Why has day 6

Why has day 6

Update: 2024-07-1710


Learning how to manage anxiety will open up your life.

Choosing healthy behavior step by step is also the most effective way to deal with anxiety. If you struggle with anxiety, you know it’s no fun – at best, it’s uncomfortable, and at worst, it can completely take over (take control of) your life. Because anxiety is something we all experience, it’s no surprise that one of Dr. Julie’s most commonly asked questions is how to make it go away.


Managing anxiety is about facing fears. The most tempting(enticing, attractive) way to deal with fear is to run away from it by avoiding the situations that make it flare up(Intensify, worsen). But here’s the thing about fear: The more we avoid it, the more we feed it in the long run. And what’s worse is that if we let fear dictate our choices, our lives become smaller and smaller.


Let’s say that, during the pandemic, you started to become anxious in crowded places. So you started to avoid busy areas. Then you found yourself feeling uncomfortable in public transport and in supermarkets too, so you decided to avoid those as well. After some time, you became unwilling(reluctant) to spend time around people you didn’t know well. Eventually(finally), your anxiety has created a situation where you’re barely(hardly) able to leave the house. So how do you get your life back?


The key is to go easy on yourself(take it easy), and not to reintroduce(bring back) every anxiety-inducing situation(the situation that is likely to produce anxiety) at once. That will likely overwhelm(confuse) your brain and cause you to give up. Pick one that feels the most manageable and start there. Step back into a supermarket, sit with the fear(take the time to reflect on or process the fear), step out, and give yourself time to recover. Do it again the next day and watch your confidence grow gradually over time.


Once you can go to the supermarket without the strong urge to flee(run away), reintroduce the next element in your life, like public transportation. As long as you don’t flood yourself with anxiety(drown yourself in anxiety), you’ll be able to take your life back, layer by layer.


This same approach of incrementally(increasingly) facing fears works for building your confidence, even if you aren’t especially anxious but want to become more daring(brave). Your confidence will grow over time if you find the courage to face the things that make you feel squeamish(uncomfortable, anxious), as long as you do it gradually and with repetition, with ample(large) recovery time, and you don’t put yourself in situations that will cause you to panic.


📚هایلایت ۶ خلاصه کتاب 

Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?

Manage: مدیریت کردن

Anxiety: اضطراب

Open up: گشودن

Step by step:قدم به قدم


Struggle:کشکمش داشتن

At best:در بهترین حالت

At worst:در بدترین حالت

Take over:تسخیر کردن


Go away: محو شدن

Face:روبرو شدن

Tempting:وسوسه برانگیز

Flare up:شعله ور کردن


Dictate:دیکته کردن


Unwilling:بی میل

Eventually:در نهایت

Overwhelm: دربر گرفتن

Sit with sth:پذیرش داشتن

Gradually:کم کم

Urge: نیاز

Flee:فرار کردن

Incrementally:قدم به قدم

Squeamish:حساس ،نازک نارنجی


🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️



🌟Instagram page: luminous__english

🌟Castbox channel: luminous english

🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english

♥️ Music Channel: @luminous_musics

Comments (3)

z aidi

صداتون بی نظیره ممنون بابت زحماتتون❤️❤️

Jul 26th

Atefeh Sh

why has nobody told me before... it was about one year ago when I listened to its audio book by the voice of Dr. Jullie Smith. it was incredibly amazing, keeping me awake all night... it literally moved steady forward... but this summary by your voice is another novel experience which helps me to delve in to its content more

Jul 23rd

Zahra Kh

ممنون از صدا و تدریس بی نظیرتون لطفا کتاب the girl on the train هم بذارید

Jul 22nd
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