DiscoverLuminous EnglishEight Dates Day 7
Eight Dates Day 7

Eight Dates Day 7

Update: 2024-06-097


Chapter 6

Play and adventure are integral(inseparable) parts of any successful relationship.

When was the last time you and your partner went on an adventure(engaging in an exciting experience)?

Or simply acted a bit silly together? If you’re finding it hard to remember, it’s probably time for you to

introduce a bit of play into your relationship. The importance of having fun with your partner cannot be

overstated(exaggerated). Sadly, in today’s world of long work hours and stressful family demands(the

various responsibilities, expectations, and obligations that come with being a member of a family), play often

finds itself at the bottom of our to-do lists.

If this sounds familiar, consider how you might cultivate(develop) joy in your relationship. Howard

Markman, director of the University of Denver’s Centre for Marital and Family Studies, has been

studying the fun that couples have since 1996. For him, the numbers speak for themselves – couples

that play and laugh regularly are happier couples.

The sixth date is all about play and adventure. To prepare, think through all the possible fun things you

could do with your partner. Particularly things you haven’t done in a long time, or haven’t ever tried.

When was the last time you went to a concert? An amusement park? Have you ever taken a dance class

together? What about simply playing in the mud on a rainy summer day?

Once you have a list of possible activities, it’s time to plan a fun date! Try to be as

spontaneous(unplanned) as possible. Why not take a day off work(take a break from work) and have a

date in the morning? Or in the middle of the night? The sky’s the limit(there are no restrictions) for how

creative you can be with this date.

When you’re on the date itself, you need to make time for some conversation. What does adventure

mean to you and your partner? What’s the last thing you can remember doing that was only about

having fun? What adventures do you want to embark on(start) before death?

During the date, make sure to compare your preparation notes. Which activities are on both of your

lists? Some couples might find that their ideas of fun are quite different. But don’t be daunted(afraid) by

this. Remember that having fun is often about trying new things. What are some of the things on your

partner’s list that you can imagine trying? Remember, doing new things together keeps the novelty

(Newness) of the relationship intact(not damaged)!

📚هایلایت قسمت 7 خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚

✅adventure : ماجراجویی

✅integral : جدا نشدنی

✅Go on an adventure : به ماجراجویی رفتن

✅probably: شاید

✅overstated : مبالغه شده

✅family demands : مسئولیتهای خانوادگی

✅to-do list: لیست کارها

✅consider : در نظر گرفتن

✅cultivate : رشد دادن

✅prepare: آماده کردن

✅particularly : مخصوصا

✅amusement park: شهر بازی

✅spontaneous : برنامه ریزی نشده

✅take a day off work : یک روز مرخصی گرفتن

✅The sky's the limit : محدودیتی وجود نداره

✅conversation : گفتگو

✅embark on : شروع کردن

✅daunt: ترساندن

✅novelty : تنوع

✅intact: سالم، بدون آسیب


🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️


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Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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120 Minutes

Eight Dates Day 7

Eight Dates Day 7