DiscoverMark Levin PodcastMark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/15/24
Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/15/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/15/24

Update: 2024-07-168


Mark Levin opens the episode by discussing the assassination attempt on former President Trump, criticizing the media's response and highlighting the lack of accountability for their rhetoric. He delves into the details of the attempt, questioning the Secret Service's security measures and highlighting potential failures in their protocols. Levin then discusses the Landmark Legal Foundation's successful legal challenge to the appointment of Jack Smith as special counsel, arguing that it violates the Appointments Clause of the Constitution. He criticizes the media's relentless attacks on Donald Trump, specifically highlighting the use of Hitler comparisons and the lack of accountability for their rhetoric. Levin and Brent Bozell discuss the media's hypocrisy in condemning violence while simultaneously fueling it through their rhetoric. They argue that the media's actions contribute to a climate of hate and division. The episode concludes with Levin reiterating his call for accountability from the media and politicians, urging listeners to stay informed and engaged.


Introduction, Advertisement, and Assassination Attempt on President Trump

Mark Levin introduces the episode and promotes Advantage Gold, a company specializing in gold and silver investments. He then discusses the assassination attempt on former President Trump, criticizing the media's response and highlighting the lack of accountability for their rhetoric.

Advertisement and Analysis of the Assassination Attempt

This chapter is an advertisement for PureTalk, a cell phone service provider. Mark Levin then delves into the details of the assassination attempt, questioning the Secret Service's security measures and highlighting potential failures in their protocols.

Advertisement and Landmark Legal Foundation's Victory

This chapter is an advertisement for PureTalk, a cell phone service provider. Mark Levin discusses the Landmark Legal Foundation's successful legal challenge to the appointment of Jack Smith as special counsel, arguing that it violates the Appointments Clause of the Constitution.

Advertisement and Media's Role in Dehumanizing Donald Trump

This chapter is an advertisement for the Electronic Payments Coalition, urging listeners to oppose the Durban Marshall credit card bill. Mark Levin criticizes the media's relentless attacks on Donald Trump, specifically highlighting the use of Hitler comparisons and the lack of accountability for their rhetoric.

Media's Hypocrisy and Responsibility for Violence

Mark Levin and Brent Bozell discuss the media's hypocrisy in condemning violence while simultaneously fueling it through their rhetoric. They argue that the media's actions contribute to a climate of hate and division.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Mark Levin concludes the episode by reiterating his call for accountability from the media and politicians, urging listeners to stay informed and engaged.

Media Bias and the Aftermath of the Attack

This segment discusses the media's coverage of the attack on Donald Trump and the potential for retaliatory violence. The speaker criticizes the media's alleged bias and their tendency to spin narratives to fit their own agendas.

The Media's Responsibility and the Arrogance of Elites

The speaker argues that the media bears some responsibility for the attack due to their inflammatory rhetoric and lack of accountability. He criticizes the arrogance of the elite media and their tendency to deflect blame onto Trump.

The Hypocrisy of the Left and the Double Standard in Media Coverage

The speaker highlights the double standard in media coverage of violence, pointing out how quickly the blame was placed on conservatives after the Gabby Giffords shooting, while the left is rarely held accountable for similar incidents.

The Media's Sympathy for the Radical Left

The speaker accuses the media of sympathizing with the radical left and failing to hold them accountable for their actions. He expresses his frustration with the media's bias and their unwillingness to report on the violence perpetrated by the left.

Trump's Response to the Attack and Media Interpretation

The speaker discusses Trump's response to the attack, specifically his call to \"fight, fight, fight.\" He criticizes the media's interpretation of Trump's words, arguing that they are taking them out of context and misrepresenting his intentions.

The Audience's Reaction and the Media's Narrative

The speaker argues that the media is misrepresenting the audience's reaction to the attack and Trump's response. He believes that the audience was supportive of Trump and that the media is trying to create a narrative that contradicts reality.

The Democratic Party's Dilemma and the Media's Role

The speaker discusses the Democratic Party's current predicament, arguing that they are in trouble because they lack a viable alternative to Joe Biden. He believes that the media is playing a role in this by constantly attacking Trump and promoting Biden.

The Media's Obsession with Taking Down Trump

The speaker believes that the media is obsessed with taking down Trump and that they will continue to do so regardless of the consequences. He argues that their focus on Trump is preventing them from reporting on other important issues.

A Personal Anecdote and Trump's Remarkable Resilience

The speaker shares a personal anecdote about a phone call he received from Trump before the attack. He highlights Trump's resilience in the face of adversity and his ability to remain focused on his goals despite the constant attacks he faces.

Trump's Historic Significance and a Call to Action

The speaker emphasizes Trump's historic significance and calls on listeners to use their own judgment and not be swayed by the media's narrative. He encourages listeners to be patriots and to stand up for what they believe in.


Advantage Gold

A company specializing in gold and silver investments, offering services to help Americans protect their financial future.


A cell phone service provider offering affordable plans and reliable coverage, emphasizing American values and support for veterans.

Landmark Legal Foundation

A conservative legal organization dedicated to defending constitutional principles and promoting limited government.

