DiscoverMark Levin PodcastMark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/12/24
Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/12/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/12/24

Update: 2024-07-133


Mark Levin interviews Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, about Project 2025, a comprehensive policy platform outlining a conservative agenda for the next presidential administration. Roberts explains that Project 2025 aims to counter the perceived left-wing concentration of power in Washington D.C. and promote policies focused on smaller government, limited bureaucracy, and a return to constitutional principles. He emphasizes that the project is a menu of options for a future conservative president, not a rigid blueprint. Levin and Roberts discuss the left's attacks on the project, which they see as a sign of its effectiveness. They argue that the left is trying to intimidate conservatives and discourage them from supporting the project. Roberts highlights the project's focus on empowering everyday Americans and its goal of revitalizing the country. He also addresses the left's attempts to label conservatives as "Christian nationalists" and argues that this is a mischaracterization of the movement. Levin and Roberts agree that the left's attacks are ultimately a sign of their fear of the conservative movement's growing strength and unity.


Biden's Policies and the Democratic National Convention

This Chapter discusses the upcoming Democratic National Convention and criticizes Joe Biden's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that Biden's policies would lead to Israel's demise and that his administration is the most anti-Semitic in American history.

Biden's Policies and the Democratic National Convention

This Chapter discusses the upcoming Democratic National Convention and criticizes Joe Biden's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that Biden's policies would lead to Israel's demise and that his administration is the most anti-Semitic in American history.

Biden's Policies and the Democratic National Convention

This Chapter discusses the upcoming Democratic National Convention and criticizes Joe Biden's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that Biden's policies would lead to Israel's demise and that his administration is the most anti-Semitic in American history.

Biden's Policies and the Democratic National Convention

This Chapter discusses the upcoming Democratic National Convention and criticizes Joe Biden's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that Biden's policies would lead to Israel's demise and that his administration is the most anti-Semitic in American history.

Biden's Policies and the Democratic National Convention

This Chapter discusses the upcoming Democratic National Convention and criticizes Joe Biden's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that Biden's policies would lead to Israel's demise and that his administration is the most anti-Semitic in American history.

Biden's Policies and the Democratic National Convention

This Chapter discusses the upcoming Democratic National Convention and criticizes Joe Biden's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that Biden's policies would lead to Israel's demise and that his administration is the most anti-Semitic in American history.

Biden's Policies and the Democratic National Convention

This Chapter discusses the upcoming Democratic National Convention and criticizes Joe Biden's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that Biden's policies would lead to Israel's demise and that his administration is the most anti-Semitic in American history.

Biden's Policies and the Democratic National Convention

This Chapter discusses the upcoming Democratic National Convention and criticizes Joe Biden's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that Biden's policies would lead to Israel's demise and that his administration is the most anti-Semitic in American history.

Biden's Policies and the Democratic National Convention

This Chapter discusses the upcoming Democratic National Convention and criticizes Joe Biden's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, arguing that Biden's policies would lead to Israel's demise and that his administration is the most anti-Semitic in American history.

Project 2025 and the Conservative Movement

This Chapter features an interview with Kevin Roberts, president of the Heritage Foundation, about Project 2025, a conservative policy platform aimed at countering the left's perceived concentration of power in Washington D.C. Roberts explains the project's goals and discusses the left's attacks on it and the conservative movement in general.


Project 2025

Project 2025 is a comprehensive policy platform developed by the Heritage Foundation, outlining a conservative agenda for the next presidential administration. It aims to counter the perceived left-wing concentration of power in Washington D.C. and promote policies focused on smaller government, limited bureaucracy, and a return to constitutional principles. The project has been met with criticism from the left, who view it as a radical right-wing agenda.

Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1973, it advocates for free-market principles, limited government, and a strong national defense. The Heritage Foundation has been influential in shaping conservative policy and has played a significant role in promoting conservative ideas in the United States.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a former president of the United States. He is a controversial figure who has been both praised and criticized for his policies and rhetoric. Trump is a member of the Republican Party and is known for his populist and nationalist views. He was elected president in 2016 and served one term. Trump is a businessman and television personality who has been involved in a number of business ventures. He is also the author of several books.

American Marxism

American Marxism is a term used by some conservatives to describe what they perceive as a growing influence of Marxist ideology in American society. They argue that Marxist ideas are being promoted by left-wing activists, academics, and politicians, and that these ideas are undermining traditional American values. The term is often used to criticize progressive policies and movements, such as critical race theory and the Green New Deal.

Christian Nationalism

Christian nationalism is a political ideology that seeks to establish a Christian-based government and society. It often involves the belief that the United States was founded as a Christian nation and that Christian values should be enshrined in law and policy. Christian nationalists often advocate for policies that promote Christian beliefs and practices, such as prayer in schools and restrictions on abortion. The term is often used to describe a movement that seeks to merge religious and political power.

