DiscoverMark Levin PodcastMark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/20/24
Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/20/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/20/24

Update: 2024-08-214


Mark Levin's show delves into the 2024 Democrat Convention, highlighting its perceived flaws and the broader political landscape. He criticizes the convention's embrace of Hamas supporters and its silence on anti-Semitism, labeling it the "Hamas Convention." Levin also expresses disappointment with the lack of substance and meaningful content, questioning the party's message and criticizing the media's excessive coverage. He further criticizes the Democrats' focus on attacking American values and history, highlighting their hypocrisy in claiming to love America while simultaneously criticizing its foundations and principles. Levin emphasizes the importance of protecting wealth during the economic crisis, promoting Advantage Gold as a safe haven for savings and diversification. He also promotes Pure Talk, a wireless company offering affordable plans and 5G coverage. The show features an interview with JD Vance, the Republican vice presidential candidate, discussing the Democrat Convention, the party's embrace of Hamas supporters, and the importance of common sense in politics. Levin also criticizes Kamala Harris's policies on Israel, crime, and gun control, arguing that they are harmful and driven by political pandering rather than common sense. Levin highlights the media's bias in favor of the Democrat Party, arguing that they are complicit in protecting the Democrat candidate and suppressing opposing viewpoints. He criticizes the Democrat Party's hypocrisy in claiming to defend democracy while simultaneously promoting policies that undermine individual liberty and freedom. The show concludes with Levin celebrating the growth of his podcast platform and discussing his plans for future projects, including his Fox show and podcast. He also praises Donald Trump's campaign strategy of focusing on substantive policy issues and announces an upcoming interview with Trump on Fox News.


Introduction and Advertisement

Mark Levin introduces the show and promotes Advantage Gold, a company specializing in gold investments, as a way to protect financial futures.

Media Bias and the 2024 Election

Levin discusses a study by MRC and Newsbusters revealing media bias favoring Kamala Harris over Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential race. He criticizes the media's positive coverage of Harris and negative portrayal of Trump, highlighting their selective reporting and omission of Harris's past stances.

The Democrat Convention and Anti-Semitism

Levin analyzes the Democrat Convention, focusing on the presence of anti-Semitic and pro-Hamas sentiments. He criticizes the media's silence on these issues and highlights the hypocrisy of Democrats condemning Trump while overlooking the anti-Semitism within their own party.

Economic Concerns and Gold Investments

Levin expresses concerns about the weakening economy, rising unemployment, and potential recession. He promotes Advantage Gold as a safe haven for wealth preservation during economic uncertainty.

The 2024 Hamas Convention

Levin argues that the 2024 Democrat Convention should be viewed as the "Hamas Convention" due to the significant influence of Hamas supporters and the party's silence on their actions. He criticizes the lack of condemnation from Democrat leaders, including Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The Democrat Party's Anti-American Agenda

Levin criticizes the Democrat Party's focus on attacking American values and history during the convention. He highlights their hypocrisy in claiming to love America while simultaneously criticizing its foundations and principles.

Economic Crisis and Diversification

Levin emphasizes the urgency of protecting wealth during the economic crisis. He promotes Advantage Gold as a means of diversification and safe haven for savings.

The Monotony of the Democrat Convention

Levin expresses his disappointment with the lack of substance and meaningful content at the Democrat Convention. He questions the party's lack of a compelling message and criticizes the media's excessive coverage of a predictable event.

Milton Friedman on Capitalism and Greed

Levin shares a clip of Milton Friedman's interview with Phil Donahue, where Friedman defends capitalism and argues that greed is a driving force in all societies, including communist and socialist ones.

The Psychology of Political Enslavement

Levin explores the question of why people willingly vote for policies that ultimately harm their own freedom and well-being. He reflects on the historical consequences of government overreach and the importance of individual liberty.

Economic Crisis and Gold Investments (Advertisement)

Levin reiterates his concerns about the economy and promotes Advantage Gold as a safe haven for wealth preservation.

The Importance of Conservative Talk Radio

Levin emphasizes the importance of conservative talk radio as a platform for intelligent discourse and the need to resist attempts to control the narrative by those with political agendas.

The Hamas Convention (Advertisement)

Levin reiterates his view of the Democrat Convention as the "Hamas Convention" and criticizes the party's support for Hamas and its influence on the event.

Pure Talk Advertisement

Levin promotes Pure Talk, a wireless company offering affordable plans and 5G coverage.

