DiscoverLuminous EnglishAtomic Habits day 157
Atomic Habits day 157

Atomic Habits day 157

Update: 2024-04-1620


💖حامی این قسمت باشید (💖

Magic’s CBE number here would be 879. This number was

calculated for all of a player’s games, and it was the average CBE that a

player was asked to improve by 1 percent over the season. Riley

compared each player’s current CBE to not only their past

performances but also those of other players in the league. As Riley put

it, “We rank team members alongside league opponents who play the

same position and have similar role definitions.”

Sportswriter Jackie MacMullan noted, “Riley trumpeted the top

performers in the league in bold lettering on the blackboard each week

and measured them against the corresponding players on his own

roster. Solid, reliable players generally rated a score in the 600s, while

elite players scored at least 800. Magic Johnson, who submitted 138

triple-doubles in his career, often scored over 1,000.”

The Lakers also emphasized year-over-year progress by making

historical comparisons of CBE data. Riley said, “We stacked the month

of November 1986, next to November 1985, and showed the players

whether they were doing better or worse than at the same point last

season. Then we showed them how their performance figures for

December 1986, stacked up against November’s.”

The Lakers rolled out CBE in October 1986. Eight months later, they

were NBA champions. The following year, Pat Riley led his team to

another title as the Lakers became the first team in twenty years to win

back-to-back NBA championships. Afterward, he said, “Sustaining an

effort is the most important thing for any enterprise. The way to be

successful is to learn how to do things right, then do them the same

way every time.”

The CBE program is a prime example of the power of reflection and

review. The Lakers were already talented. CBE helped them get the

most out of what they had, and made sure their habits improved rather

than declined.

Reflection and review enables the long-term improvement of all

habits because it makes you aware of your mistakes and helps you

consider possible paths for improvement. Without reflection, we can

make excuses, create rationalizations, and lie to ourselves. We have no

process for determining whether we are performing better or worse

compared to yesterday.

🟢📚هایلایت قسمت ۱۵۷ کتاب عادت های اتمی 📚🟢

✅ calculate : محاسبه کردن

✅ improve: بهتر کردن

✅ compare: مقایسه کردن

✅ current : فعلی

✅ performance : عملکرد

✅ alongside : در کنار

✅ league : لیگ

✅ opponent: حریف

✅ similar : مشابه

✅ role definition: شرح وظایف 

✅ sportswriter: نویسنده ورزشی 

✅ trumpet(v): اعلام کردن

✅ blackboard : تخته سیاه

✅ each week: هر هفته 

✅ corresponding : مشابه

✅ roster: لیست اسامی

✅ reliable : قابل اطمینان

✅ elite : عالی

✅ submit: ثبت کردن

✅ Triple-Double : امتیاز تریپل دابل در بسکتبال

✅ career : حرفه

✅ emphasize : تاکید کردن

✅ year-over-year: هر ساله

✅ progress : پیشرفت

✅ historical : تاریخی

✅ comparison : مقایسه

✅ stack: جمع شدن

✅ back-to-back : پشت سر هم

✅ sustain: زنده نگه داشتن 

✅ enterprise : تلاش، شرکت

✅ prime : عالی، اولیه

✅ reflection : انعکاس

✅ decline: تنزل کردن 


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Comments (2)

Amir Ahmadpoor

your approach is really innovative , you have a great voice and listening to you is really interesting !

Apr 22nd
Reply (1)
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