DiscoverMark Levin PodcastMark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/4/24
Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/4/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/4/24

Update: 2024-07-052


Mark Levin delves into the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity, emphasizing that it does not grant a president unlimited power. He refutes Joe Biden's claims that the decision undermines the rule of law, arguing that it actually strengthens the separation of powers. Levin criticizes Biden's speech as a demagogic attempt to change the subject and attack Trump and the court, highlighting Biden's history of lying and his use of the presidency to destroy his opponents. He also points out the media's complicity in Biden's propaganda campaign, emphasizing their lack of accountability and their willingness to promote Biden's agenda. Levin concludes by urging listeners to be prepared for the ongoing attacks on Trump and the court, emphasizing the importance of understanding the true nature of the political and legal battles unfolding in America. Levin then discusses the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity, arguing that it does not give a president carte blanche power and that Joe Biden's speech on the matter is a demagogic attempt to change the subject and attack Trump and the court, while also highlighting Biden's history of lying and his use of the presidency to destroy his opponents. He criticizes Biden's actions, pointing out that the Supreme Court has stopped Biden from implementing several regulations and executive orders, highlighting Biden's disregard for the rule of law and his attempts to act as a dictator. Levin also criticizes the media's coverage of Biden, calling them pathetically stupid and ideological, and emphasizes the importance of staying informed and not falling prey to their propaganda. He concludes by urging listeners to stick with the truth and screw the media.


Introduction and Advertisement

This Chapter introduces Mark Levin and his show, followed by an advertisement for Advantage Gold, a company specializing in gold and silver investments. The advertisement emphasizes the importance of diversifying one's portfolio with precious metals in times of economic and political uncertainty.

Presidential Immunity and the Constitution

This Chapter delves into the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity. Mark Levin argues that the decision does not give a president carte blanche power, but rather clarifies the limits of presidential authority. He explains that the court's decision is based on the principle of separation of powers and the need to protect the integrity of the presidency. Levin also discusses the historical context of presidential immunity and the framers' intent to prevent tyranny.

Biden's Speech and the Media's Propaganda

This Chapter analyzes Joe Biden's speech on the Supreme Court's immunity decision. Mark Levin argues that Biden's speech is a demagogic attempt to change the subject and attack Trump and the court. He criticizes Biden's use of fear-mongering tactics and his history of lying. Levin also exposes the media's complicity in Biden's propaganda campaign, highlighting their lack of accountability and their willingness to promote Biden's agenda.

Biden's Lies and the Power of the Presidency

This Chapter continues the analysis of Joe Biden's speech, focusing on his lies and his attempts to undermine the presidency and the Supreme Court. Mark Levin exposes Biden's hypocrisy, highlighting his own abuse of power through executive orders and his disregard for the rule of law. He also criticizes Biden's attempts to portray himself as a defender of democracy while simultaneously attacking the institutions that uphold it.

Biden's Message to Jack Smith and Merrick Garland

This Chapter examines the implications of Biden's speech for the ongoing investigations into Trump. Mark Levin argues that Biden's call for the American people to know Trump's role in the January 6th events before the election is a message to Jack Smith, Merrick Garland, and other officials involved in the investigations. He suggests that Biden is urging them to intensify their efforts and push for a resolution before the election.

Biden's Dictatorial Tendencies

This Chapter focuses on Joe Biden's actions and rhetoric, highlighting the inconsistencies between his claims of supporting democracy and his attempts to exert dictatorial power. Mark Levin points out that the Supreme Court has stopped Biden from implementing several regulations and executive orders, demonstrating Biden's disregard for the rule of law and his attempts to act as a dictator. He also criticizes the media's coverage of Biden, calling them pathetically stupid and ideological, and emphasizes the importance of staying informed and not falling prey to their propaganda.

Biden's History of Racism and Segregation

This Chapter delves into Joe Biden's past, highlighting his involvement in racist and segregationist policies. Mark Levin reminds listeners of Biden's association with segregationists in the 1960s and 1970s, his support for policies that targeted black communities, and his opposition to school integration. He contrasts Biden's current rhetoric about fighting for equality with his past actions, exposing his hypocrisy and highlighting his long history of racism.

Biden's Fear-Mongering Tactics

This Chapter analyzes Joe Biden's attempts to create fear and anxiety among the American people. Mark Levin points out that Biden is trying to make people fear Trump, despite Trump's record of a strong economy, secure border, and strong military. He argues that Biden is using fear-mongering tactics to distract from his own failures and to undermine Trump's chances of winning the 2024 election.