The Democrat Convention's Lack of Inspiration

Levin criticizes the Democrat Convention for its lack of patriotism and inspiring content. He highlights the party's focus on attacking Trump and its lack of a compelling program.

Joe Biden's Lies and Incompetence

Levin criticizes Joe Biden's lies about crime statistics and his overall incompetence. He calls for Biden to be investigated and prosecuted for his alleged crimes.

The Democrat Party's Hypocrisy on Democracy

Levin criticizes the Democrat Party's hypocrisy in claiming to defend democracy while simultaneously promoting policies that undermine individual liberty and freedom.

Pure Talk Advertisement

Levin promotes Pure Talk, a wireless company offering affordable plans and 5G coverage.

The Mark Levin Show's Growing Podcast Platform

Levin celebrates the growth of his podcast platform and encourages listeners to subscribe on YouTube and other podcast platforms.

Mark Levin's Continued Success and Future Plans

Levin announces a five-and-a-half-year extension with Westwood One and discusses his plans for future projects, including his Fox show and podcast.

Donald Trump's Campaign Strategy and Upcoming Interview

Levin praises Donald Trump's campaign strategy of focusing on substantive policy issues and announces an upcoming interview with Trump on Fox News.

Pure Talk Advertisement

Levin promotes Pure Talk, a wireless company offering affordable plans and 5G coverage.

Democracy and the Biden Regime's Sanctions

Levin discusses the Biden administration's sanctions against American citizens living in Israel, highlighting the arbitrary nature of these sanctions and their potential impact on individuals.

The Democrat Convention's Focus on Trump and Israel

Levin analyzes the Democrat Convention's focus on attacking Trump and its silence on Israel. He criticizes the party's obsession with Trump and its disregard for important issues.

Josh Shapiro's Support for Anti-Semitic Protests

Levin criticizes Josh Shapiro's refusal to condemn anti-Semitic pro-Hamas protests and his support for their right to free speech. He argues that Shapiro's stance is a disgrace and reflects the Democrat Party's embrace of extremism.

Josh Shapiro's Political Ambitions and the Democrat Party's Anti-Semitism

Levin criticizes Josh Shapiro's political ambitions and his willingness to appease anti-Semitic elements within the Democrat Party. He highlights the party's internal divisions and its embrace of bigotry.

The Democrat Party's Internal Divisions and Anti-Semitism

Levin criticizes the Democrat Party's internal divisions and its embrace of anti-Semitism. He argues that the party is a mess and its anti-Semitic tendencies are a serious threat.

Pure Talk Advertisement

Levin promotes Pure Talk, a wireless company offering affordable plans and 5G coverage.

JD Vance's Upcoming Appearance and Trump's Campaign Discipline

Levin announces JD Vance's upcoming appearance on the show and praises Donald Trump's campaign discipline and focus on key issues.

Kamala Harris's Refusal to Debate and Media Bias

Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's refusal to participate in a third debate and highlights the media's bias in favor of the Democrat Party. He argues that the media is complicit in protecting the Democrat candidate and suppressing opposing viewpoints.

The Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill and Data Security

Levin warns about the dangers of the Durban Marshall credit card bill, which he argues could compromise consumer data security and benefit large corporations. He encourages listeners to contact their senators and oppose the bill.

Interview with JD Vance

Levin interviews JD Vance, the Republican vice presidential candidate, discussing the Democrat Convention, the party's embrace of Hamas supporters, and the importance of common sense in politics.

Kamala Harris's Policies and the Importance of Law and Order

Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's policies on Israel, crime, and gun control. He argues that her policies are harmful and driven by political pandering rather than common sense.

The Democrat Party's Hypocrisy on Gun Control

Levin criticizes the Democrat Party's hypocrisy on gun control, highlighting their focus on restricting law-abiding citizens while ignoring the influx of illegal guns across the open border.

The Dangers of Drug Cartels and the Democrats' Policies

The speaker criticizes the Democrats' policies, arguing that they empower drug cartels by making it easier for them to obtain illegal firearms, while simultaneously attempting to disarm law-abiding citizens. This, they claim, leads to increased violent crime and makes citizens less safe.

Kamala Harris's Record and Media Bias

The speaker discusses Kamala Harris's past actions, including her support for bail funds that released individuals who later committed crimes, and her avoidance of media interviews. They argue that the media is biased in favor of Harris and that the American people have a low regard for the media as a result.

