DiscoverMark Levin PodcastMark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/19/24
Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/19/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/19/24

Update: 2024-08-205


This podcast episode features Mark Levin discussing the upcoming 2024 election, focusing on Kamala Harris's policies and the Democrat Party's agenda. He criticizes Harris's support for nationalizing companies, defunding the police, and providing bail money for criminals, arguing that these policies are radical and will harm the country. Levin also argues that the Democrat Party has become a Marxist-Islamist party, driven by radical ideologies that threaten the country's values and institutions. He criticizes the party's support for Hamas, its efforts to court anti-Semitic voters, and its embrace of policies that he believes will harm the economy and society. Levin also discusses Joel Pollock's book, "The Agenda: What Trump Should Do in His First 100 Days," which outlines a plan for President Trump's first 100 days in office if he wins the 2024 election. The book focuses on restoring the rule of law, securing the border, addressing foreign policy issues, and promoting economic growth. Levin emphasizes the importance of Trump having a clear agenda and taking immediate action upon taking office, highlighting the media's likely opposition and the need for Trump to be prepared to counter their narratives. The episode also delves into the importance of strengthening the Constitution, particularly emphasizing religious liberty. Levin advocates for the President to lead on faith and religious liberty, suggesting actions like having an invocation at White House events and promoting George Washington's letter on religious freedom. Finally, Levin expresses optimism about Trump's chances of winning the election, emphasizing the need for him to inspire his voters and overcome media bias. He highlights the importance of voter turnout and encourages listeners to get involved in the campaign.


Introduction and Advertisement

Mark Levin introduces the episode and promotes Advantage Gold, a company specializing in gold investments for financial diversification.

Kamala Harris's Secret Meeting with Anti-Semitic Mayor

Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris for secretly meeting with Abdullah Hamud, the anti-Semitic mayor of Dearborn, Michigan, in an effort to court Muslim and Arab American voters. He highlights the contrast between Harris's actions and Donald Trump's support for Israel.

Kamala Harris's Marxist-Islamist Ideology

Mark Levin argues that Kamala Harris is a Marxist-Islamist, citing her past statements about nationalizing companies and her father's Marxist economic views. He criticizes her policies and compares her to Hugo Chavez.

Kamala Harris's Support for Criminal Bail Funds

Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's support for the Minnesota Freedom Fund, which provides bail money for criminals, citing the case of Sean Tillman, who was released on bail and later murdered a man.

The Biden Administration's Lawsuit Against Sheets Convenience Stores

Mark Levin criticizes the Biden administration's lawsuit against Sheets convenience stores, alleging that the company discriminates against minority job applicants by using criminal background checks. He argues that this is an example of the administration's overreach and hypocrisy.

Tim Walz's Radical Policies

Mark Levin criticizes Tim Walz, Kamala Harris's running mate, for his radical policies, including allowing undocumented immigrants to apply for driver's licenses and receive free tuition at public universities. He argues that these policies will strain the healthcare system and benefit the Democrat Party.

The Marxist-Islamist Agenda of the Democrat Party

Mark Levin argues that the Democrat Party is a Marxist-Islamist party, citing Kamala Harris's and Tim Walz's radical policies and their support for Hamas and other extremist groups. He criticizes the media for covering up these facts.

Trump's Agenda for His First 100 Days

Mark Levin discusses Joel Pollock's book, "The Agenda: What Trump Should Do in His First 100 Days," which outlines a plan for Trump's presidency if he wins the 2024 election. He highlights the book's focus on restoring the rule of law, securing the border, and addressing foreign policy issues.

The Democratic National Convention and the Rise of Anti-Semitism

Mark Levin interviews Joel Pollock, who is attending the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. They discuss the presence of anti-Semitic and pro-Hamas activists at the convention and the Democrat Party's efforts to court these voters.

Trump's Strategy for the Debates

The discussion focuses on Trump's approach to the presidential debates, emphasizing the need to communicate his message directly to his voters and independent voters. The importance of one-liners and a strong agenda is highlighted.

Strengthening the Constitution and Religious Liberty

The conversation delves into the importance of strengthening the Constitution, particularly emphasizing religious liberty. The speaker advocates for the President to lead on faith and religious liberty, suggesting actions like having an invocation at White House events and promoting George Washington's letter on religious freedom.

Trump's Agenda and the Media's Opposition

The discussion highlights the importance of Trump having a clear agenda and taking immediate action upon taking office. The speaker emphasizes the media's likely opposition and the need for Trump to be prepared to counter their narratives.