Biden's Message to Jack Smith and Merrick Garland

This Chapter examines the implications of Biden's speech for the ongoing investigations into Trump. Mark Levin argues that Biden's call for the American people to know Trump's role in the January 6th events before the election is a message to Jack Smith, Merrick Garland, and other officials involved in the investigations. He suggests that Biden is urging them to intensify their efforts and push for a resolution before the election.

Bill Barr's Performance on Fox News

This Chapter discusses Bill Barr's appearance on Fox News with Neil Cabuto. Mark Levin praises Barr's performance, highlighting his willingness to speak truth to power and his critical analysis of the current political climate. He expresses hope that Barr will continue to hold those in power accountable and speak out against the injustices unfolding in America.

The Supreme Court's Decision on Presidential Immunity

This Chapter delves into the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity. Mark Levin argues that the decision does not give a president carte blanche power, but rather clarifies the limits of presidential authority. He explains that the court's decision is based on the principle of separation of powers and the need to protect the integrity of the presidency. Levin also discusses the historical context of presidential immunity and the framers' intent to prevent tyranny.

Biden's Message to Jack Smith and Merrick Garland

This Chapter examines the implications of Biden's speech for the ongoing investigations into Trump. Mark Levin argues that Biden's call for the American people to know Trump's role in the January 6th events before the election is a message to Jack Smith, Merrick Garland, and other officials involved in the investigations. He suggests that Biden is urging them to intensify their efforts and push for a resolution before the election.

Biden's Dictatorial Tendencies

This Chapter focuses on Joe Biden's actions and rhetoric, highlighting the inconsistencies between his claims of supporting democracy and his attempts to exert dictatorial power. Mark Levin points out that the Supreme Court has stopped Biden from implementing several regulations and executive orders, demonstrating Biden's disregard for the rule of law and his attempts to act as a dictator. He also criticizes the media's coverage of Biden, calling them pathetically stupid and ideological, and emphasizes the importance of staying informed and not falling prey to their propaganda.

Biden's Incompetence and Hypocrisy

This Chapter criticizes Joe Biden's incompetence and hypocrisy. Mark Levin calls Biden an idiot and a dumb fool, highlighting his lack of understanding of the issues he speaks about. He argues that Biden's actions and rhetoric are hypocritical, as he claims to support democracy while simultaneously attempting to undermine the rule of law and act as a dictator. Levin concludes by urging listeners to stay informed and not be fooled by Biden's rhetoric.

Trump's Legal Battle

This Chapter discusses Donald Trump's legal battle against his recent criminal conviction in Manhattan. Mark Levin explains that Trump's lawyers are citing the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity in an attempt to have the conviction overturned. He clarifies that the Supreme Court's decision did not grant Trump broad immunity, but rather established a standard for addressing the issue of presidential immunity in legal proceedings.


Presidential Immunity

Presidential immunity is a legal doctrine that protects the president from being sued or prosecuted for actions taken while in office. The Supreme Court's recent decision on presidential immunity clarifies the limits of this doctrine, emphasizing that it does not grant a president carte blanche power.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden is the current president of the United States. Mark Levin criticizes Biden's speech on the Supreme Court's immunity decision, arguing that it is a demagogic attempt to change the subject and attack Trump and the court. Levin also highlights Biden's history of lying and his use of the presidency to destroy his opponents.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump is a former president of the United States and a leading candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2024 presidential election. Mark Levin defends Trump against Biden's attacks, arguing that the Supreme Court's immunity decision does not give Trump carte blanche power and that Biden's claims about Trump's role in the January 6th events are false.

Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the United States. Mark Levin discusses the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity, arguing that it is a significant victory for the rule of law and the separation of powers. He also criticizes Biden's attacks on the court, highlighting the court's role in upholding the Constitution and protecting individual rights.

January 6th

January 6th, 2021, was the day a mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Mark Levin argues that Trump did not commit insurrection or sedition and that Biden's claims about Trump's role in the events of January 6th are false.


Mark Levin criticizes the media's role in promoting Biden's agenda and attacking Trump and the court. He argues that the media is not accountable to the public and that they are willing to spread misinformation and propaganda to advance their own political goals.

Separation of Powers

Separation of powers is a fundamental principle of the U.S. Constitution that divides the federal government into three branches: the legislative, executive, and judicial. Mark Levin argues that the Supreme Court's immunity decision upholds the principle of separation of powers by clarifying the limits of presidential authority.

Rule of Law

The rule of law is the principle that everyone, including the president, is subject to the law. Mark Levin argues that the Supreme Court's immunity decision strengthens the rule of law by ensuring that the president is not above the law.


A demagogue is a political leader who appeals to the emotions and prejudices of the people to gain power. Mark Levin criticizes Biden as a demagogue, highlighting his use of fear-mongering tactics and his attempts to demonize his opponents.

