DiscoverLuminous EnglishEight Dates Day 4
Eight Dates Day 4

Eight Dates Day 4

Update: 2024-05-2618


Admin Telegram ID: @m_h_sed

Chapter 3

S.e.x and intimacy might be hard topics for some couples, but it’s necessary to talk about them.

Discussing intimate(private) topics might be challenging (difficult, tricky) for some couples, but it's essential(vital, necessary) to communicate about them. When it comes to (In the context of) discussing the "aspects of relationships," most couples face difficulties in openly conversing(talking). It is unfortunate (tragic) that a minority of couples talk about these matters openly. Nonetheless, engaging in such conversations can lead to improved understanding and satisfaction in relationships. Studies show that couples who openly discuss their intimate life share a stronger bond (connection, relationship) and have more fulfilling(satisfying, worthwhile) experiences.

For many couples, particularly(Specifically) those from different backgrounds, navigating(addressing) these topics might be difficult. For instance, consider a couple, Katya and Ethan. Katya grew up in a family that openly talked about relationships, while Ethan's family found such discussions uncomfortable(awkward). This difference made it challenging for them to discuss intimate matters. However, by using the questions suggested by the authors, Ethan and Katya had a successful date focused on relationships and intimacy. They were able to discuss their likes and dislikes about their relationship.

Before we proceed to the questions, let's focus on the location, an important aspect of this relationships and intimacy date. Aim for a cozy(comfortable, relaxing) dinner at a restaurant, or perhaps at a serene spot(calm place) in nature like a park. This date should be warm and inviting (attractive), as it may lead to a deeper connection. Make sure you're dressed comfortably and appropriately for the occasion.

Before your date, reflect on your feelings about discussing relationships and think about how you can approach(discuss) this topic with your partner. If you find it difficult to talk about relationships, consider why that might be. Remember, there is no right or wrong way to have this conversation. The key is to be honest and open.

During the date, engage in a conversation by asking and answering questions. Share favorite memories you've had together, what your partner does that makes you feel appreciated, and activities you'd like to try together but haven't yet. As you answer these questions, try to be as specific (exact and to the point) as possible when describing your feelings or experiences. This will help ensure clarity (easy to understand) and understanding.

📚هایلایت قسمت 4 خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚

✅intimacy : نزدیکی

✅intimate : نزدیک

✅Private : خصوصی

✅Challenging : سخت

✅tricky: سخت

✅essential : لازم

✅Vital: ضروری

✅communicate : ارتباط برقرار کردن

✅when it comes to: وقتی صحبت از …میشه

✅aspects of relationships: جوانب رابطه

✅conversing : صحبت کردن

✅unfortunate : تاسف آور

✅minority : اقلیت

✅Nonetheless : با این وجود

✅engaging : شرکت کردن

✅improve : تقویت کردن

✅satisfaction : رضایت

✅bond: رابطه

✅fulfilling : رضایتبخش

✅particularly : مخصوصا

✅navigating a topic: صحبت در مورد موضوعی

✅uncomfortable : معذب کننده

✅author : نویسنده

✅Cozy : دنج

✅serene spot : مکان آرام

✅inviting : جذاب

✅appropriately : مناسب

✅occasion : مناسبت

✅reflect: فکر کردن

✅favorite : مورد علاقه

✅appreciate : تحسین کردن

✅Specific : خاص


✅clarity : شفافیت


🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️


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Jun 9th
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saeide zarei

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