EP 23: 經營事業之餘還能玩賽車、衝三鐵 成功CEO的時間管理術(華爾街日報)
你是否跟我一樣,經常說自己「工作很忙」,就把原本運動或休閒嗜好的計畫取消了呢?但華爾街日報訪問多位企業高層,除了事業經營有聲有色之外,不上班的時候還身兼鐵人三項運動員、賽車手、或房屋 DIY整修工。我很好奇日理萬機的他們,究竟時間從哪來?這篇除了有很多聊到工作/生活型態的表達方式,平時聊天用得到之外,也有一些時間管理的訣竅(像是:把『運動』當成一件跟開會、工作同等重要的事寫進行事曆當中),或許能給您一些啟發~一起來看這集的『看時事學英文』
Where CEOs Find Time for Triathlon Training and Motorcycle Racing
Many of us can barely keep up with our jobs, never mind hobbies. Yet some top executives run marathons, wineries or music-recording studios on the side. How can they have bigger responsibilities and more fun than we do?
The tactics of these ultrahigh achievers include waking up early, multitasking and scheduling fun as if it were any other appointment. Leaders who eat, breathe and sleep business can appear out of touch at a time when employees crave work-life balance and expect their bosses to model it.
Dan Streetman trains as many as 20 hours a week for Ironman triathlons in addition to his job as CEO of a cybersecurity firm. He pulls it off by sleeping fewer than seven hours a night and waking around 5 a.m.. Ahead of business trips, he maps running routes in unfamiliar cities and scouts nearby pools.
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