Kamala Harris's Lack of Transparency and Radical Policies

The speaker criticizes Kamala Harris's lack of transparency, pointing out her refusal to disclose her plans and her selection of Tim Walls as her running mate, despite his controversial views. They highlight Harris's support for policies that would harm the economy and national security, such as banning fracking and offshore drilling, and defunding the police.

Tim Walls's Lies and Kamala Harris's Judgment

The speaker exposes Tim Walls's lies about his military service and his family, questioning his character and Kamala Harris's judgment in choosing him as her running mate. They argue that Harris's selection of Walls reveals her radical left-wing ideology and her unfitness for the presidency.

Donald Trump's Record on Safety and Immigration

Donald Trump defends his record on safety and immigration, claiming that he kept suburbs safe by preventing low-income housing projects and illegal immigration. He promises to shut down sanctuary cities and enforce immigration laws, arguing that he is a common-sense leader who wants legal immigration.

Barbara Comstock's Transformation and Endorsement of Kamala Harris

The speaker discusses Barbara Comstock's political transformation from a conservative bomb-thrower to a lobbyist who has endorsed Kamala Harris. They criticize Comstock's decision, highlighting Harris's radical policies and her support for open borders, nationalized healthcare, and other policies that they believe are harmful to the country.

Jay Michael Ludig's Endorsement of Kamala Harris

The speaker expresses his disappointment in Jay Michael Ludig, a former Supreme Court clerk, for endorsing Kamala Harris. They criticize Ludig's decision, arguing that Harris's policies are dangerous and that he is now being used by the radical left-wing media.

The Race Between Good and Evil

The speaker frames the election as a battle between good and evil, arguing that Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party are destroying the country with their radical policies. They criticize Harris's plans to pack the Supreme Court, eliminate the filibuster, and undermine the Constitution.

Donald Trump's Love for America and Kamala Harris's Usurpation

The speaker contrasts Donald Trump's love for America with Kamala Harris's alleged desire to usurp the country. They argue that Harris and the Democrat Party are committed to destroying American institutions and values, while Trump is a true patriot who wants to protect the country.

Candace Owens's Anti-Semitism and the Democrat Party's Anti-Israel Stance

The speaker criticizes Candace Owens's anti-Semitic comments and argues that the Democrat Party is the party of anti-Semitism. They highlight the Democrat Party's support for Hamas and their opposition to Israel, contrasting it with the Republican Party's support for Israel and Judeo-Christian values.



Hamas is a Palestinian Islamist militant group that controls the Gaza Strip. It is considered a terrorist organization by many countries, including the United States. Hamas has a history of violence and terrorism, including attacks on Israeli civilians.


Anti-Semitism is hostility or discrimination against Jews. It is a form of prejudice and bigotry that has been prevalent throughout history. Anti-Semitism can manifest in various ways, including verbal abuse, physical violence, and economic boycotts.

Democrat Convention

The Democrat Convention is a quadrennial event where the Democratic Party nominates its candidates for president and vice president. The convention is typically held in the summer before the presidential election.

Media Bias

Media bias is the tendency of a media outlet to present information in a way that favors a particular viewpoint. It can manifest in various ways, including selective reporting, framing, and the use of loaded language.

Economic Crisis

An economic crisis is a situation where a country's economy experiences a significant downturn. This can be characterized by factors such as high unemployment, declining GDP, and financial instability.

Gold Investments

Gold investments involve buying and holding gold as a way to preserve wealth. Gold is often seen as a safe haven asset during times of economic uncertainty, as its value tends to rise when other assets decline.


Diversification is a strategy for managing risk by investing in a variety of assets. This helps to reduce the impact of any single investment on the overall portfolio.

Pure Talk

Pure Talk is a wireless company offering affordable plans and 5G coverage. It is known for its no-contract and no-activation fee policies.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a former president of the United States. He is a controversial figure known for his outspoken views and business acumen. Trump is a Republican and is running for president again in 2024.

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is the current vice president of the United States. She is a Democrat and is running for president in 2024. Harris is known for her progressive views and her experience as a prosecutor.


  • What evidence does Mark Levin present to support his claim that the media is biased in favor of Kamala Harris?

    Levin cites a study by MRC and Newsbusters showing that Harris received 66% more airtime than Trump and that her coverage was 84% positive, while Trump's coverage was 89% negative.

  • How does Levin characterize the Democrat Convention in relation to Hamas?

    Levin calls the convention the "Hamas Convention" due to the significant presence of Hamas supporters and the party's silence on their actions. He argues that the Democrats are appeasing these extremists to secure votes in key states.

