DiscoverLuminous EnglishEight Dates Day 5
Eight Dates Day 5

Eight Dates Day 5

Update: 2024-05-2918


Chapter 4


Resolving issues related to work and money is integral(inseparable) for any successful relationship.

Before the 1960s, men worked while women took care of the household, an old-fashioned and sexist configuration(system). Despite significant shifts (changes, transitions) in the last decades, the division(separating into two or more different parts) of labor in a partnership still presents a problem(creates a problem).

Work doesn’t just refer to a paid profession. Non-paid work around the house would cost approximately(roughly) $90,000 per year if you hired someone to do it for you. What’s more, a 2007 Pew Research study found that sharing housework was the third most important element of a long-lasting marriage, right after being faithful(loyal) to one’s partner and a healthy sex life.

When it comes to labor, it’s important that every couple strikes a balance(Creates a balance) between earning paychecks and contributing(helping) around the house. Even more critical is to regularly talk about whether you think you’re both putting in equal effort. The fourth date isn’t just about finding a balance in this area. It’s also about balancing out the fruits of your labor(positive outcomes) – money.

As with the previous dates, family history can play a big role in the way we perceive(become aware of or understand something through the senses) the world. Money is no exception.

Take Trevor and Adam. While Trevor loved to spend, Adam was more inclined(have a tendency) to save. This stemmed(originated) from their different childhood experiences with money. Trevor’s father had always promised to take them on adventures but died at the young age of 35. So when Adam inherited(acquiring something from) a sizable(large) amount of money, Trevor thought it best to spend it on traveling. But Adam grew up poor, and his family never had money to fall back on(rely on). While he also wanted to travel, he preferred to put his inheritance directly into a savings account.

These differences highlight the importance of preparing for your work and money date. This preparation involves asking yourself some questions about your family history with money. Did your parents have savings? Did you take regular vacations? How frugal(economical, thrifty) were your parents? Once you’ve answered these questions, it’s time to go on a date – and it should be as cheap as possible – no fancy restaurants (a restaurant that has upscale atmosphere, high-quality food and drinks, and excellent service ) this time. Consider getting take-out(takeaway) and having the date at home.

Take turns sharing your respective family histories with money. Continue by sharing three ways your partner contributes(helps) to the relationship – monetary (related to money) or otherwise – that you really appreciate. And make sure to be open(frank, honest) about your hopes and fears regarding money and the future.

📚هایلایت قسمت 5 خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚

✅integral : جدانشدنی

✅household : کارهای خانه

✅old-fashioned : قدیمی و منسوخ

✅sexist : جنسیت زده

✅configuration : شکل

✅Despite : علیرغم

✅significant : مهم

✅shifts : تغییرات

✅division : تقسیم

✅labor: کار

✅present a problem : مشکل ایجاد کردن

✅Non-paid : بدون دستمزد

✅approximately : حدودا

✅Long-lasting : طولانی

✅marriage : ازدواج

✅faithful : با وفا

✅strike a balance : تعادل ایجاد کردن

✅paycheck : فیش حقوقی

✅contributing : کمک کردن

✅critical : مهم

✅regularly : منظم

✅equal effort: تلاش برابر

✅fruits of your labor : نتیجه زحمات شما

✅perceive : درک کردن با حواس

✅exception : استثنا

✅inclined : متمایل

✅stem : ریشه داشتن

✅adventure : ماجراجویی

✅inherit: به ارث بردن

✅sizable : زیاد

✅fall back on: تکیه کردن

✅prefer: ترجیح دادن

✅inheritance : ارثیه

✅saving account : حساب پس انداز

✅highlight : مهم جلوه دادن

✅preparation : آمادگی

✅vacation : تعطیلات

✅frugal : مقتصد

✅fancy restaurants : رستوران های شیک

✅consider : فکر کردن

✅take-out : بیرون بر

✅monetary : پولی

✅appreciate : تحسین کردن

✅Open : صادق


🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️


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Comments (3)

Sobhan Saghai

عالی بود این قسمت

Jun 10th

Malihe Khani

سلام. چه مشکلی پیش اومده؟؟ مدتی هیچ اپيزودی باز نمیشه و میگه خطای ناشناخته؟

May 31st
Reply (1)
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