DiscoverMark Levin PodcastMark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/14/24
Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/14/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/14/24

Update: 2024-08-156


This podcast episode features Mark Levin discussing various political and social issues, primarily focusing on Kamala Harris's presidential campaign and the Biden-Harris administration's policies. He criticizes Harris's campaign tactics, accusing her of using propaganda and manipulation to gain support. He also expresses outrage over the administration's alleged actions of providing Iran with a list of Mossad agents involved in the assassination of Hamas leader, Ishma Hanna, which he believes undermines Israel's security. Levin further criticizes the media's biased coverage in favor of Harris and their failure to hold her accountable for her positions. He argues that the media is actively promoting a Marxist/socialist dictatorship by controlling information and suppressing opposing viewpoints. He also criticizes the left's hypocrisy on privacy rights, arguing that they only support privacy when it comes to abortion and sex change activities for children, while advocating for government intervention in other areas. The episode also touches upon other topics, including the Durban Marshall credit card bill, which Levin believes could put consumer credit card data at risk of being hacked, and the cyber attack on Iran, which he initially attributes to the Mossad but later learns was Iranian disinformation. Throughout the episode, Levin encourages listeners to educate themselves about the candidates' positions, engage in word-of-mouth campaigning, and counter the media's propaganda. He believes that the American people need to be vigilant and active in order to protect their interests.


Introduction and Advertisement

Mark Levin introduces himself and then promotes Advantage Gold, a company specializing in precious metals, as a way to protect financial futures.

Trump's Speech and Kamala Harris's Campaign

Mark Levin discusses President Trump's speech focusing on economics and his criticism of Kamala Harris's campaign tactics. He argues that Harris's campaign is based on propaganda and manipulation, while the American people are facing economic hardship and uncertainty.

The Biden-Harris Administration's Actions Against Israel

Mark Levin expresses outrage over the Biden-Harris administration's alleged actions of providing Iran with a list of Mossad agents involved in the assassination of Hamas leader, Ishma Hanna. He criticizes the administration's appeasement of Iran and undermining of Israel.

Kamala Harris's Campaign Tactics and the Media's Role

Mark Levin analyzes Kamala Harris's campaign tactics, comparing them to those of a dictator. He criticizes the media's biased coverage in favor of Harris and their failure to hold her accountable for her positions.

Polls and Media Hype

Mark Levin discusses the latest polls showing a shift in favor of Kamala Harris, but argues that this is due to the media's pro-Harris hype and not necessarily a change in voter sentiment. He highlights the media's double standards in covering Trump and Harris.

The Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill

Mark Levin warns about the Durban Marshall credit card bill, which he believes could put consumer credit card data at risk of being hacked. He urges listeners to contact their senators and oppose the bill.

The American People vs. the Propagandists

Mark Levin emphasizes the importance of educating voters about Kamala Harris's true positions and the dangers of her policies. He encourages listeners to engage in word-of-mouth campaigning and counter the media's propaganda.

Ilhan Omar's Primary Win and Tim Walz's Support

The speaker criticizes Ilhan Omar's primary win, highlighting her support from Tim Walz, whom he accuses of supporting Jew-hating Islamists and promoting Hitler.

Tim Walz's Union Membership and Political Positions

The speaker questions Tim Walz's claim of being the first union member on a presidential ticket since Ronald Reagan, highlighting the hypocrisy of his positions on issues like pedophilia, abortion, and parental rights.

The Media's Role in Promoting a Marxist/Socialist Dictatorship

The speaker argues that the American media is rooting for a Marxist/socialist dictatorship and is actively propagandizing for it, citing the Washington Post's request for Biden to intervene in Trump's interview with Elon Musk.

The Left's Hypocrisy on Privacy Rights

The speaker criticizes the left's hypocrisy on privacy rights, arguing that they only support privacy when it comes to abortion and sex change activities for children, while advocating for government intervention in other areas.

Dan Abrams and the Clown Show of Media

The speaker criticizes Dan Abrams and his media platform, accusing him of turning it into a clown show by hiring radical individuals and focusing on endless attacks on Trump.

The White House's View on Privacy Rights

The speaker argues that the White House doesn't believe in privacy rights, citing their support for abortion on demand and their opposition to parental rights in sex change activities for children.

Tim Walz's False Claims and the Swift Voters

The speaker exposes Tim Walz's false claims about his military rank and criticizes the media's attempt to shift the debate away from his lies by comparing him to the \"Swift voters.\""

The Democrat Party's \"Slop\"

The speaker criticizes the Democrat Party for offering \"slop\" to the American people, comparing their candidates, Tim Walz and Kamala Harris, to a \"sloppy Joe\" and a \"mess.\""

The Cyber Attack on Iran and Disinformation

The speaker discusses a massive cyber attack on Iran and questions the source of the attack, initially attributing it to the Mossad but later receiving information from a source that it was Iranian disinformation.


