DiscoverLuminous EnglishEight Dates Day 9
Eight Dates Day 9

Eight Dates Day 9

Update: 2024-06-166


Chapter 8

To create a lifetime of love, always honor(show respect) your partner’s dreams.

Everyone has dreams, but a lot of us don’t find the time to pursue them. Modern life can make it hard to align(put in the same direction) a family, full-time job and dreams. But that’s where having a partner comes in. Partners should always help each other achieve their individual dreams, even if that means sacrificing(giving up) their own. Sometimes you have to put your dreams on hold(stop pursuing your dreams) while helping your partner achieve theirs. They will do the same for you when the time comes.

This is exactly what Doug and Rachel did. During the early days of their relationship, they were inseparable and totally in love. But Doug had a dream – he wanted to go to Israel for a year to explore his roots(the place or culture that you or your family grew up in, which you have now left). While initially(at first) sad, Rachel knew she couldn’t stand in the way of Doug’s dreams. So she encouraged him to go.

Upon his return, he planned to join her in New York and begin climbing the career ladder(Achieving success at work). But Rachel’s dreams had changed. She had decided to go to medical school 3,000 miles away from New York. For him, the decision was clear – he gave up on(to stop trying, pursuing, or putting effort) his New York dreams and moved with her. His sacrifice made Rachel feel loved. Throughout(during) both experiences, they learned that honoring each other’s dreams sometimes involved putting their own on hold.

This story brings us to the topic of the final date – dreams.

To prepare for this date, write a list of all your dreams, the stories behind them and how your partner can help you fulfill them. You should also note any shared dreams you’ve already discussed, and how you can move forward in helping each other achieve them. The location of this dreamy date should be inspiring – perhaps somewhere you can watch a beautiful sunset.

Now it’s time to get deep. Questions you should both ask and answer include whether you had dreams as a child, whether your parents helped you to fulfill your dreams and which of your dreams is the most important to you. Once you know about your partner’s dreams, it’s up to you to figure out how to honor them. By doing so, you’ll help your relationship last(remain alive) forever.

📚هایلایت قسمت 9 خلاصه کتاب Eight dates 📚

✅Lifetime : یک عمر

✅honor : احترام گذاشتن

✅align : همسو کردن

✅individual : فردی

✅sacrificing : فداکاری کردن

✅put sth on hold: متوقف کردن چیزی

✅exactly : دقیقا

✅inseparable : جدایی ناپذیر

✅totally : کاملا

✅roots : رگ و ریشه

✅initially : در ابتدا

✅encourage : تشویق کردن

✅climbing the career ladder : به موفقیت شغلی رسیدن

✅gave up on: دست از چیزی کشیدن

✅Throughout : در طول

✅fulfill : برآورده کردن

✅location : مکان

✅inspiring : الهام بخش

✅sunset : غروب

✅figure out: فهمیدن

✅Last: دوام داشتن

✅forever: همیشه


🌟اگر واستون مفید یا جالب بود لطفا به دوستاتونم معرفی کنید❣️


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