Conservative Movement

The conservative movement is a broad political and social movement that advocates for traditional values, limited government, and free markets. It is a diverse movement with a range of views, but it is generally characterized by a belief in individual liberty, personal responsibility, and a strong national defense. The conservative movement has been influential in American politics for decades and has played a significant role in shaping the country's political landscape.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden is the current president of the United States. He is a member of the Democratic Party and was elected in 2020. Biden's presidency has been marked by a number of challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is the current vice president of the United States. She is a member of the Democratic Party and was elected in 2020. Harris is the first woman, the first African American, and the first Asian American to serve as vice president. She is a former senator from California and a former attorney general of California.


MSNBC is a cable news channel that is owned by NBCUniversal. It is known for its liberal perspective and its coverage of political news. MSNBC is a popular destination for viewers who are interested in left-leaning news and commentary.


CNN is a cable news channel that is owned by Warner Bros. Discovery. It is known for its coverage of breaking news and its global reach. CNN is a popular destination for viewers who are interested in news and current events.


  • What is Project 2025?

    Project 2025 is a comprehensive policy platform developed by the Heritage Foundation, outlining a conservative agenda for the next presidential administration. It aims to counter the perceived left-wing concentration of power in Washington D.C. and promote policies focused on smaller government, limited bureaucracy, and a return to constitutional principles.

  • What is the Heritage Foundation?

    The Heritage Foundation is a conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C. Founded in 1973, it advocates for free-market principles, limited government, and a strong national defense. The Heritage Foundation has been influential in shaping conservative policy and has played a significant role in promoting conservative ideas in the United States.

  • Why is the left attacking Project 2025?

    The left is attacking Project 2025 because they see it as a threat to their agenda. They view the project as a radical right-wing agenda that would undermine their efforts to expand government power and promote progressive policies.

  • What is the conservative movement's response to the left's attacks?

    The conservative movement is united in its support for Project 2025. They see the project as a roadmap for taking back the country from the left and restoring traditional American values. They are not intimidated by the left's attacks and are determined to continue fighting for their principles.

  • What is the significance of Project 2025?

    Project 2025 is significant because it represents a unified conservative vision for the future of the United States. It is a comprehensive plan that addresses a wide range of issues, from economic policy to social policy. The project is a call to action for conservatives to unite and fight for their principles.

  • What is the left's strategy for attacking conservatives?

    The left is using a variety of tactics to attack conservatives. They are labeling them as "Christian nationalists" and "white supremacists" in an attempt to discredit them and make them appear extreme. They are also using the media to spread misinformation about conservatives and their policies.

  • What is the conservative movement's response to the left's attempts to label them as "Christian nationalists"?

    Conservatives are rejecting the left's attempts to label them as "Christian nationalists." They argue that this is a mischaracterization of the movement and that it is an attempt to demonize them. They are also pointing out that the left is using this label to silence any opposition to their agenda.

  • What is the future of the conservative movement?

    The conservative movement is growing stronger and more united. They are energized by the left's attacks and are determined to fight for their principles. They believe that they have the momentum to win back the country and restore traditional American values.

Show Notes

On Friday’s Mark Levin Show, Mark offers advice to President Biden's campaign to fend off the Obama and Clinton operatives trying to oust him. They need to talk about democracy, but not in response to Trump. Biden needs to explain that he will defend the voters who voted for him in the primaries. He’ll need to point out that over 14 million people voted in the Democrat primary in every state and that 99% of the delegates are committed to him, not any other Democrat. Biden needs to use the tactics he uses against Trump, against his own party, and the media. After 50 years of Biden’s character assassinating good people, after 50 years of deceit - he knows how to do this. He just needs to aim it at the Democrats who are trying to topple him. Later, the NY Times, the Washington Post, and the rest of the media are all behind Kamala Harris for president should they succeed with their coup against Biden. The question for Democrat voters is, do you support a president in the 5th stage of dementia, or do you support an imbecile VP? Also, Biden, who has gaslighted the most horrendous Jew-hatred the U.S. has ever seen, was at NATO attacking Israel. Biden treats Israel like he treats Trump and MAGA. If Israel were to adopt Biden’s policies it would cease to exist. Biden is holding 7 defense systems from Israel. Why? Because he doesn’t want them to use it on Iran’s nuclear site. Finally, Heritage President Kevin Roberts calls in to explain and discuss the lies about Project 2025.

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Comments (1)

David Landry

Kevin Robert's 1:27:24

Jul 15th








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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/12/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/12/24

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