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Why has day 3

Some of these questions are: What exactly are you thinking when your low mood surfaces(arises)? When do these thoughts start to surface? What other physical sensations did you experience? What did you do in the week leading up to the low mood? These are questions that you can ask yourself, too! Emotional hindsight(the ability to understand, after something has happened) is a skill that can be built outside of the therapy context. Dr. Julie recommends keeping a journal that focuses on both positive and negative experiences, and detailing the thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and circumstances leading up to those experiences. Gradually(little by little), this will help you notice patterns over time and the concrete(tangible, real) factors that contributed to a certain mood. Let’s say this practice of turning a bit more awareness onto your feelings helps you recognize an easily fixable source of low mood. You might notice that you regularly think, “I’m such a loser!” right after scrolling through social media. This recognition gives you an actionable clue of how to get away from that feeling, simply by deleting certain apps or unfollowing people who generate(make) bad feelings of comparison. Now, building this awareness of how feelings are generated won’t bring clarity or solutions to all painful emotions. Some problems are more complex and may require professional help, and that’s OK. But if that’s the case, increased awareness of your feelings and their origins will still help you and your therapist in the joint work(teamwork) of improving your low mood. Remember that feelings aren’t just in your head; they’re in your body, your living conditions, your past and your present, and the influences you surround yourself with. The more practiced you are at breaking down the factors interacting to create your emotions, the more easily you can see the changes that are within your power to make.📚هایلایت 3 خلاصه کتاب Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?exactly : دقیقاsurface : بالا آمدنphysical sensation : حس فیزیکیlead up to: منتهی شدنemotional hindsight : درک احساسی گذشتهrecommend : پیشنهاد دادنdetailing : توضیح با جزییاتcircumstances : شرایطgradually : کم کمconcrete : ملموس و واقعیcontribute to: کمک کردن بهcertain mood : حالت خاصawareness : آگاهیfixable : درست شدنیregularly : معمولاscrolling : گشتنrecognition : درکactionable : کاربردیclue : نشانهunfollowing: آنفالو کردنgenerate: تولید کردنcomparison : مقایسهclarity : شفافیتsolution : راه حلpainful emotion: احساسات دردناکrequire : نیاز داشتنincreased : زیادjoint work : کار مشترکinfluence : تاثیرsurround : احاطه کردنbreak down : تجزیه و تحلیل کردن➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟🌟🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


Why has day 2

Lay the groundwork(prepare the way) for robust(strong) mental well-being by becoming aware of how your feelings are generated.When Dr. Julie worked with patients caught in an ongoing(continuous) low mood, she noticed some common thought patterns. To her patients, it often felt like their low moods came out of nowhere, or that their brains were simply faulty(guilty, blameful). It seemed like other people were born with the ability to be happy, but for them, it was out of reach. These beliefs prevented them from taking their mental health into their own hands. But let’s take a closer look at how a bad mood might arise. Say you’ve been working late, worried about a fast-approaching deadline. You finally make it to bed, but you’re too tired to remember your usual glass of water before sleep. You spend the night tossing and turning, worried about your deadline. You drift into a light, restless sleep (drift into sleep=fall asleep)– only to be jolted(moved) awake by your horribly loud alarm. You wake up irritated(annoyed), exhausted(tired), and with stress hormones shooting through your body. In short, you’re in a bad mood. It’s easy to see why, isn’t it? Your bad mood didn’t come out of nowhere – you’re stressed, sleep-deprived(suffering from a lack of sleep), and dehydrated(thirsty)! Of course, not all low moods arise due to(because of) a night of dehydrated tossing and turning. But what’s important to understand about emotions is that they’re constructed(built) by a variety of factors, many of which we can influence. If you’re in a bad mood, it’s actually more likely that you’re experiencing an unmet(not fulfilled) need and not a malfunction(failure) in your brain! So the first step to relieving(ease, reduce the pain) an ongoing low mood is to reflect upon(Think about something deeply) what those unmet needs might be. Dr. Julie helps her patients build this awareness over time by asking questions that help uncover(reveal) what’s going on in their bodies and in their minds. Once she and her patient have started to break down(analyze) the thoughts, behaviors, and environmental stressors that contribute(help) to a low mood, the patient can start to address those unmet needs.📚هایلایت 2 خلاصه کتاب Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?✅Lay the groundwork : راه را هموار کردن✅robust : قوی و سالم✅generate: تولید کردن✅patient: بیمار✅ongoing : دائمی✅common : رایج✅thought patterns: الگوهای فکری✅faulty: مقصر✅out of reach: خارج از دسترس✅belief: باور✅prevent : جلوگیری کردن✅arise: رخ دادن✅fast-approaching deadline: مهلت نزدیک✅tossing and turning: غلط زدن✅drift into sleep: به خواب رفتن✅restless : کلافه✅jolt awake : از خواب پریدن✅horribly loud : به طرز وحشتناکی بلند✅irritated: کلافه✅exhausted: خسته✅sleep-deprived: کمبود خواب داشتن✅dehydrated: کمبود آب داشتن✅due to : به خاطر✅a variety of factors: عوامل گوناگون✅unmet need : نیازی که برآورده نشده✅malfunction : اختلال عملکرد✅relieving : تسکین دادن✅reflect upon : عمیقا فکر کردن✅uncover : پرده برداری کردن✅break down : تجزیه و تحلیل کردن✅environmental stressors : عوامل استرس زای محیطی✅address(v): حل کردن➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟🌟🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


Why has day 1

What's this book about?o  Psychologyo  Personal DevelopmentWhy Has Nobody Told Me This Before? (2022) is an empathetic and practical guide to improving and maintaining mental well-being. It offers bite-sized(small), actionable(practical) advice and coping strategies(method of dealing with challenges) for anxiety, depression, unexpected setbacks(problems), a lack of self-confidence, and more. About the authorDr. Julie Smith is a clinical psychologist with over a decade of experience, and an online educator with over 3 million followers. Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?, her first book, is a No. 1 Sunday Times best seller. IntroductionWhat’s in it for me? A therapist’s toolkit for life’s most trying challenges(most difficult challenges).Nobody’s happy all the time. Fluctuating(changing) moods are a universal part of the human experience.But sometimes, when a low mood is lasting or recurs(happens again and again) very often, we tend to(usually) think it’s because of hardwiring in our brains, and that we don’t have any influence(control) over our painful emotions.Dr. Julie Smith, clinical psychologist and social media star, is here to show us that we do have influence over our emotions. Her book Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before? Details(explains) strategies for managing our mental health in our daily lives. She shows us that we have more control over our mental health than most of us are taught to believe. In this book summary, we’ll outline(summarize) some of the most important and accessible(achievable) strategies you can implement(accomplish) today that will help you build resilience(the ability to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened) and grow better at managing your moods over time. As you discover that your mental well-being is more within reach than it can seem, you just may find yourself asking, why has nobody told me this before? In this book, you’ll learnhow to keep anxiety from turning into panic;the key to building confidence; andwhy you should never feel like a burden when you’re down.📚هایلایت 1 خلاصه کتاب Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?Psychology :روانشناسیPersonal Development :توسعه فردیempathetic : همدلانهimproving : تقویت کردنmaintaining : حفظ کردنwell-being : سلامتbite-sized: کوچکactionable : عملیcoping strategies : روش های مقابلهanxiety : اضطرابunexpected : غیرمنتظرهsetback : مشکلself-confidence : اعتماد به نفسeducator : آموزش دهندهtherapist : تراپیستmost trying challenge : چالش مشکلfluctuating : نوسان دارuniversal : همه گیر، جهانیlow mood : خلق پایینrecur: تکرار شدنtend to: معمولاinfluence : اثرdetails(v) : با جزییات گفتنmental health : سلامت روحیOutline : خلاصه کردنaccessible : قابل دسترسیimplement : انجام دادنresilience : تاب آوریdiscover : فهمیدنpanic: وحشتconfidence : اعتماد به نفسFeel like a burden : حس سربار بودن داشتن➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟🌟🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


