DiscoverLuminous EnglishAtomic Habits day 158
Atomic Habits day 158

Atomic Habits day 158

Update: 2024-04-2017


Top performers in all fields engage in various types of reflection and

review, and the process doesn’t have to be complex. Kenyan runner

Eliud Kipchoge is one of the greatest marathoners of all time and an

Olympic gold medalist. He still takes notes after every practice in

which he reviews his training for the day and searches for areas that

can be improved. Similarly, gold medal swimmer Katie Ledecky

records her wellness on a scale of 1 to 10 and includes notes on her

nutrition and how well she slept. She also records the times posted by

other swimmers. At the end of each week, her coach goes over her

notes and adds his thoughts.

It’s not just athletes, either. When comedian Chris Rock is preparing

fresh material, he will first appear at small nightclubs dozens of times

and test hundreds of jokes. He brings a notepad on stage and records

which bits go over well and where he needs to make adjustments. The

few killer lines that survive will form the backbone of his new show.

I know of executives and investors who keep a “decision journal” in

which they record the major decisions they make each week, why they

made them, and what they expect the outcome to be. They review their

choices at the end of each month or year to see where they were correct

and where they went wrong.*

Improvement is not just about learning habits, it’s also about finetuning them. Reflection and review ensures that you spend your time

on the right things and make course corrections whenever necessary—

like Pat Riley adjusting the effort of his players on a nightly basis. You

don’t want to keep practicing a habit if it becomes ineffective.

Personally, I employ two primary modes of reflection and review.

Each December, I perform an Annual Review, in which I reflect on the

previous year. I tally my habits for the year by counting up how many

articles I published, how many workouts I put in, how many new

places I visited, and more.* Then, I reflect on my progress (or lack

thereof) by answering three questions:

1. What went well this year?

2. What didn’t go so well this year?

3. What did I learn?

🟢📚هایلایت قسمت ۱۵۸ کتاب عادت های اتمی 📚🟢

✅ performance : عملکرد

✅ field : زمینه

✅ engage: مشغول بودن

✅ various : مختلف

✅ reflection : انعکاس

✅ marathoners : دونده های ماراتون

✅ medalist : دارنده مدال

✅ Still : هنوز

✅ practice : عمل، تمرین

✅ similarly : بطور مشابه

✅ Wellness : خوب بودن، تندرستی

✅ scale : مقیاس

✅ include : شامل شدن

✅ nutrition : تغذیه

✅ add: اضافه کردن

✅ athletes : ورزشکاران

✅ either : هم

✅ preparing : آماده کردن

✅ appear: ظاهر شدن

✅ nightclub : کلوپ شبانه

✅ dozen : دوازده

✅ Dozens of times: بارها و بارها

✅ adjustment : اصلاح

✅ survive : باقی ماندن

✅ backbone : رکن اصلی

✅ executive : مدیر، اجرایی

✅ investor : سرمایه گذار

✅ decision : تصمیم

✅ major : مهم

✅ outcome : نتیجه

✅ correct : درست

✅ improvement : پیشرفت

✅ ensure : اطمینان دادن

✅ correction : اصلاح

✅ necessary : لازم

✅ on a nightly basis: هر شب

✅ ineffective : بی فایده

✅ personally : به شخصه

✅ employ: به کار گرفتن

✅ primary : اولیه، اصلی

✅ publish : منتشر کردن

✅ workout: ورزش

✅ lack thereof : فقدانش


🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️

🌟Instagram page: luminous__english

🌟Castbox channel: luminous english

🌟 YouTube channel: luminous_english

❤️🎵 Music Channel: @luminous_music

Comments (3)

Ali Aghavali

I appreciate your kind efforts, and I know how difficult it is to make such content based materials , I don't know how to express my heartfelt gratitude for your sincere dedication. sending love ❤️ ❤️ 💖 ❣️ 💕 💘 ❤️ 💖 ❣️ 💕 💘 ❤️ 💖

May 7th


عالی مرسی

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darya rasull

thank you soooo much🧚

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Sleep Timer


End of Episode

5 Minutes

10 Minutes

15 Minutes

30 Minutes

45 Minutes

60 Minutes

120 Minutes

Atomic Habits day 158

Atomic Habits day 158