Advantage Gold

A company specializing in precious metals, offering gold and silver investments to help Americans protect their financial futures. They offer five-star service and a sterling reputation.

Kamala Harris

The current Vice President of the United States and a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination. She is known for her progressive views and her focus on social justice issues.

Donald Trump

The 45th President of the United States and a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. He is known for his populist and nationalist views and his controversial policies.


The national intelligence agency of Israel, responsible for gathering intelligence and conducting covert operations. It is considered one of the most effective intelligence agencies in the world.


A Palestinian Islamist political organization that controls the Gaza Strip. It is considered a terrorist organization by many countries, including the United States and Israel.


A country in the Middle East with a long history of conflict with Israel. It is a major player in the region and is known for its support of terrorist groups.

Biden-Harris Administration

The current administration of the United States, led by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. It is known for its focus on progressive policies and its efforts to reverse some of the policies of the Trump administration.

Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill

A controversial bill that proposes a shift in billions of dollars worth of consumer transactions to payment networks that lack the robust security measures consumers rely on.


  • What are some of the key economic issues that Mark Levin discusses in the podcast?

    Mark Levin discusses the high inflation rates, the rising cost of living, the impact of government spending on the economy, and the potential consequences of Kamala Harris's economic policies.

  • What are Mark Levin's main criticisms of Kamala Harris's campaign?

    Mark Levin criticizes Kamala Harris's campaign for its reliance on propaganda, manipulation, and a lack of transparency. He argues that she is not being honest with voters about her positions and that she is trying to hide her true intentions.

  • What are Mark Levin's concerns about the Biden-Harris administration's actions regarding Israel?

    Mark Levin is deeply concerned about the Biden-Harris administration's alleged actions of providing Iran with a list of Mossad agents involved in the assassination of Hamas leader, Ishma Hanna. He believes that this action undermines Israel's security and weakens its ability to defend itself against its enemies.

  • What is Mark Levin's stance on the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill?

    Mark Levin strongly opposes the Durban Marshall Credit Card Bill, arguing that it could put consumer credit card data at risk of being hacked. He believes that the bill is motivated by corporate greed and that it will ultimately harm consumers.

  • What advice does Mark Levin give to listeners regarding the upcoming election?

    Mark Levin encourages listeners to educate themselves about the candidates' positions, to engage in word-of-mouth campaigning, and to counter the media's propaganda. He believes that the American people need to be vigilant and active in order to protect their interests.

  • What is the speaker's main criticism of the Washington Post reporter's request for Biden's press secretary to intervene in Trump's interview with Elon Musk?

    The speaker believes that the reporter's request reflects the media's desire to control information and promote a Marxist/socialist dictatorship, rather than upholding privacy rights.

  • What are the speaker's main criticisms of Tim Walz?

    The speaker criticizes Walz for his false claims about his military rank, his support for Jew-hating Islamists, and his extreme positions on issues like pedophilia, abortion, and parental rights.

  • What is the speaker's view on the cyber attack on Iran?

    The speaker initially believes the attack was carried out by the Mossad, but later receives information from a source that it was Iranian disinformation aimed at injecting distress into the U.S.-Israel relationship.

Show Notes

On Wednesday’s Mark Levin Show, President Trump gave an outstanding speech on the economy and beyond. He defined Harris-Biden, he spelled out what they've done to our country, and he set forth a pro-growth agenda, and made clear that government is not the answer. Trump made clear, and this is important, that Harris has been vice president and is still vice president, so why does she say what she will do if elected rather than just do it now? And "she cannot solve the problem because she is the problem." Trump also underscored that Americans were better off when he was president than now when Harris is vice president. Also, Democrats keep using the word joy. They are saying that Kamala Harris is running a joyous campaign. Do people seem happy as they struggle through the Biden-Harris economy? They are trying to project something that doesn’t exist. This is not morning in America with Ronald Reagan. The economy has heart disease – it’s very ill and the answer for Democrats is to shove more sugar into it. This is the Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Harris economy. Later, the Biden/Harris administration allegedly gave Tehran a list of Israeli Mossad agents/spies involved in the Haniyeh assassination. This is beyond a betrayal. This administration is serving up Israel to the enemy. They’re giving aid and comfort to terrorists. Israel is fighting a multifront war, including with the Biden/Harris administration. We’ll see if this story is true. Finally, Harris is running a dictator’s election. She and her team are creating impressions – she’s the angel and Trump is the devil. Her original positions are not well known but she’s changing them through statements and press releases.

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Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/14/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 8/14/24

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