Eight Dates Day 10

Final summaryThe key(important) message in these chapters:Whether you’re in a long-term partnership or still in the honeymoon phase(stage), every relationship depends on good communication. To reinforce(strengthen) the endurance(the ability to bear an unpleasant or painful situation calmly and patiently) and quality of your relationship, meet regularly, enjoy each other’s company(being with another person) and talk. The dates suggested in these chapters are all about maintaining love, learning how to harness conflict(Manage disagreements) and talking about hard topics, such as having children. Most importantly, make time to discuss your partner’s dreams and what you can do to help them come true.Actionable advice:Be present and attentive(paying close attention) when talking to your partner.Conversation is a two-way street(mutual), and you shouldn’t get distracted when your partner is talking. Listening is just as important as talking. Turn off your smartphone, maintain eye contact and show genuine(real) interest in your partner and what they’re saying. One way to exhibit(show) attentiveness is to ask relevant questions when your partner is finished speaking. For example, you can ask, “Can you explain that a bit more?” Or, “Is there a story that connects with what you just said?” This will show that you’ve been listening actively, and they can rely on you as a conversation partner.📚هایلایت 10 قسمت آخر خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚✅key message: پیام اصلی✅long-term partnership : رابطه طولانی مدت✅honeymoon : ماه عسل✅phase: فاز✅communication : ارتباط✅reinforce : تقویت کردن✅endurance : تحمل✅quality : کیفیت✅meet : ملاقات کردن✅maintaining : حفظ کردن✅harness conflict : حل کردن تعارضات✅most importantly : مهمتر از همه✅actionable advice : پیشنهاد کاربردی✅attentive : با دقت✅Two-way street : خیابان دو طرفه✅eye contact : ارتباط چشمی✅attentiveness : دقت و توجه✅conversation: مکالمه➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


Eight Dates Day 9

Chapter 8To create a lifetime of love, always honor(show respect) your partner’s dreams.Everyone has dreams, but a lot of us don’t find the time to pursue them. Modern life can make it hard to align(put in the same direction) a family, full-time job and dreams. But that’s where having a partner comes in. Partners should always help each other achieve their individual dreams, even if that means sacrificing(giving up) their own. Sometimes you have to put your dreams on hold(stop pursuing your dreams) while helping your partner achieve theirs. They will do the same for you when the time comes.This is exactly what Doug and Rachel did. During the early days of their relationship, they were inseparable and totally in love. But Doug had a dream – he wanted to go to Israel for a year to explore his roots(the place or culture that you or your family grew up in, which you have now left). While initially(at first) sad, Rachel knew she couldn’t stand in the way of Doug’s dreams. So she encouraged him to go.Upon his return, he planned to join her in New York and begin climbing the career ladder(Achieving success at work). But Rachel’s dreams had changed. She had decided to go to medical school 3,000 miles away from New York. For him, the decision was clear – he gave up on(to stop trying, pursuing, or putting effort) his New York dreams and moved with her. His sacrifice made Rachel feel loved. Throughout(during) both experiences, they learned that honoring each other’s dreams sometimes involved putting their own on hold.This story brings us to the topic of the final date – dreams.To prepare for this date, write a list of all your dreams, the stories behind them and how your partner can help you fulfill them. You should also note any shared dreams you’ve already discussed, and how you can move forward in helping each other achieve them. The location of this dreamy date should be inspiring – perhaps somewhere you can watch a beautiful sunset.Now it’s time to get deep. Questions you should both ask and answer include whether you had dreams as a child, whether your parents helped you to fulfill your dreams and which of your dreams is the most important to you. Once you know about your partner’s dreams, it’s up to you to figure out how to honor them. By doing so, you’ll help your relationship last(remain alive) forever.📚هایلایت قسمت 9 خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚✅Lifetime : یک عمر✅honor : احترام گذاشتن✅align : همسو کردن✅individual : فردی✅sacrificing : فداکاری کردن✅put sth on hold: متوقف کردن چیزی✅exactly : دقیقا✅inseparable : جدایی ناپذیر✅totally : کاملا✅roots : رگ و ریشه✅initially : در ابتدا✅encourage : تشویق کردن✅climbing the career ladder : به موفقیت شغلی رسیدن✅gave up on: دست از چیزی کشیدن✅Throughout : در طول✅fulfill : برآورده کردن✅location : مکان✅inspiring : الهام بخش✅sunset : غروب✅figure out: فهمیدن✅Last: دوام داشتن✅forever: همیشه➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


Eight Dates Day 8

Chapter 7Growth is constant(steady, Continual) in every relationship, and finding spiritual meaning can be part ofthat.Some say change is good. Others say that change is necessary. In relationships, change is simplyinevitable(cannot be avoided). We change, our partners change and our relationships change. Somerelationships end due to(because of) irreconcilable(incompatible) differences in goals or personalities. Butthe strongest couples are those which accommodate each person’s changes and allow these changes tohelp them grow as a couple.Take(consider) Erica and Jake. Erica decided to give up (quit) her high-paying marketing job at a big techfirm to achieve her dream of becoming a painter. Jake supported her every step of the way, as he knewhow important it was to her. Their money dried up (they were in a financial crisis), and they had todownsize(decrease the size) their apartment. They gave up basic amenities like cable television. But atevery step of the journey, they talked about the changes happening around them, and they continued tosupport each other through these life-changing decisions. In Erica’s words – they have the “best lifeever.” They might not have money, but they have meaning, and they have each other.Keep Erica and Jake in mind when preparing(getting ready) for date number seven, which is about growthand spirituality. One exercise to complete before the date is to figure out what goals you share withyour partner. Do you share the same goals? Does your partner respect youraccomplishments(achievements) ? What do you want to have achieved when you reach old age?You can also bring an object that honors(admires) your partner along with you on this date. This might bea photo or other special objects connected to them. When it’s time to go on the date, there are manyquestions you might ask on the topic of spirituality. Was your partner religious as a child? What do theyconsider sacred(holy, divine)? How do they find inner peace when times are hard(during tough times)?What sort(kind) of beliefs would they pass on to their children? Spirituality goes hand-in-hand withmeaning and change, so be prepared for some deep, philosophical talks on this date!📚هایلایت قسمت 8 خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚growth : رشدconstant : دائمیspiritual : معنویinevitable : غیر قابل اجتنابdue to : بخاطرirreconcilable : سازگاری ناپذیرpersonalities : شخصیت هاaccommodate : سازگار شدنTake : فرض کردنgive up: رها کردنhigh-paying: با حقوق بالاTheir money dried up: پولشان تمام شدdownsize : کوچک کردنamenities : امکانات رفاهیlife-changing : سرنوشت سازdecision : تصمیمpreparing : آماده کردنspirituality : معنویاتaccomplishment : دستاوردhonor: تحسین کردنspecial : خاصsacred : مقدسwhen times are hard : وقتی زندگی سختهsort: نوعphilosophical: فلسفی➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


