DiscoverMark Levin PodcastMark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/12/24
Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/12/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/12/24

Update: 2024-08-136


This podcast episode features Mark Levin, a conservative radio host and author, who expresses strong criticisms of Kamala Harris, the Democrat Party, and the media. He argues that Harris is unfit for the presidency due to her alleged lack of intelligence, her flip-flopping on policy positions, and her association with anti-Semitic and Islamist individuals and organizations. He also criticizes her policies, particularly her stance on Israel, her support for abortion on demand, and her choice of a running mate who opposes parental rights regarding gender identity. Levin further criticizes the Democrat Party for harboring anti-Semitism and Islamists, highlighting the hypocrisy of their claims to represent minorities. He accuses the party of tolerating anti-Semitism within its ranks and applying double standards when it comes to condemning extremism. He also criticizes the media for their alleged bias against Donald Trump and their support for Kamala Harris, arguing that they are using propaganda to manipulate public opinion. Levin promotes Donald Trump as the best candidate to protect American values and interests, arguing that he is a strong leader who is not afraid to challenge the status quo. He also advocates for school choice, arguing that it is a civil rights issue that can empower parents to choose the best education for their children, particularly those in poor communities. The episode also features Tim Walsh, a political figure, who expresses his views on transgender children. He criticizes the idea of allowing transgender children to use the bathroom of their chosen gender identity, arguing that it is harmful and dangerous. Throughout the episode, Levin urges his listeners to think for themselves, to be skeptical of the media, and to support Donald Trump. He emphasizes the importance of diversification in financial planning and promotes Advantage Gold as a reliable source for gold investments.


Introduction and Advertisement

Mark Levin introduces himself and then promotes Advantage Gold, a company specializing in gold and silver investments, as a way to protect one's financial future.

The Media and the Democrat Party

Mark Levin criticizes the media and the Democrat Party for their alleged manipulation of information and their support of Kamala Harris, whom he views as unfit for the presidency.

Diversification and Gold

Mark Levin emphasizes the importance of diversification in financial planning and promotes Advantage Gold as a reliable source for gold investments, particularly during times of economic uncertainty.

Kamala Harris and Women's Rights

Mark Levin argues that Kamala Harris's policies are harmful to women, citing her support for abortion on demand and her choice of a running mate who opposes parental rights regarding gender identity.

Kamala Harris and the Black Community

Mark Levin questions Kamala Harris's record on issues affecting the black community, suggesting that she has not done enough to improve their lives.

Education and School Choice

Mark Levin discusses the importance of education and argues for school choice as a way to improve educational opportunities for children in poor communities, particularly minorities.

Kamala Harris and the Jewish Community

Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's alleged anti-Semitism and her association with individuals and organizations that he believes are hostile to Israel and the Jewish people.

A Reckoning for American Jews

Mark Levin argues that American Jews face a reckoning in the upcoming election, as they must choose between supporting a candidate who is friendly to Israel and a candidate who he believes is hostile to Israel.

Think for Yourself

Mark Levin urges his listeners to think for themselves and not rely on the media for information, which he believes is biased and propagandistic.

Media Propaganda and Word of Mouth

Mark Levin encourages his listeners to share his podcast with others as a way to counter the media's propaganda and spread accurate information.

Propaganda and the Coverage of JD Vance

Mark Levin criticizes the media's coverage of JD Vance, arguing that they are using propaganda to portray him as extreme and dangerous.

The Hypocrisy of the Media

Mark Levin criticizes the media for their selective outrage, pointing out that they are quick to attack Donald Trump for his associations but ignore the problematic past of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris's Character

Mark Levin discusses allegations of Kamala Harris's abusive behavior, citing accounts from former staff members who have described her as a yeller and someone with a foul mouth.

Iran's Interference in US Elections and Assassination Attempts

This segment discusses allegations of Iranian interference in US elections, including attempts to assassinate Donald Trump and cyberattacks on his campaign. The speaker criticizes the media for not covering these alleged actions and emphasizes the need for vigilance against foreign interference.

Kamala Harris's Policies and the Biden Administration's Support for Iran

The speaker criticizes Kamala Harris's policies, particularly her stance on Israel and the Middle East conflict. He blames the Biden administration for supporting Iran and its terrorist allies, arguing that they have emboldened these groups and created a dangerous situation.