Appointments Clause

A clause in the U.S. Constitution that outlines the process for appointing federal officials, including the requirement for Senate confirmation for certain positions.

Jack Smith

The special counsel appointed by the Department of Justice to investigate Donald Trump, whose appointment was challenged by the Landmark Legal Foundation.

Donald Trump

The 45th President of the United States, a controversial figure who has been the subject of intense media scrutiny and political attacks.

Joe Biden

The 46th President of the United States, a Democrat who has been criticized by conservatives for his policies and rhetoric.


The collective term for news organizations, journalists, and media outlets, which have been accused of bias and contributing to political polarization.


  • What was the main focus of the podcast episode?

    The episode primarily focused on the assassination attempt on former President Trump, analyzing the media's response, the Secret Service's failures, and the legal challenge to the appointment of Jack Smith as special counsel.

  • How did Mark Levin criticize the media's coverage of the assassination attempt?

    Mark Levin argued that the media's relentless attacks on Donald Trump, including the use of Hitler comparisons, contributed to a climate of hate and violence. He criticized their lack of accountability for their rhetoric and their failure to condemn violence.

  • What was the legal challenge brought by the Landmark Legal Foundation?

    The Landmark Legal Foundation challenged the appointment of Jack Smith as special counsel, arguing that it violated the Appointments Clause of the Constitution because Smith was not subject to Senate confirmation and lacked proper oversight.

  • What were the key arguments made by the Landmark Legal Foundation in their legal challenge?

    The Landmark Legal Foundation argued that Smith's appointment was unconstitutional because he was not an inferior officer, as he was not subject to the Department of Justice's authority, and he was not a principal officer, as he was not confirmed by the Senate.

  • What are the potential implications of the Landmark Legal Foundation's victory?

    The victory could have significant implications for the ongoing investigations into Donald Trump, as it could invalidate any actions taken by Smith as special counsel. It could also set a precedent for future appointments of special counsels.

  • What is Mark Levin's overall message to his listeners?

    Mark Levin urges his listeners to stay informed, engaged, and critical of the media and politicians. He emphasizes the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions and defending constitutional principles.

  • What are the speaker's main criticisms of the media's coverage of the attack on Donald Trump?

    The speaker criticizes the media's alleged bias, their tendency to spin narratives to fit their own agendas, and their lack of accountability for their inflammatory rhetoric. He believes that the media is misrepresenting Trump's actions and the audience's reaction to the attack.

  • How does the speaker argue that the media is responsible for the attack?

    The speaker argues that the media's inflammatory rhetoric and their constant attacks on Trump have created a climate of hostility and division, which may have contributed to the attack. He believes that the media's lack of accountability for their actions makes them complicit in the violence.

  • What is the speaker's view of the Democratic Party's current situation?

    The speaker believes that the Democratic Party is in trouble because they lack a viable alternative to Joe Biden. He argues that the media is playing a role in this by constantly attacking Trump and promoting Biden.

  • What is the speaker's message to his listeners?

    The speaker encourages his listeners to use their own judgment and not be swayed by the media's narrative. He calls on them to be patriots and to stand up for what they believe in. He also emphasizes the historic significance of Donald Trump and his resilience in the face of adversity.

Show Notes

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the purposeful, relentless, coordinated effort to de-humanize President Trump had a predictable outcome, as we’ve feared. Will media executives take steps to deal with their on-air hosts and guests who use their platforms to invoke the worst kind of images and fears to incite hate? And what of the hideous political strategy and propaganda against Trump and his supporters? President Biden’s speech from the Oval Office about unity was pathetic. Political through and through. He didn’t take any responsibility for his central role in hatemongering and fear-mongering, the core of his campaign, rhetoric, and entire career. Where were all the good guys during the Trump rally? How does a 20-year-old evade the Secret Service, and local law enforcement, get to the rooftop and almost assassinate a former and hopefully future president? One of the people responsible starts at the top – the head of the Secret Service. Nobody ever gets fired in the bureaucracy. Afterward, MRC’s Brent Bozell calls in to explain the out-of-control media’s role in the attempted assassination of Trump. Also, the media is already trashing Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance. Does the media forget when Kamala Harris all but called Biden a racist at the 1st Democrat debate in 2020 and later was the first Democrat to drop out? Nonetheless, Biden chose her as his vice president. All this talk that J.D. Vance was critical of Trump in the past (although he has been a big Trump supporter since and was endorsed by Trump for the Senate) doesn't matter. Later, Mark is joined by Landmark Legal Foundation’s VP of Legal Affairs Mike O’Neill to discuss Judge Cannon’s decision concluding that Jack Smith’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the Constitution and Smith’s use of a permanent indefinite appropriation violates the Appropriations Clause.

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Comments (5)



Jul 16th

Claudia Smith

Robert T. Byrd. repeat.

Jul 16th

Claudia Smith

Rush would say this also I believe right. ignor them.

Jul 16th

Claudia Smith

🎶 🎵 beloved.

Jul 16th

Claudia Smith

Bless me and you 😍

Jul 16th








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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/15/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/15/24

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