Eight Dates Day 7

Chapter 6Play and adventure are integral(inseparable) parts of any successful relationship.When was the last time you and your partner went on an adventure(engaging in an exciting experience)?Or simply acted a bit silly together? If you’re finding it hard to remember, it’s probably time for you tointroduce a bit of play into your relationship. The importance of having fun with your partner cannot beoverstated(exaggerated). Sadly, in today’s world of long work hours and stressful family demands(thevarious responsibilities, expectations, and obligations that come with being a member of a family), play oftenfinds itself at the bottom of our to-do lists.If this sounds familiar, consider how you might cultivate(develop) joy in your relationship. HowardMarkman, director of the University of Denver’s Centre for Marital and Family Studies, has beenstudying the fun that couples have since 1996. For him, the numbers speak for themselves – couplesthat play and laugh regularly are happier couples.The sixth date is all about play and adventure. To prepare, think through all the possible fun things youcould do with your partner. Particularly things you haven’t done in a long time, or haven’t ever tried.When was the last time you went to a concert? An amusement park? Have you ever taken a dance classtogether? What about simply playing in the mud on a rainy summer day?Once you have a list of possible activities, it’s time to plan a fun date! Try to be asspontaneous(unplanned) as possible. Why not take a day off work(take a break from work) and have adate in the morning? Or in the middle of the night? The sky’s the limit(there are no restrictions) for howcreative you can be with this date.When you’re on the date itself, you need to make time for some conversation. What does adventuremean to you and your partner? What’s the last thing you can remember doing that was only abouthaving fun? What adventures do you want to embark on(start) before death?During the date, make sure to compare your preparation notes. Which activities are on both of yourlists? Some couples might find that their ideas of fun are quite different. But don’t be daunted(afraid) bythis. Remember that having fun is often about trying new things. What are some of the things on yourpartner’s list that you can imagine trying? Remember, doing new things together keeps the novelty(Newness) of the relationship intact(not damaged)!📚هایلایت قسمت 7 خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚✅adventure : ماجراجویی✅integral : جدا نشدنی✅Go on an adventure : به ماجراجویی رفتن✅probably: شاید✅overstated : مبالغه شده✅family demands : مسئولیتهای خانوادگی✅to-do list: لیست کارها✅consider : در نظر گرفتن✅cultivate : رشد دادن✅prepare: آماده کردن✅particularly : مخصوصا✅amusement park: شهر بازی✅spontaneous : برنامه ریزی نشده✅take a day off work : یک روز مرخصی گرفتن✅The sky's the limit : محدودیتی وجود نداره✅conversation : گفتگو✅embark on : شروع کردن✅daunt: ترساندن✅novelty : تنوع✅intact: سالم، بدون آسیب➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


Eight Dates Day 6

Chapter 5Decisions about family and children are serious and need to be discussed extensively(in great detail).One topic that can be a real deal-breaker(a factor that is significant enough to cause someone to rejectsomething) for a couple is whether or not to have children. This can also be a bank-breaker(extremelyexpensive). Raising a child to age 18 in the United States costs on average $233,610.But the potential problems of raising a child don’t stop there. John Gottman, one of the authors,observed a 67 percent drop in marital happiness in couples who had a child within four years of gettingmarried. And this marital happiness doesn’t come back until after the child has left the nest (left home)–if the parents haven’t already divorced by this point. So, what sort of recommendations(suggestions) canprospective(likely to happen in the future) or current parents follow if they want to avoid this?Firstly, regardless of (without considering, without taking into account ) your gender or whether you’re in ahetero or same-sex relationship, both partners need to involve themselves in the pregnancy and birth ofthe child. Studies of heterosexual relationships show that when the father is involved in the pregnancy,there is less of a chance of conflict and more chances for continued marital happiness.Secondly, parents need to prioritize(organize according to importance) their intimacy with each other. Thisinvolves making sure you connect regularly, whether through date nights or simply continuedcommunication. Raising children is stressful, and you need to communicate and avoid withdrawing fromeach other(distancing emotionally or physically from another person). With this in mind, it’s time to plan outyour next date night. This one will be all about family and children and should take place somewherefrequented(regularly visited) by children. Consider a public playground or a family-friendly restaurant.The questions you and your partner should ask each other on this date are probably quite obvious(clear).The elephant in the room(something that everyone is aware of but no one wants to address or talk aboutopenly) is, of course, your idea of the perfect family. Does it include children? If so, how many? What sortof problems might you encounter(face) while raising children? How can you prevent or tackle(solve)those problems?If you’ve already decided you don’t want children, that doesn’t mean you should skip this datecompletely. Family involves more than just children, after all. In this case, you might consider askingabout your partner’s closest family. What can you do to strengthen (make something stronger) yourrelationship with this family? Keep in mind this might be relatives or friends.📚هایلایت قسمت 6 خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚✅decision : تصمیم✅extensively: با جزییات زیاد✅deal-breaker: بهم زننده✅significant : مهم✅enough : کافی✅bank-breaker: هزینه بر✅extremely : به شدت✅expensive : گران✅potential : احتمالی✅author : نویسنده✅observe : مشاهده کردن✅Leave the nest : ترک‌کردن خانه✅divorce: طلاق✅recommendations : توصیه ها✅suggestions : پیشنهادات✅prospective : آینده✅current : فعلی✅firstly : اولا✅regardless of: صرفنظر از✅gender: جنسیت✅same-sex relationship : روابط همجنس✅involve: مستلزم بودن✅pregnancy : حاملگی✅heterosexual : دگرجنس گرا✅conflict : تعارض✅continue : ادامه دادن✅prioritize : اولیت بندی کردن✅intimacy : نزدیکی✅regularly : بطور منظم✅communication : ارتباط✅stressful : استرس آور✅withdrawing: فاصله گرفتن✅frequent(v): زیاد رفت و آمد کردن✅obvious : واضح✅elephant in the room : مسئله ای که نادیده گرفته میشه✅encounter : روبرو شدن✅tackle : حل کردن✅strengthen: قوی کردن➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