Obama's Legacy and the Rise of Anti-Semitism in the Democratic Party

The speaker blames Obama's policies, including the Iran nuclear deal and financial support for Iran, for creating the current situation. He criticizes the Democratic Party for harboring anti-Semitism and Islamists, highlighting the hypocrisy of their claims to represent minorities.

The Democrat Party's Un-American Nature

The speaker argues that the Democratic Party is un-American, filled with racists, bigots, and anti-Semites. He criticizes their hypocrisy in claiming to represent minorities while supporting policies that discriminate against them.


Kamala Harris

The 49th Vice President of the United States, criticized by the speaker for her policies and associations.

Democrat Party

One of the two major political parties in the United States, criticized by the speaker for its policies and associations.

Donald Trump

The 45th President of the United States, known for his controversial policies and rhetoric.

Biden-Harris Administration

The current administration of the United States, led by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.


A country in the Middle East, often at the center of conflict with its neighbors, particularly Palestine.


A Palestinian Islamist political organization, often considered a terrorist group by Western countries.


Prejudice, discrimination, or hostility directed at Jews.

School Choice

A policy that allows parents to choose where their children attend school, including public, private, and charter schools.

Media Propaganda

The use of media to spread biased or misleading information in order to influence public opinion.


  • What are Mark Levin's main criticisms of Kamala Harris?

    Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris for her alleged lack of intelligence, her flip-flopping on policy positions, her association with anti-Semitic and Islamist individuals and organizations, and her harmful policies towards women and the black community.

  • Why does Mark Levin believe that the media is biased against Donald Trump and in favor of Kamala Harris?

    Mark Levin believes that the media is biased against Donald Trump because he is a disruptive force who challenges the status quo. He believes that the media is in favor of Kamala Harris because she represents the interests of the Democrat Party and its billionaire donors.

  • What is Mark Levin's argument for school choice?

    Mark Levin argues that school choice is a civil rights issue that can empower parents to choose the best education for their children, particularly those in poor communities. He believes that the public school system is a Soviet-style system that does not serve the needs of all students.

  • What is Mark Levin's view on the relationship between American Jews and Israel?

    Mark Levin believes that American Jews have a responsibility to support Israel and to oppose those who seek to harm it. He criticizes Kamala Harris for her alleged anti-Israel stance and her association with individuals and organizations that he believes are hostile to Israel.

  • What is Mark Levin's main message to his listeners?

    Mark Levin urges his listeners to think for themselves, to be skeptical of the media, and to support Donald Trump, whom he believes is the best candidate to protect American values and interests.

  • What are the speaker's main allegations against Iran?

    The speaker alleges that Iran is trying to assassinate Donald Trump, interfering in US elections, and launching cyberattacks on his campaign.

  • How does the speaker criticize the Biden administration's approach to the Middle East?

    The speaker argues that the Biden administration's support for Iran and its allies has emboldened these groups and created a dangerous situation in the Middle East.

  • What are the speaker's criticisms of Kamala Harris's policies?

    The speaker criticizes Harris's stance on Israel, her association with anti-Semitic figures, and her support for Harvard's discriminatory admissions policies.

  • What is the speaker's main argument about the Democratic Party?

    The speaker argues that the Democratic Party is un-American, filled with racists, bigots, and anti-Semites, and that they apply double standards when it comes to condemning extremism.

  • What are Tim Walsh's views on transgender children?

    Tim Walsh expresses opposition to allowing transgender children to use the bathroom of their chosen gender identity, arguing that it is harmful and dangerous.

Show Notes

On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, the media, the Democrat party, and the ruling class that runs this country will do anything to hold on to power. The American republic requires a truly free and honest media. The American media covered up for Woodrow Wilson when he had a stroke, and his wife ran the country. The American media covered up FDR's near-death condition when he ran for an unprecedented 4th term. The American media lied about President Biden's dementia; and now, the American media are lying, smearing, and concealing on behalf of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. The media have turned JD Vance into Kamala Harris and Kamala Harris into JD Vance. Harris is running the campaign of a dictator - a pretend nomination and a pretend convention. Harris hates women, she’s not for women’s rights. Harris and Biden have done more to destroy women’s sports than any duo in American history. She chose a running mate, Tim Walz, who signed the most extreme gender transition law in America. Later, what has Harris done for the Black community? Harris opposes school choice as every major Democrat does. Every American should be given a choice of where to send their children to school. Also, this election is a reckoning for the American Jew. Will American Jews abandon Israeli Jews and vote for a party that is openly the voice of Hamas and Iran? Will they abandon the Jewish people for their party?

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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/12/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/12/24

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