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Author: Ethan

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9 Episodes
選這則不是要幸災樂禍!因為新聞英文經常描述事情的經過,所以我們可以藉此學一下,描述更多細節的表達方式。美國一名YouTuber日前分享自己花費台幣5300萬入手的McLaren Senna頂級超跑,未料才剛改裝完,牽車隔天上街試駕就失控撞爛,還造成3人受傷,影片在網路上瘋傳。 Showing off for the camera is never a good idea. YouTuber Edmond ‘Mondi‘ found out the hard way after the race car driver crashed a McLaren Senna worth $1.4 million into a building while performing a donut in the streets. Video that has now gone viral on social media shows that the British hypercar loses control after doing a smoky, 360-degree turn, brutally crawls on top of the curb on Ventura Boulevard in California, and smashes into a building. The aftermath is not pretty: The front end is smashed into the exterior of the dealership. The entire front clip is pushed in, the passenger-side door is ajar, and the front right wheel is pushed backward and outward. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
新單元!!!每個星期一推出「看標題學英文」。如果說標題是新聞的重點,那標題裡的字,就是重點中的重點。瀏覽五則新聞標題,快速掌握過去一週,五個不同領域中最熱門的單字。 US anti-war student protests and police raids shake up schools’ graduation plans 美國反戰學生示威以及警察掃蕩 打亂多所大學畢業規劃 Hopes for Gaza ceasefire appear slim as Cairo talks continue 加薩停火希望黯淡 開羅談判仍持續 China launches rocket to bring back pieces of the far side of the moon 中國發射火箭 打算帶回月球遠端樣本 Instagram courts TikTok users with algorithm revamp IG改造演算法 搶攻TikTok使用者 Second Boeing whistleblower is found dead after calling out 737 Max problems 第二位波音吹哨者身亡 生前曾揭發737Max機型問題 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
昨天赫然發現看時事學英文已經登上Apple排行榜No.21!對新節目來說是很大的鼓舞~謝謝你們!音質也進行了改善,五月份開始會增加更新頻率 請繼續支持~ 4月27號是國際獸醫節,很多人以為獸醫是一個與可愛動物為伍的夢幻工作,但根據統計,美國獸醫自殺的比例,是其他醫護人員的兩倍!其實不只是獸醫,每個人都有機會用英文聊到自己工作辛苦的地方,今天談到的英文就很適合學起來,聊工作的時候派上用場。就來看到我改寫自紐約郵報的一篇報導。 I’m a veterinarian — the profession is facing a mental health crisis Being a veterinarian is a ruff job. Veterinarians are two times more likely to die by suicide than [any other] medical profession and female veterinarians at a higher rate than male veterinarians. Veterinarians rarely get to paws. “Almost the entire profession is made up of people who are very high achieving, type-A driven personalities who will pour 110% of themselves and their heart and soul, into their work,” This leaves people “feeling like a failure at work because you’re always there and then there’s a pressure from home, specifically mom guilt.” Tough clients — made worse by social media Veterinary bills can be expensive but that’s not the vet’s fault, and several clients don’t know that. “We have clients that are belligerent about their vet bills” Some clients also accuse vets of malpractice, and go so far as to post about the veterinarians on social media. veterinarian 獸醫 ruff 狗叫 likely 可能的 paw 動物的腳 high-achieving 高成就的 pour 倒水;灌注 failure 失敗:令人失望的人 tough 堅硬的、難搞的 belligerent 好戰的 malpractice 瀆職;(醫師)誤診 全文網址: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
泰勒絲風靡全美國,據傳拜登團隊曾主動尋求其支持。美國有觀察家認為,以她在年輕人跟女性之間的影響力,只要一鬆口表態,兩個老男人的選戰,結局幾乎可說是已經底定。 新聞原文: The politicization of Taylor Swift A presidential race fought between two old men could be shaken up by the nation’s most famous 34-year-old woman. Taylor Swift’s astronomical popularity and her willingness to speak up on political issues could make her a significant player in the 2024 race. Ever since she has become famous, she has been painted as ‘America’s Sweetheart’ or the girl next door. Some of the criticism of Swift could stem from the fact that “she has been breaking the mold from that. The New York Times reported that President Biden’s reelection team is actively seeking Swift’s endorsement. The musician’s backing could go some way to boosting enthusiasm for the 81-year-old Biden, especially among young voters. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
來自台灣,28歲的妮妃雅(Nymphia Wind)奪下美國實境電視節目《魯保羅變裝皇后秀 ​​RuPaul’s Drag Race》第16季冠軍,成為該節目睽違13年,第二位奪冠的亞洲變裝皇后,也是台灣第一人!不只台灣,也引發全球媒體的廣泛報導,就來看到我改寫自英國衛報的一篇報導。 關鍵內容: drag queen 變裝皇后 drag 拖;變裝 spark 火花、引發 pride 驕傲 (proud 為形容詞) congratulation 恭喜 passion 熱愛 bubble tea 珍珠奶茶 temple 廟宇 opera 歌劇 represent 代表 camp (俚語:豪華鋪張的、誇張的、戲劇化的裝扮) lip-sync 對嘴 sync / synchronize 同步化 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
你會說日全食的英文嗎? t_ t_l solar eclipse 相隔七年,日全蝕再度在美國出現,估計有超過千萬人爭睹天文奇景,感受白天忽然變成漆黑一片的神秘感受。因為錯過這一次,下一次要再等好幾年,台灣更是要等到2070年才有機會。 關鍵字: 日全食 total solar eclipse 橫掃 sweep 奇觀 spectacle 綽號、別稱 nickname 可看見的 visible 機率、機會 chance 指示 indication 日環食 annular solar eclipse 極好的 超棒的 fantastic 半球 hemisphere -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
上週規模7.4的強震,不只是花蓮首當其衝,全台灣都感受到威力。雖然還是有怵目驚心的畫面,以及十多人罹難,但專家表示,跟這樣的地震強度相比,這樣的數字實屬不幸中的大幸(相較2010海地的7.0強震,當時造成超過20萬人罹難)。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
泰國在亞洲是對LGBTQ+相對友善的國家,儘管如此,仍舊花了十年的時間,才終於來到歷史性的第一步:眾議院通過相關法案。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
消失數月後,英國凱特王妃發影片,表示自己罹患癌症,希望外界給予空間及隱私。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
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