Eight Dates Day 5

Chapter 4 Resolving issues related to work and money is integral(inseparable) for any successful relationship.Before the 1960s, men worked while women took care of the household, an old-fashioned and sexist configuration(system). Despite significant shifts (changes, transitions) in the last decades, the division(separating into two or more different parts) of labor in a partnership still presents a problem(creates a problem).Work doesn’t just refer to a paid profession. Non-paid work around the house would cost approximately(roughly) $90,000 per year if you hired someone to do it for you. What’s more, a 2007 Pew Research study found that sharing housework was the third most important element of a long-lasting marriage, right after being faithful(loyal) to one’s partner and a healthy sex life.When it comes to labor, it’s important that every couple strikes a balance(Creates a balance) between earning paychecks and contributing(helping) around the house. Even more critical is to regularly talk about whether you think you’re both putting in equal effort. The fourth date isn’t just about finding a balance in this area. It’s also about balancing out the fruits of your labor(positive outcomes) – money.As with the previous dates, family history can play a big role in the way we perceive(become aware of or understand something through the senses) the world. Money is no exception.Take Trevor and Adam. While Trevor loved to spend, Adam was more inclined(have a tendency) to save. This stemmed(originated) from their different childhood experiences with money. Trevor’s father had always promised to take them on adventures but died at the young age of 35. So when Adam inherited(acquiring something from) a sizable(large) amount of money, Trevor thought it best to spend it on traveling. But Adam grew up poor, and his family never had money to fall back on(rely on). While he also wanted to travel, he preferred to put his inheritance directly into a savings account.These differences highlight the importance of preparing for your work and money date. This preparation involves asking yourself some questions about your family history with money. Did your parents have savings? Did you take regular vacations? How frugal(economical, thrifty) were your parents? Once you’ve answered these questions, it’s time to go on a date – and it should be as cheap as possible – no fancy restaurants (a restaurant that has upscale atmosphere, high-quality food and drinks, and excellent service ) this time. Consider getting take-out(takeaway) and having the date at home.Take turns sharing your respective family histories with money. Continue by sharing three ways your partner contributes(helps) to the relationship – monetary (related to money) or otherwise – that you really appreciate. And make sure to be open(frank, honest) about your hopes and fears regarding money and the future.📚هایلایت قسمت 5 خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚✅integral : جدانشدنی✅household : کارهای خانه✅old-fashioned : قدیمی و منسوخ✅sexist : جنسیت زده✅configuration : شکل✅Despite : علیرغم✅significant : مهم✅shifts : تغییرات✅division : تقسیم✅labor: کار✅present a problem : مشکل ایجاد کردن✅Non-paid : بدون دستمزد✅approximately : حدودا✅Long-lasting : طولانی✅marriage : ازدواج✅faithful : با وفا✅strike a balance : تعادل ایجاد کردن✅paycheck : فیش حقوقی✅contributing : کمک کردن✅critical : مهم✅regularly : منظم✅equal effort: تلاش برابر✅fruits of your labor : نتیجه زحمات شما✅perceive : درک کردن با حواس✅exception : استثنا✅inclined : متمایل✅stem : ریشه داشتن✅adventure : ماجراجویی✅inherit: به ارث بردن✅sizable : زیاد✅fall back on: تکیه کردن✅prefer: ترجیح دادن✅inheritance : ارثیه✅saving account : حساب پس انداز✅highlight : مهم جلوه دادن✅preparation : آمادگی✅vacation : تعطیلات✅frugal : مقتصد✅fancy restaurants : رستوران های شیک✅consider : فکر کردن✅take-out : بیرون بر✅monetary : پولی✅appreciate : تحسین کردن✅Open : صادق➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


Eight Dates Day 4

Admin Telegram ID: @m_h_sedChapter 3S.e.x and intimacy might be hard topics for some couples, but it’s necessary to talk about them.Discussing intimate(private) topics might be challenging (difficult, tricky) for some couples, but it's essential(vital, necessary) to communicate about them. When it comes to (In the context of) discussing the "aspects of relationships," most couples face difficulties in openly conversing(talking). It is unfortunate (tragic) that a minority of couples talk about these matters openly. Nonetheless, engaging in such conversations can lead to improved understanding and satisfaction in relationships. Studies show that couples who openly discuss their intimate life share a stronger bond (connection, relationship) and have more fulfilling(satisfying, worthwhile) experiences.For many couples, particularly(Specifically) those from different backgrounds, navigating(addressing) these topics might be difficult. For instance, consider a couple, Katya and Ethan. Katya grew up in a family that openly talked about relationships, while Ethan's family found such discussions uncomfortable(awkward). This difference made it challenging for them to discuss intimate matters. However, by using the questions suggested by the authors, Ethan and Katya had a successful date focused on relationships and intimacy. They were able to discuss their likes and dislikes about their relationship.Before we proceed to the questions, let's focus on the location, an important aspect of this relationships and intimacy date. Aim for a cozy(comfortable, relaxing) dinner at a restaurant, or perhaps at a serene spot(calm place) in nature like a park. This date should be warm and inviting (attractive), as it may lead to a deeper connection. Make sure you're dressed comfortably and appropriately for the occasion.Before your date, reflect on your feelings about discussing relationships and think about how you can approach(discuss) this topic with your partner. If you find it difficult to talk about relationships, consider why that might be. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to have this conversation. The key is to be honest and open.During the date, engage in a conversation by asking and answering questions. Share favorite memories you've had together, what your partner does that makes you feel appreciated, and activities you'd like to try together but haven't yet. As you answer these questions, try to be as specific (exact and to the point) as possible when describing your feelings or experiences. This will help ensure clarity (easy to understand) and understanding.📚هایلایت قسمت 4 خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚✅intimacy : نزدیکی✅intimate : نزدیک✅Private : خصوصی✅Challenging : سخت✅tricky: سخت✅essential : لازم✅Vital: ضروری✅communicate : ارتباط برقرار کردن✅when it comes to: وقتی صحبت از …میشه✅aspects of relationships: جوانب رابطه✅conversing : صحبت کردن✅unfortunate : تاسف آور✅minority : اقلیت✅Nonetheless : با این وجود✅engaging : شرکت کردن✅improve : تقویت کردن✅satisfaction : رضایت✅bond: رابطه✅fulfilling : رضایتبخش✅particularly : مخصوصا✅navigating a topic: صحبت در مورد موضوعی✅uncomfortable : معذب کننده✅author : نویسنده✅Cozy : دنج✅serene spot : مکان آرام✅inviting : جذاب✅appropriately : مناسب✅occasion : مناسبت✅reflect: فکر کردن✅favorite : مورد علاقه✅appreciate : تحسین کردن✅Specific : خاص✅exact:دقیق✅clarity : شفافیت➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


Eight Dates Day 3

Chapter 2Conflict(fight, disagreement) is part and parcel (integral or inseparable part) of any relationship, but there is a correct way to fight.All couples fight. In fact, fighting can be a therapeutic(if something is therapeutic, it helps you to feel happier and more relaxed) and even healthy way for couples to express their differences and learn more about each other. Research shows that the happiest couples are the ones who can handle(deal with) conflict, listen to their partner and try to understand their point of view. But if done wrong, fighting can exacerbate (to exacerbate a bad situation means to make it worse, worsen) unstable relationships and lead to incidents (an incident is an event, especially one involving something unpleasant) that cause irreconcilable(impossible to find agreement, cannot be settled) breakups(separations).To help make sure your relationship doesn’t go down that road(steering the relationship away from a negative outcome), go on date number two. This date is all about addressing conflict(Solving problems,Fixing issues). Before going on it, you should identify potential areas of conflict in your relationship.Start by individually(Separately) listing the most significant (important) differences between you. Perhaps you and your partner have different approaches (way of thinking) to drugs and alcohol. Or perhaps you have different definitions of cleanliness around the house. While listing all these differences, also consider possible ways you can accommodate each other’s preferences(take each other’s opinion or demands into account so that the plan or decision is acceptable to them). But also be ready to accept the possibility that some differences cannot be resolved(fixed).With this exercise in hand, it’s time to go out on your date. It’s best to have this date somewhere more private, in case things get heated(Become intense). Take turns talking and listening. Go through your lists of differences one by one, explain why the issue is important to you and explore possible compromises (agreements, settlements). It might also be a good idea to discuss how each of you experienced conflict in your respective families(Individual families), as this can directly impact how you handle(solve, manage) conflict today.Now, it’s possible that this date ends in a fight. Luckily, there are some ways you can heal these fresh wounds right away and turn the fight into a learning experience. For example, once the fight has calmed down, take turns explaining how you felt during the fight. Try to figure out what triggered it, so you can both avoid this conflict in the future. Finally, discuss how you might act differently in your next fight. Was there some point where your partner crossed a line? Figure out(find out) ways you can engage(take part) in conflict more productively(Successfully, efficiently). 💕📚هایلایت قسمت 3 خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚💕✅ conflict : مشکل، اختلاف✅ therapeutic: درمانی✅ express : ابراز کردن✅ handle : مدیریت کردن✅ point of view: نظر✅ exacerbate: بدتر کردن✅ unstable: ناپایدار✅ lead to : منجر شدن✅ incident : اتفاق✅ irreconcilable: برگشت ناپذیر✅ breakup: جدایی✅ addressing conflict: حل کردن مشکل✅ potential areas: نواحی احتمالی✅ individually : جداگانه✅ significant : مهم✅ approach : رویکر✅ accommodate presences : درنظر گرفتن ترجیحات✅ resolve : حل کردن✅ private : خصوصی✅ get heated : بالا گرفتن، تنش دار شدن✅ compromise: مصالحه✅ respective:مربوطه✅ luckily : خوشبختانه✅ fresh wounds : زخم های تازه✅ calm down : آرام شدن✅ figure out : فهمیدن✅ trigger : شروع کردن✅ cross the line: از خط عبور کردن✅ engage : شرکت کردن✅ productively: بصورت مفید➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