Executive Orders

Executive orders are directives issued by the president that have the force of law. Mark Levin criticizes Biden's use of executive orders, arguing that they are often unconstitutional and that they undermine the rule of law.


  • What is the main point of Mark Levin's discussion on the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity?

    Levin argues that the decision does not give a president carte blanche power, but rather clarifies the limits of presidential authority, emphasizing that it strengthens the separation of powers and the rule of law.

  • How does Mark Levin characterize Joe Biden's speech on the Supreme Court's decision?

    Levin criticizes Biden's speech as a demagogic attempt to change the subject and attack Trump and the court, highlighting Biden's history of lying and his use of the presidency to destroy his opponents.

  • What is Mark Levin's view on the media's role in the current political climate?

    Levin criticizes the media's complicity in Biden's propaganda campaign, emphasizing their lack of accountability and their willingness to promote Biden's agenda.

  • What are the implications of Biden's speech for the ongoing investigations into Trump?

    Levin suggests that Biden's call for the American people to know Trump's role in the January 6th events before the election is a message to Jack Smith, Merrick Garland, and other officials involved in the investigations, urging them to intensify their efforts and push for a resolution before the election.

  • What is Mark Levin's overall message to his listeners?

    Levin urges listeners to be prepared for the ongoing attacks on Trump and the court, emphasizing the importance of understanding the true nature of the political and legal battles unfolding in America.

  • How does Mark Levin criticize Joe Biden's actions and rhetoric?

    Levin argues that Biden's actions and rhetoric are hypocritical, as he claims to support democracy while simultaneously attempting to undermine the rule of law and act as a dictator. He points out that the Supreme Court has stopped Biden from implementing several regulations and executive orders, demonstrating Biden's disregard for the rule of law and his attempts to act as a dictator.

  • What is Mark Levin's view on the media's coverage of Biden?

    Levin criticizes the media's coverage of Biden, calling them pathetically stupid and ideological, and emphasizes the importance of staying informed and not falling prey to their propaganda.

  • What is Mark Levin's message to his listeners regarding the current political climate?

    Levin urges listeners to stick with the truth and screw the media, emphasizing the importance of staying informed and not being fooled by the propaganda and misinformation being spread by the media.

  • What is Mark Levin's view on the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity?

    Levin argues that the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity does not give a president carte blanche power, but rather clarifies the limits of presidential authority, emphasizing that it strengthens the separation of powers and the rule of law.

Show Notes

On Thursday’s Mark Levin Show, we bring you the best of Mark Levin on Independence Day! The Constitution won. The Supreme Court majority has just made it harder to prosecute Biden for his offenses in office, starting with immigration and the special counsel's report. The Democrats should actually thank the Court. It has been the official position of the DOJ for more than half a century that they cannot indict a sitting president for, among other reasons, it would essentially decapitate the executive branch; moreover, those involved in such a process (grand jury, prosecutor, judge, etc. ought not to hold such power over a president who is elected by the entire nation. The immunity issue flows from that -- that is, if a president knows he can be indicted for his official acts by a subsequent administration after he leaves office, it would cripple his ability to exercise his duties. He would have to wonder whether a quick decision or a difficult decision or a decision that seemed right at the time would be subjected to criminal scrutiny after the fact, and after he had left office. The presidency would be gravely damaged. This would have fundamentally altered the separation of powers, greatly weakening the office of the presidency, and effectively amend the Constitution by criminal prosecution. No longer would there be the balance and division among the branches that the Framers worked so hard to enshrine. The January 6 case was built on 3-statutes having nothing to do with the events of January 6 and nothing to do with insurrection or sedition. The statutes have never been applied in the way that Jack Smith applied them. AG Merrick Garland and Jack Smith are disfiguring the Constitution, and the Supreme Court, as well as Judge Cannon, are doing their best to set things straight and place things back in the Constitutional box. It is Smith, a historically rogue and vile prosecutor, who deserves our contempt, along with his boss, Garland. The January 6 case is a farce. The documents case was utterly unnecessary. He and the Democrats may be in a rush to destroy a Constitution they have never admired, and whose authors they hate, in pursuit of their American-Marxist police-state, but the rest of us are not. Also, President Biden gave a primetime address and sent Smith, Judge Chutkan, and Garland their marching orders: keep pushing this farcical January 6 case and try and drag it across the finish line before the election. Keep up the lawfare like never before. Biden had 4 executive orders stopped by the Supreme Court. If Biden believed a president shouldn’t be a dictator why did he defy the court? His rhetoric and actions don’t match.

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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/4/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/4/24

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