Kamala Harris's Policies and Lack of Accomplishments

The speaker criticizes Kamala Harris's policies, arguing that they have failed in California and would be detrimental on a national level. The speaker challenges listeners to identify Harris's accomplishments and highlights the media's potential bias in reporting on her.

Trump's Path to Victory and the Importance of Voter Turnout

The speaker expresses optimism about Trump's chances of winning the election, emphasizing the need for him to inspire his voters and overcome media bias. The speaker highlights the importance of voter turnout and encourages listeners to get involved in the campaign.

Harris's Campaign Strategy and Spending

The discussion shifts to Kamala Harris's campaign strategy, revealing that her super PAC founder believes public polls are too optimistic. The speaker highlights Harris's focus on young voters of color and her potential to win key states.



A term used to describe individuals or groups who combine Marxist economic principles with Islamic religious beliefs, often advocating for social justice, economic equality, and opposition to Western imperialism.


A Palestinian Islamist militant group that controls the Gaza Strip. Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by many countries, including the United States and Israel.


Hostility or prejudice against Jews. Anti-Semitism can manifest in various forms, including discrimination, violence, and hate speech.

Religious Liberty

The freedom to practice one's religion without government interference. This includes the right to worship, to express religious beliefs, and to associate with others who share those beliefs.

Media Bias

The tendency of media outlets to present information in a way that favors a particular viewpoint or agenda. This can include selective reporting, framing, and the use of loaded language.

Voter Turnout

The percentage of eligible voters who cast ballots in an election. High voter turnout is generally considered to be a sign of a healthy democracy, as it indicates that citizens are engaged in the political process.

Super PAC

A type of political action committee that can raise unlimited amounts of money from corporations, unions, and individuals. Super PACs are not allowed to coordinate directly with candidates, but they can spend independently to support or oppose them.


  • What are some of the key policies that Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris for supporting?

    Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris for supporting policies such as nationalizing companies, destroying insurance companies, defunding the police, and providing bail money for criminals. He argues that these policies are radical and will harm the country.

  • What is Mark Levin's main argument about the Democrat Party?

    Mark Levin argues that the Democrat Party has become a Marxist-Islamist party, driven by radical ideologies that threaten the country's values and institutions. He criticizes the party's support for Hamas, its efforts to court anti-Semitic voters, and its embrace of policies that he believes will harm the economy and society.

  • What are some of the key points in Joel Pollock's book, "The Agenda: What Trump Should Do in His First 100 Days"?

    Joel Pollock's book outlines a plan for President Trump's first 100 days in office if he wins the 2024 election. The book focuses on restoring the rule of law, securing the border, addressing foreign policy issues, and promoting economic growth.

  • What is Mark Levin's view on the Democratic National Convention?

    Mark Levin criticizes the Democratic National Convention for its embrace of radical ideologies and its efforts to court anti-Semitic and pro-Hamas voters. He believes that the convention is a sign of the Democrat Party's shift towards extremism.

  • What are some of the key strategies that Trump should employ in the upcoming debates?

    Trump should focus on communicating his message directly to his voters and independent voters. He should also use one-liners and highlight his agenda to make a strong impression.

  • How can the President lead on faith and religious liberty?

    The President can lead by having an invocation at White House events, promoting George Washington's letter on religious freedom, and emphasizing religious liberty in his policies.

  • What are some of the challenges that Trump will face in the upcoming election?

    Trump will face opposition from the media, who are likely to focus on negative narratives. He will also need to overcome the challenges of early voting, vote by mail, and the Democrats' turnout operation.

  • What are some of the criticisms of Kamala Harris's policies?

    Critics argue that Harris's policies have failed in California and would be detrimental on a national level. They point to examples like the rising minimum wage, the plastic bag ban, and price controls on the insurance industry.

  • What is the importance of voter turnout in the upcoming election?

    Voter turnout is crucial for both Trump and Harris. Trump needs to inspire his voters to turn out in large numbers, while Harris needs to maintain her momentum among young voters of color.

Show Notes

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are pretending to be regular Americans instead of the radical, Marxist, pro-Hamas Democrats they are. Harris met in secret with the radical Hamas-supporting mayor of Dearborn, Michigan, in which she tried to justify the mass murders of Israelis by Hamas. Other Marxists like Bernie Sanders love what Harris-Walz has done and will do to America, which is why he is paraded around by the Democrat media. We now have racial Marxism in America because the Democrat party has become the American Marxist Islamist party. Later, Mark is joined by Breitbart reporter and author Joel Pollak to discuss the rise of the pro-Hamas wing in the Democrat party and his new book The Agenda: What Trump Should Do in His First 100 Days.

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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/19/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/19/24

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