Eight Dates Day 2

Chapter 1 Trust and commitment (being dedicated to something) are the cornerstones(basic parts, main parts) of any successful long-term relationship.Every relationship comes to a point where commitment begins to waver(begin to fail, fluctuate). Maybe you met an interesting person, and you begin to consider(think) how your life might be with them instead of your partner. It’s one thing to briefly(in short) fantasize(daydream) about that alternate universe (parallel world). It’s another thing to do so regularly(usually). If this is the case, you may be experiencing a lack(shortage) of commitment in your current relationship.Commitment means being there for your partner, no matter what. Instead of allowing yourself to get involved (Become associated) in situations that might lead to infidelity(the act of being unfaithful to your husband, wife, or lover), you avoid these situations altogether, as you know they will negatively impact the trust in your relationship. And instead of seeking out(to try to find someone or something, especially when this is difficult) others who might not have the flaws (a flaw in someone's character is an undesirable quality which they have) your partner does, you talk about your feelings and needs with your partner openly(frankly). That’s true commitment, and all long-lasting(everlasting, something that is long-lasting lasts for a long time) relationships are built on it.The bedrock(base) of commitment is trust. Trust is the oxygen that helps every relationship breathe. Trust isn’t something that happens overnight(in a very short time), but over months and years of helping a relationship grow(thrive). It’s built by being on time, keeping one’s promises and always being there for your partner when they’re in need. Conversely(in contrast, on the other hand), trust is damaged(hurt) when one does the opposite of these things or engages(takes part) in deceitful(dishonest) behavior.One of the most important ways to build trust in a relationship is through conversation. This leads us to the first of the eight dates, which is all about trust and commitment. Before the date, identify(recognize, try to understand) what trust and commitment mean to you personally. It can be helpful to think about your parents, and how trust and commitment affected your family life growing up. Also, try to come up with (think of) a few examples of how your partner has shown their commitment to you recently.When date night arrives, it’s time to have a conversation. Take turns (do the same thing one after the other) asking and answering questions like, “When was the last time you didn’t trust me and what could I have done differently?” Or perhaps “What can I do to prove(to show definitely that it is true) that I am committed to you and our relationship?” And finally, “What are the differences between our definitions(meaning, interpretation) of trust and commitment – and how can we resolve(deal with) them?”💕📚هایلایت قسمت 1 خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚💕✅ Trust: اعتماد✅ commitment : تعهد✅ dedicated : متعهد✅ cornerstone : اساس✅ long-term : طولانی مدت✅ relationship : رابطه✅ waver: نوسان داشتن✅ fluctuate : نوسان داشتن✅ interesting person : فرد جالب✅ consider : فکر کردن، در نظر گرفتن✅ instead of: بجای✅ briefly : بطور مختصر✅ fantasize : رویاپردازی کردن✅ daydream : رویاپردازی کردن✅ alternate: دیگر، جایگزین✅ universe : جهان✅ regularly : به طور منظم✅ lack : فقدان✅ shortage : کمبود✅ matter : اهمیت داشتن✅ get involved : درگیر چیزی شدن✅ associate:ربط داشتن✅ situations : شرایط✅ infidelity : خیانت✅ unfaithful : بی وفا✅ avoid : دوری کردن✅ altogether : در کل✅ negatively impact: تاثیر بد گذاشتن✅ seeking out : دنبال چیزی گشتن✅ especially : مخصوصا✅ flaws : عیب ها✅ undesirable : نا مطلوب✅ openly : به راحتی✅ frankly : صادقانه✅ long-lasting: طولانی مدت✅ everlasting : طولانی مدت✅ bedrock : اساس✅ overnight : یک شبه✅ keep promise : سر قول ماندن✅ conversely : از سوی دیگر✅ engage : شرکت کردن✅ deceitful : فریبکارانه✅ identify : شناسایی کردن✅ come up with: به چیزی رسیدن✅ take turns doing sth: نوبتی کاری را انجام دادن✅ prove: ثابت کردن✅ definition : تعریف✅ resolve: حل کردن➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


Eight Dates Day 1

Eight Datesby John GottmanIntroductionWhat’s in it for me? Discover the secrets to love-filled relationships by going on eight dates.Love is a fickle(changeable) thing. The majority of us have felt love at some point(sometime) in our lives,and many of us are currently(at present) in love with people we’re honored to call our partners. Butwhether you’re newly in love or have been together for decades(decade=10years), there’s no questionyou’ve experienced moments of doubt about your partnership. Maybe you’ve wondered if this is theright person for you, or if you can imagine growing old with your partner. Do your goals, personalitiesand beliefs align(in the same direction)?The following chapters help you answer such questions and bring even more love into your relationship.Each chapter will outline(summarize) one of the eight dates all couples should go on, with each datefocusing on an area that couples need to discuss in order for their relationship to thrive(grow, advance).The order of the dates is not important. Start with whichever one feels right to you, but make sure to gothrough all of them. For maximum effectiveness(productivity), read these chapters together with your partner, so that you’re both on the same page(Understand a situation in the same way) when date night arrives.In these chapters, you’ll learn• why fighting can be a positive part of a relationship;• how your experiences as a child can play a big role in your present relationship; and• why only a third of couples with children are as happy as before they became parents.🟢📚هایلایت مقدمه خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚🟢✅ introduction :مقدمه✅ discover : کشف کردن✅ secret : راز✅ love-filled: پر از عشق✅ relationship : رابطه ✅ fickle : بی ثبات✅ majority : اکثریت✅ at some point : یه زمانی✅ currently : در حال حاضر✅ honored : مفتخر✅ newly : به تازگی✅ decades : دهه ها✅ experience : تجربه کردن✅ doubt: شک✅ partnership : رابطه، شراکت✅ imagine : تصور کردن✅ goals: اهداف✅ personality : شخصیت✅ beliefs : باورها✅ align : هم راستا بودن✅ outline : خلاصه✅ couple : زوج✅ focus: تمرکز کردن✅ thrive : رشد کردن✅ whichever one: هر کدام✅ effectiveness: بازدهی ✅ to be on the same page : درک مشترک داشتن✅ fighting : جنگیدن➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


