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Are you ready to supercharge your Slovenian listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?
Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Slovenian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Slovenian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Lake Bled, Postojna Cave, or Ljubljana Castle? Maybe you want to speak Slovenian with your grandparents from Ljubljana?
Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background necessary to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere and life of Slovenia, the primary country where Slovenian is fluently spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Slovenian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Izboljšajte svoje razumevanje poslušanja z našimi slovenskimi zgodbami danes!
357 Episodes
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Autumn Adventure in Slovenia: Embracing Martinovanje Magic Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Listje je zletavalo z dreves, barvito kot slike na stenah v mali pražarni kave v Ljubljani.En: The leaves were falling from the trees, as colorful as the pictures on the walls in a small coffee roastery in Ljubljana.Sl: Notri so ljudje uživali v prijetni toplini in vonju sveže mlete kave.En: Inside, people enjoyed the cozy warmth and the smell of freshly ground coffee.Sl: Luka, Maja in Uroš so sedeli za leseno mizo v kotu, obkroženi s toplim vzdušjem in zvokom tihega čebljanja drugih obiskovalcev.En: Luka, Maja, and Uroš sat at a wooden table in the corner, surrounded by a warm ambiance and the soft chatter of other patrons.Sl: Luka je bil poln energije in pričakovanja.En: Luka was full of energy and anticipation.Sl: Njegove oči so iskrile in ni se mogel več zadrževati.En: His eyes sparkled, and he couldn't hold back any longer.Sl: "Prijatelji," je rekel z žarečim nasmehom, "imam presenečenje za Martinovanje!En: "Friends," he said with a glowing smile, "I have a surprise for Martinovanje!"Sl: "Maja je dvignila obrv in se skeptično nasmehnila.En: Maja raised an eyebrow and smiled skeptically.Sl: "Kaj pa zdaj, Luka?En: "What now, Luka?"Sl: " je vprašala.En: she asked.Sl: Ona je raje imela stvari načrtovane, vsak korak vnaprej določen.En: She preferred things planned, every step predetermined.Sl: "Pripravil sem izlet," je Luka navdušeno razložil.En: "I've organized a trip," Luka eagerly explained.Sl: "Gremo na potovanje po Sloveniji, da doživimo Martinovanje v vseh barvah!En: "We're going on a journey around Slovenia to experience Martinovanje in all its colors!Sl: Morje vina in dobra družba.En: Seas of wine and good company.Sl: Kaj praviš, Uroš?En: What do you think, Uroš?"Sl: " Luka je pogledal proti njemu, vedoč, da bo Uroš pripravljen na katerokoli dogodivščino.En: Luka looked toward him, knowing that Uroš would be ready for any adventure.Sl: "Pogledamo, kam nas cesta pelje!En: "Let's see where the road takes us!"Sl: " je prikimal Uroš, ki je vedno pripravljen na spontanost.En: nodded Uroš, who was always ready for spontaneity.Sl: Maja pa je zavzdihnila.En: Maja, however, sighed.Sl: "Ne vem, Luka.En: "I don't know, Luka.Sl: Jaz raje ostanem tukaj, kjer je toplo in udobno.En: I'd rather stay here, where it's warm and comfortable."Sl: "Luka je razumel Majine skrbi, a ni hotel odnehati.En: Luka understood Maja's concerns, but he didn't want to give up.Sl: "Obljubim, da bo to nepozabno.En: "I promise it will be unforgettable.Sl: Zaupaj mi.En: Trust me.Sl: Slovenija je čudovita v jeseni.En: Slovenia is beautiful in the fall.Sl: Spomin bo vreden.En: The memory will be worth it.Sl: Pripravimo se na vinogradniško deželo.En: Let's prepare for wine country.Sl: Gremo na Ptuj, najstarejše mesto, kjer Martinovanje ne bo razočaralo!En: We're going to Ptuj, the oldest town, where Martinovanje will not disappoint!"Sl: "Maja je videla Luko, ki je bil vedno tako optimističen.En: Maja saw Luka, who was always so optimistic.Sl: Njeno srce je mehčalo ob misli na skupne trenutke.En: Her heart softened at the thought of shared moments.Sl: Morda pa si zasluži malo pustolovščine.En: Perhaps she did deserve a little adventure.Sl: "Vredu, Luka.En: "Alright, Luka.Sl: Prepričal si me.En: You've convinced me.Sl: Tvoje