  • What are Levin's concerns about the current economic situation?

    Levin expresses concerns about the weakening economy, rising unemployment, and potential recession. He believes that these factors make it crucial to protect wealth through diversification and investments in safe haven assets like gold.

  • What is Levin's criticism of the Democrat Party's approach to the convention?

    Levin criticizes the Democrats for focusing on attacking Trump and lacking a compelling program. He believes that the convention is a waste of time and that the party is not offering anything meaningful to the American people.

  • What is Levin's view on the Biden administration's sanctions against American citizens living in Israel?

    Levin believes that the sanctions are arbitrary and unjust. He argues that the Biden administration is trying to appease Arab voters by creating a false moral equivalence between Israel and Hamas.

  • What is Levin's criticism of Josh Shapiro's stance on anti-Semitic protests?

    Levin criticizes Shapiro for refusing to condemn anti-Semitic pro-Hamas protests and for echoing Biden's statement that they have a point. He believes that Shapiro's stance is a disgrace and reflects the Democrat Party's embrace of extremism.

  • What is Levin's overall assessment of the Democrat Party?

    Levin believes that the Democrat Party is a mess filled with anti-Semites, bigots, and racists. He argues that the party is internally divided and that its anti-Semitic tendencies are a serious threat.

  • What is Levin's view on the role of the media in the 2024 election?

    Levin believes that the media is biased in favor of the Democrat Party and is complicit in protecting the Democrat candidate and suppressing opposing viewpoints. He argues that the media is acting like a dictatorship or Marxist regime, promoting its own agenda rather than reporting the truth.

  • What are the speaker's main criticisms of the Democrats' policies?

    The speaker argues that the Democrats' policies empower drug cartels by making it easier for them to obtain illegal firearms, while simultaneously attempting to disarm law-abiding citizens. They also criticize the Democrats' support for open borders, nationalized healthcare, and defunding the police.

  • How does the speaker characterize Kamala Harris's record and her avoidance of media interviews?

    The speaker criticizes Harris's past actions, including her support for bail funds that released individuals who later committed crimes. They also argue that she is avoiding media interviews because she is afraid of being held accountable for her radical policies.

  • What are the speaker's concerns about Tim Walls and his selection as Kamala Harris's running mate?

    The speaker exposes Walls's lies about his military service and his family, questioning his character and Harris's judgment in choosing him. They argue that Walls's selection reveals Harris's radical left-wing ideology and her unfitness for the presidency.

  • How does the speaker frame the election as a battle between good and evil?

    The speaker argues that Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party are destroying the country with their radical policies, which they believe are undermining the Constitution and American values. They contrast this with Donald Trump's love for America and his commitment to protecting the country.

  • What are the speaker's views on Candace Owens and the Democrat Party's stance on Israel?

    The speaker criticizes Owens's anti-Semitic comments and argues that the Democrat Party is the party of anti-Semitism. They highlight the Democrat Party's support for Hamas and their opposition to Israel, contrasting it with the Republican Party's support for Israel and Judeo-Christian values.

Show Notes

On Tuesday’s Mark Levin Show, since President Biden announced he was not running for re-election, the amount of media network coverage given to Kamala Harris is more than any other major party candidate by a wide margin. Tim Walz has over 60% favorable media coverage, while J.D. Vance has over 90% negative coverage – a perfect example of how the Democrat media conducts itself. The real story not being told is the constant hatred toward Israel and Jews by the Democrat party. The level of anti-Semitism swirling around the Democrat party and the DNC is astonishing, from Joe Biden justifying the Hamas terror attacks on Israel to Kamala Harris’ support of pro-Hamas extremists in Dearborn, MI. We are losing America not because of Donald Trump or January 6, but because the Democrat Marxist party is in control. The Democrat Party convention in 1924 was known as the Klan Bake, given the presence of thousands of its members and pressure on the convention delegates. 100 years later, the Democrat Party convention of 2024 will be known as the Hamas convention, given the presence of thousands of pro-Hamas protesters and the number of Democrat officials who agree with them or sympathize with them -- including Biden, Harris, Sanders, and scores of others. Later, Mark is joined by Ohio Senator and Republican Vice Presidential nominee J.D. Vance to discuss the disgrace that has been the Democrat National Convention, the rise of anti-Semitism and Hamas support in the Democrat party, and Kamala Harris’ disastrous record and history as a San Francisco prosecutor.

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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/20/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/20/24

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