Atomic Habits day 163

اگر از خوندن این کتاب لذت بردین، میتونین از این پادکست حمایت کنین is not a goal to reach or a finish line to cross. It is a systemto improve, an endless process to refine. In Chapter 1, I said, “If you’rehaving trouble changing your habits, the problem isn’t you. Theproblem is your system. Bad habits repeat themselves again and againnot because you don’t want to change, but because you have the wrongsystem for change.”As this book draws to a close, I hope the opposite is true. With theFour Laws of Behavior Change, you have a set of tools and strategiesthat you can use to build better systems and shape better habits.Sometimes a habit will be hard to remember and you’ll need to make itobvious. Other times you won’t feel like starting and you’ll need tomake it attractive. In many cases, you may find that a habit will be toodifficult and you’ll need to make it easy. And sometimes, you won’t feellike sticking with it and you’ll need to make it satisfying.Behaviors are effortless here. Behaviors are difficult here.Obvious InvisibleAttractive UnattractiveEasy HardSatisfying UnsatisfyingYou want to push your good habits toward the left side of the spectrum bymaking them obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. Meanwhile, you wantto cluster your bad habits toward the right side by making them invisible,unattractive, hard, and unsatisfying.This is a continuous process. There is no finish line. There is nopermanent solution. Whenever you’re looking to improve, you canrotate through the Four Laws of Behavior Change until you find thenext bottleneck. Make it obvious. Make it attractive. Make it easy.Make it satisfying. Round and round. Always looking for the next wayto get 1 percent better.The secret to getting results that last is to never stop makingimprovements. It’s remarkable what you can build if you just don’tstop. It’s remarkable the business you can build if you don’t stopworking. It’s remarkable the body you can build if you don’t stoptraining. It’s remarkable the knowledge you can build if you don’t stoplearning. It’s remarkable the fortune you can build if you don’t stopsaving. It’s remarkable the friendships you can build if you don’t stopcaring. Small habits don’t add up. They compound.That’s the power of atomic habits. Tiny changes. Remarkableresults.🟢📚هایلایت قسمت آخر کتاب عادت های اتمی 📚🟢✅cross: عبور کردن✅refine: اصلاح کردن✅draw to a close: به پایان رساندن✅satisfying : لذت بخش✅continuous : ادامه دار✅finish line: خط پایان✅permanent : دائمی✅solution : راه حل✅rotate: چرخیدن✅bottleneck : تنگنا✅last: دوام آوردن✅make improvements : پیشرفت کردن✅remarkable : عالی✅train: ورزش کردن✅fortune : ثروت✅save: پس انداز کردن✅care: توجه کردن✅compound: ترکیب شدن✅tiny: کوچک➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


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ConclusionThe Secret to Results That LastHERE IS AN ancient Greek parable known as the Sorites Paradox,*which talks about the effect one small action can have when repeated enough times. One formulation of the paradox goes as follows: Can one coin make a person rich? If you give a person a pile often coins, you wouldn’t claim that he or she is rich. But what if you add another? And another? And another? At some point, you will have to admit that no one can be rich unless one coin can make him or her so.We can say the same about atomic habits. Can one tiny changetransform your life? It’s unlikely you would say so. But what if youmade another? And another? And another? At some point, you willhave to admit that your life was transformed by one small change.The holy grail of habit change is not a single 1 percent improvement,but a thousand of them. It’s a bunch of atomic habits stacking up, eachone a fundamental unit of the overall system.In the beginning, small improvements can often seem meaninglessbecause they get washed away by the weight of the system. Just as onecoin won’t make you rich, one positive change like meditating for oneminute or reading one page each day is unlikely to deliver a noticeable difference.Gradually, though, as you continue to layer small changes on top of one another, the scales of life start to move. Each improvement is like adding a grain of sand to the positive side of the scale, slowly tilting things in your favor. Eventually, if you stick with it, you hit a tippingpoint. Suddenly, it feels easier to stick with good habits. The weight of the system is working for you rather than against you.Over the course of this book, we’ve looked at dozens of stories about top performers. We’ve heard about Olympic gold medalists, award-winning artists, business leaders, lifesaving physicians, and starcomedians who have all used the science of small habits to master their craft and vault to the top of their field. Each of the people, teams, and companies we have covered has faced different circumstances, but ultimately progressed in the same way: through a commitment to tiny, sustainable, unrelenting improvements.🟢📚هایلایت قسمت ١٦٢ کتاب عادت های اتمی 📚🟢✅conclusion: نتیجه گیری✅ancient: باستانی✅Greek: یونانی✅Parable: داستان اخلاقی✅Enough times: دفعات کافی✅Formulation: شکل✅Coin: سکه✅Pile: انبوه✅Claim: ادعا کردن✅Admit: قبول کردن، پذیرفتن✅Unless: مگر اینکه✅Transform: متحول کردن✅Unlikely: بعید✅Holy grail: جام مقدس، هدف نهایی✅A bunch of : تعدادی✅Stack up: روی هم جمع شدن✅Fundamental: اساسی✅Overall: کلی✅Meaningless: بی معنی✅Wash away: از بین بردن✅Get washed away: از بین رفتن✅Weight: وزن✅Noticeable: چشمگیر✅Gradually: کم‌کم✅Layer: لایه، چیدن روی هم✅Scales: ترازو✅Grain of sand: دانه ی شن✅Tilt: مایل شدن✅In your favor: به نفع شما✅Eventually: در نهایت✅Stick with something: به چیزی چسبیدن✅Tipping point: نقطه ی تکامل✅Over the course of: در طول✅Dozens of: بسیاری✅Life saving: نجات دهنده ی زندگی✅Physician: پزشک✅Craft: هنر و صنعت✅Vault: پریدن✅Circumstances: شرایط✅Commitment: تعهد✅Sustainable: ماندگار✅Unrelenting:پایدار و مداوم➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


