrats' attacks on Project 2025 are a sign of their desperation to maintain power and control over the narrative.

  • What is the significance of the involvement of powerful Democratic officials in the Manhattan DA's office?

    The involvement of powerful Democratic officials in the Manhattan DA's office is a sign of the Democrats' willingness to use the justice system for political purposes. They are targeting Donald Trump and other conservatives in an attempt to silence their opposition. This is a dangerous trend that undermines the rule of law and threatens the integrity of our democracy.

Show Notes

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, it wasn’t that long ago when both parties agreed that only American citizens should be allowed to vote in federal elections. Then Bill Clinton had an idea with motor voter - to register as many people as you could. It was the first time Democrats started chipping away at voter security and it has never stopped. When you destroy the sanctity of the vote you are destroying the right to vote. Democrats don’t believe in voting - they believe in control, and power. The House passed a bill to ban illegal immigrants from voting in federal elections and every House Democrat voted against it except for 5 of them. We have a growing police state that demands facial recognition but when it comes to voter ID Democrats say that’s racist. Also, the debate about President Biden has changed, it’s no longer about his dementia, it’s about whether Democrats can win or not with him. Sen Chuck Schumer is open to removing Biden as the Democratic Presidential nominee and Nancy Pelosi won’t even say if she supports Biden. Not once do Democrats say what will benefit America, it’s about what will help the Democrat party. Finally, Captain Sam Brown calls in to discuss his race for the Senate in Nevada against a Biden supporting leftist.

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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/10/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/10/24

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