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Military veterans and former entrepreneurs report similar feelings.If your identity is wrapped up in a belief like “I’m a great soldier,” what happens when your period of service ends? For many business owners,their identity is something along the lines of “I’m the CEO” or “I’m the founder.” If you have spent every waking moment working on yourbusiness, how will you feel after you sell the company?The key to mitigating these losses of identity is to redefine yourself such that you get to keep important aspects of your identity even if your particular role changes.“I’m an athlete” becomes “I’m the type of person who is mentally tough and loves a physical challenge.”“I’m a great soldier” transforms into “I’m the type of person who is disciplined, reliable, and great on a team.”“I’m the CEO” translates to “I’m the type of person who builds and creates things.”When chosen effectively, an identity can be flexible rather than brittle. Like water flowing around an obstacle, your identity works with the changing circumstances rather than against them.The following quote from the Tao Te Ching encapsulates the ideas perfectly:Men are born soft and supple;dead, they are stiff and hard.Plants are born tender and pliant;dead, they are brittle and dry.Thus whoever is stiff and inflexibleis a disciple of death.Whoever is soft and yieldingis a disciple of life.The hard and stiff will be broken.The soft and supple will prevail.—LAO TZUHabits deliver numerous benefits, but the downside is that they can lock us into our previous patterns of thinking and acting—even when the world is shifting around us. Everything is impermanent. Life isconstantly changing, so you need to periodically check in to see if your old habits and beliefs are still serving you.A lack of self-awareness is poison. Reflection and review is the antidote.Chapter SummaryThe upside of habits is that we can do things without thinking.The downside is that we stop paying attention to little errors.Habits + Deliberate Practice = MasteryReflection and review is a process that allows you to remain conscious of your performance over time.The tighter we cling to an identity, the harder it becomes to grow beyond it.🟢📚هایلایت قسمت ۱۶۱ کتاب عادت های اتمی 📚🟢✅ military: نظامی✅ veteran: کهنه کار✅ former: سابق✅ entrepreneur: کارآفرین✅ wrapped up: تنیده شده✅ belief: باور✅ period of service: مدت خدمت✅ along the lines of: مشابه✅ founder: موسس✅ mitigate: کم کردن شدت، تسکین دادن✅ loss: فقدان✅ redefine: مجددا تعریف کردن✅ aspect: جنبه✅ particular: خاص✅ role: نقش✅ tough: سرسخت✅ transform into: تبدیل شدن به✅ disciplined: منظم✅ reliable: قابل اتکا، قابل اطمینان✅ effectively: به خوبی✅ brittle: inflexible: انعطاف ناپذیر✅ flow: جریان داشتن✅ obstacle: مانع✅ circumstances: شرایط✅ quote: نقل قول✅ encapsulate: خلاصه ی چیزی را گفتن✅ supple: نرم و انعطاف پذیر✅ stiff: سفت✅ tender: pliant: نرم✅ disciple: پیرو✅ numerous: بیشمار✅ downside: عیب✅ upside: فایده✅ pattern: الگو✅ impermanent: transient: موقتی✅ periodically: بطور دائم✅ self-awareness: خود آگاهی✅ cling: چنگ زدن، چسبیدن➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


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HOW TO BREAK THE BELIEFS THAT HOLD YOU BACKIn the beginning, repeating a habit is essential to build up evidence ofyour desired identity. As you latch on to that new identity, however,those same beliefs can hold you back from the next level of growth.When working against you, your identity creates a kind of “pride” thatencourages you to deny your weak spots and prevents you from trulygrowing. This is one of the greatest downsides of building habits.The more sacred an idea is to us—that is, the more deeply it is tiedto our identity—the more strongly we will defend it against criticism.You see this in every industry. The schoolteacher who ignoresinnovative teaching methods and sticks with her tried-and-true lessonplans. The veteran manager who is committed to doing things “hisway.” The surgeon who dismisses the ideas of her younger colleagues.The band who produces a mind-blowing first album and then getsstuck in a rut. The tighter we cling to an identity, the harder it becomesto grow beyond it.One solution is to avoid making any single aspect of your identity anoverwhelming portion of who you are. In the words of investor PaulGraham, “keep your identity small.” The more you let a single beliefdefine you, the less capable you are of adapting when life challengesyou. If you tie everything up in being the point guard or the partner atthe firm or whatever else, then the loss of that facet of your life willwreck you. If you’re a vegan and then develop a health condition thatforces you to change your diet, you’ll have an identity crisis on yourhands. When you cling too tightly to one identity, you become brittle.Lose that one thing and you lose yourself.For most of my young life, being an athlete was a major part of myidentity. After my baseball career ended, I struggled to find myself.When you spend your whole life defining yourself in one way and thatdisappears, who are you now?🟢📚هایلایت قسمت ۱۶۰ کتاب عادت های اتمی 📚🟢✅ repeat: تکرار کردن✅ essential : لازم و ضروری✅ build up : ساختن✅ evidence : مدرک و دلیل✅ desired : مطلوب✅ identity : هویت✅ latch onto:دو دستی چسبیدن به چیزی ✅ beliefs : باورها✅ growth : رشد✅ pride : غرور✅ encourage : تشویق کردن✅ deny: انکار کردن✅ prevent : جلوگیری کردن✅ truly : واقعا✅ downside : ضرر✅ sacred : مقدس✅ deeply : عمیقا✅ strongly : به طور قوی✅ criticism : نقد✅ industry : صنعت✅ schoolteacher : معلم مدرسه✅ ignore : نادیده گرفتن✅ innovative : خلاقانه✅ veteran : کارکشته✅ manager: مدیر✅ committed : متعهد✅ surgeon : جراح✅ dismiss: رد کردن✅ colleagues : همکاران✅ mind-blowing : عالی✅ solution : راه حل✅ avoid : دوری کردن✅ aspect : جنبه✅ overwhelming : بزرگ✅ portion : قسمت✅ investor : سرمایه گذار✅ capable : توانا✅ adapting : سازگاری✅ wreck : نابود کردن✅ vegan: وگان✅ develop: گسترش دادن✅ health condition : مشکل سلامتی✅ crisis : بحران✅ cling too tightly : محکم به چیزی چسبیدن✅ brittle : انعطاف ناپذیر✅ athlete: ورزشکار✅ major: مهم✅ struggle : کشمکش✅ disappear: ناپدید شدن➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


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Six months later, when summer rolls around, I conduct an IntegrityReport. Like everyone, I make a lot of mistakes. My Integrity Reporthelps me realize where I went wrong and motivates me to get back oncourse. I use it as a time to revisit my core values and consider whetherI have been living in accordance with them. This is when I reflect onmy identity and how I can work toward being the type of person I wishto become.*My yearly Integrity Report answers three questions:1. What are the core values that drive my life and work?2. How am I living and working with integrity right now?3. How can I set a higher standard in the future?These two reports don’t take very long—just a few hours per year—but they are crucial periods of refinement. They prevent the gradualslide that happens when I don’t pay close attention. They provide anannual reminder to revisit my desired identity and consider how myhabits are helping me become the type of person I wish to be. Theyindicate when I should upgrade my habits and take on new challengesand when I should dial my efforts back and focus on the fundamentals.Reflection can also bring a sense of perspective. Daily habits arepowerful because of how they compound, but worrying too much aboutevery daily choice is like looking at yourself in the mirror from an inchaway. You can see every imperfection and lose sight of the biggerpicture. There is too much feedback. Conversely, never reviewing yourhabits is like never looking in the mirror. You aren’t aware of easilyfixable flaws—a spot on your shirt, a bit of food in your teeth. There istoo little feedback. Periodic reflection and review is like viewingyourself in the mirror from a conversational distance. You can see theimportant changes you should make without losing sight of the biggerpicture. You want to view the entire mountain range, not obsess overeach peak and valley.Finally, reflection and review offers an ideal time to revisit one ofthe most important aspects of behavior change: identity.🟢📚هایلایت قسمت ۱۵۹ کتاب عادت های اتمی 📚🟢✅ roll around : فرا رسیدن✅ conduct : انجام دادن✅ integrity report : گزارش یکپارچگی✅ mistakes : اشتباهات✅ motivate: انگیزه دادن✅ revisit : بازنگری کردن✅ core values : ارزش های اصلی✅ consider : در نظر گرفتن✅ in accordance with:در تطابق با چیزی بودن✅ reflect: بازتاب دادن✅ identity : هویت✅ toward : در جهت✅ in the future : در آینده✅ crucial : مهم✅ refinement : اصلاح✅ prevent : جلوگیری کردن✅ gradual : تدریجی✅ slide : لغزش✅ close attention : توجه دقیق✅ annual : سالانه✅ reminder : یاد آور✅ indicate : نشان دادن✅ upgrade : ارتقا دادن✅ effort: تلاش✅ fundamental : اساسی✅ reflection : بازتاب✅ sense of perspective : درک درست✅ daily : روزانه✅ compound : مرکب✅ mirror : آینه✅ imperfection: نقص✅ feedback : بازخورد✅ conversely : برعکس✅ fixable : قابل اصلاح✅ spot : لکه✅ conversational distance: فاصله هنگام صحبت کردن✅ entire : کامل✅ range : محدوده✅ obsess: درگیر شدن✅ peak and valley : قله و دره✅ aspects: جنبه ها➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


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Top performers in all fields engage in various types of reflection andreview, and the process doesn’t have to be complex. Kenyan runnerEliud Kipchoge is one of the greatest marathoners of all time and anOlympic gold medalist. He still takes notes after every practice inwhich he reviews his training for the day and searches for areas thatcan be improved. Similarly, gold medal swimmer Katie Ledeckyrecords her wellness on a scale of 1 to 10 and includes notes on hernutrition and how well she slept. She also records the times posted byother swimmers. At the end of each week, her coach goes over hernotes and adds his thoughts.It’s not just athletes, either. When comedian Chris Rock is preparingfresh material, he will first appear at small nightclubs dozens of timesand test hundreds of jokes. He brings a notepad on stage and recordswhich bits go over well and where he needs to make adjustments. Thefew killer lines that survive will form the backbone of his new show.I know of executives and investors who keep a “decision journal” inwhich they record the major decisions they make each week, why theymade them, and what they expect the outcome to be. They review theirchoices at the end of each month or year to see where they were correctand where they went wrong.*Improvement is not just about learning habits, it’s also about finetuning them. Reflection and review ensures that you spend your timeon the right things and make course corrections whenever necessary—like Pat Riley adjusting the effort of his players on a nightly basis. Youdon’t want to keep practicing a habit if it becomes ineffective.Personally, I employ two primary modes of reflection and review.Each December, I perform an Annual Review, in which I reflect on theprevious year. I tally my habits for the year by counting up how manyarticles I published, how many workouts I put in, how many newplaces I visited, and more.* Then, I reflect on my progress (or lackthereof) by answering three questions:1. What went well this year?2. What didn’t go so well this year?3. What did I learn?🟢📚هایلایت قسمت ۱۵۸ کتاب عادت های اتمی 📚🟢✅ performance : عملکرد✅ field : زمینه✅ engage: مشغول بودن✅ various : مختلف✅ reflection : انعکاس✅ marathoners : دونده های ماراتون✅ medalist : دارنده مدال✅ Still : هنوز✅ practice : عمل، تمرین✅ similarly : بطور مشابه✅ Wellness : خوب بودن، تندرستی✅ scale : مقیاس✅ include : شامل شدن✅ nutrition : تغذیه✅ add: اضافه کردن✅ athletes : ورزشکاران✅ either : هم✅ preparing : آماده کردن✅ appear: ظاهر شدن✅ nightclub : کلوپ شبانه✅ dozen : دوازده✅ Dozens of times: بارها و بارها✅ adjustment : اصلاح✅ survive : باقی ماندن✅ backbone : رکن اصلی✅ executive : مدیر، اجرایی✅ investor : سرمایه گذار✅ decision : تصمیم✅ major : مهم✅ outcome : نتیجه✅ correct : درست✅ improvement : پیشرفت✅ ensure : اطمینان دادن✅ correction : اصلاح✅ necessary : لازم✅ on a nightly basis: هر شب✅ ineffective : بی فایده✅ personally : به شخصه✅ employ: به کار گرفتن✅ primary : اولیه، اصلی✅ publish : منتشر کردن✅ workout: ورزش✅ lack thereof : فقدانش➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english❤️🎵 Music Channel: @luminous_music


Atomic Habits day 157

💖حامی این قسمت باشید (💖Magic’s CBE number here would be 879. This number wascalculated for all of a player’s games, and it was the average CBE that aplayer was asked to improve by 1 percent over the season. Rileycompared each player’s current CBE to not only their pastperformances but also those of other players in the league. As Riley putit, “We rank team members alongside league opponents who play thesame position and have similar role definitions.”Sportswriter Jackie MacMullan noted, “Riley trumpeted the topperformers in the league in bold lettering on the blackboard each weekand measured them against the corresponding players on his ownroster. Solid, reliable players generally rated a score in the 600s, whileelite players scored at least 800. Magic Johnson, who submitted 138triple-doubles in his career, often scored over 1,000.”The Lakers also emphasized year-over-year progress by makinghistorical comparisons of CBE data. Riley said, “We stacked the monthof November 1986, next to November 1985, and showed the playerswhether they were doing better or worse than at the same point lastseason. Then we showed them how their performance figures forDecember 1986, stacked up against November’s.”The Lakers rolled out CBE in October 1986. Eight months later, theywere NBA champions. The following year, Pat Riley led his team toanother title as the Lakers became the first team in twenty years to winback-to-back NBA championships. Afterward, he said, “Sustaining aneffort is the most important thing for any enterprise. The way to besuccessful is to learn how to do things right, then do them the sameway every time.”The CBE program is a prime example of the power of reflection andreview. The Lakers were already talented. CBE helped them get themost out of what they had, and made sure their habits improved ratherthan declined.Reflection and review enables the long-term improvement of allhabits because it makes you aware of your mistakes and helps youconsider possible paths for improvement. Without reflection, we canmake excuses, create rationalizations, and lie to ourselves. We have noprocess for determining whether we are performing better or worsecompared to yesterday.🟢📚هایلایت قسمت ۱۵۷ کتاب عادت های اتمی 📚🟢✅ calculate : محاسبه کردن✅ improve: بهتر کردن✅ compare: مقایسه کردن✅ current : فعلی✅ performance : عملکرد✅ alongside : در کنار✅ league : لیگ✅ opponent: حریف✅ similar : مشابه✅ role definition: شرح وظایف ✅ sportswriter: نویسنده ورزشی ✅ trumpet(v): اعلام کردن✅ blackboard : تخته سیاه✅ each week: هر هفته ✅ corresponding : مشابه✅ roster: لیست اسامی✅ reliable : قابل اطمینان✅ elite : عالی✅ submit: ثبت کردن✅ Triple-Double : امتیاز تریپل دابل در بسکتبال✅ career : حرفه✅ emphasize : تاکید کردن✅ year-over-year: هر ساله✅ progress : پیشرفت✅ historical : تاریخی✅ comparison : مقایسه✅ stack: جمع شدن✅ back-to-back : پشت سر هم✅ sustain: زنده نگه داشتن ✅ enterprise : تلاش، شرکت✅ prime : عالی، اولیه✅ reflection : انعکاس✅ decline: تنزل کردن ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️🌟Instagram page: luminous__english🌟Castbox channel: luminous english🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_music


shayesteh Moradi

another big like

07-07 Reply

Iman Nasr

ممنون ازتون عالی بود

07-07 Reply

Iman Nasr

خیلی ممنون ازتون

07-07 Reply

mehrandokht emadi

با سلام و درود و تشکر ویژه برای تلاشهاتون....واقعا خیلی بهره میبرم از نحوه تدریس و کتابهای انتخابیتون....موفق باشید

07-07 Reply


اموزش شما خیلی تاثیر گذاره براتون ارزوی موفقیت در همه مراحل زندگیتون دارم 🙏

07-04 Reply
















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