presenečenje sprejmem," je končno rekla Maja in nekoliko skeptično, a z nasmehom popustila.En: I'll accept your surprise," Maja finally said, a bit skeptically but with a smile, she gave in.Sl: In tako so se trije prijatelji tisto popoldne spakirali in sedli v Lukov avto.En: And so, that afternoon, the three friends packed up and got into Luka's car.Sl: Ceste so jih vodile mimo zlatih polj in skozi pisana jesenka drevesa.En: The roads led them past golden fields and through colorful autumn trees.Sl: Ko so prispeli na Ptuj, so jih pozdravili nasmejani obrazi, vonj praženega kostanja in zven harmonike, ki se je razlegal po ozkih ulicah.En: When they arrived in Ptuj, they were greeted by smiling faces, the smell of roasted chestnuts, and the sound of accordion music echoing through the narrow streets.Sl: Tiste noči so pozabili na skrbi in se predali trenutku.En: That night, they forgot about their worries and surrendered to the moment.Sl: Praznovanje Martinovanja, z dobrim vinom, pesmijo in plesom, jih je združilo.En: Celebrating Martinovanje with good wine, song, and dance brought them together.Sl: Maja je spoznala, da včasih nepričakovani načrti prinašajo najlepše spomine.En: Maja realized that sometimes unexpected plans bring the most beautiful memories.Sl: Zaupala je Luki in njegovim instinktom bolj kot kdajkoli prej.En: She trusted Luka and his instincts more than ever before.Sl: Ko so se nasmejano vračali proti Ljubljani, je vedela, da ima okoli sebe ljudi, ki jih lahko pokliče prijatelje.En: As they smiled while returning to Ljubljana, she knew she had people around her she could call friends.Sl: Luka, Maja in Uroš so skupaj ustvarili še en nepozaben spomin.En: Luka, Maja, and Uroš together created yet another unforgettable memory.Sl: Luka je le s pogledom in nasmehom potrdil: "Vse za prijateljstvo.En: Luka confirmed with just a look and a smile: "All for friendship." Vocabulary Words:falling: zletavaloroastery: pražarnicozy: prijetnipatrons: obiskovalcevanticipation: pričakovanjasparkled: iskrileglowing: žarečimskeptically: skeptičnopredetermined: določenjourney: potovanjespontaneity: spontanostsigh: zavzdihnilaunforgettable: nepozabnoambiance: vzdušjemfields: poljchatter: čebljanjaplanned: načrtovanetrip: izletsurrounded: obkroženiadventure: dogodivščinopromise: obljubimtrust: zaupammemory: spomindeserve: zaslužipacked: spakiraliroads: cestegolden: zlatihnarrow: ozkihsurprise: presenečenjecelebrating: praznovanje
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Rekindling Sibling Bonds in the Heart of Škocjanske Caves Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: V zgodnjem jesenskem jutru sta Aljoša in Mateja, brat in sestra, prispela do Škocjanskih jam.En: On an early autumn morning, Aljoša and Mateja, brother and sister, arrived at the Škocjanske Caves.Sl: Sonce je sijalo skozi rumene liste, ko sta se spustila v hladno senco, ki jo je ustvarjal gozd okoli vhoda v jame.En: The sun shone through the yellow leaves as they descended into the cool shade created by the forest around the entrance to the caves.Sl: Aljoša je z velikim korakom vodil pot, Mateja pa je hodila nekoliko zadržano za njim.En: Aljoša led the way with large steps, while Mateja walked slightly hesitantly behind him.Sl: Škocjanske jame so bile vedno poseben kraj za Aljošo.En: The Škocjanske Caves had always been a special place for Aljoša.Sl: Njihova lepota mu je vlivala mir in jasnost misli.En: Their beauty instilled peace and clarity of thought in him.Sl: Upal je, da bo ista atmosfera pomagala tudi njemu in Mateji, da premagata preteklost in obnovita svojo vez.En: He hoped that the same atmosphere would help both him and Mateja overcome the past and rebuild their bond.Sl: Ko sta stopila v prvo dvorano, ju je obdala tišina.En: As they entered the first chamber, they were enveloped by silence.Sl: Mateja je pogledovala okoli sebe.En: Mateja glanced around.Sl: Stalaktiti so viseli kot ledene sveče s stropa, podzemni tok je brnel v daljavi.En: Stalactites hung like icicles from the ceiling, and the underground stream murmured in the distance.Sl: „Kako mogočno,“ je zamrmrala.En: "How powerful," she murmured.Sl: Aljoša je prikimal.En: Aljoša nodded.Sl: Čutil je, da je pravi trenutek, da začne pogovor.En: He felt it was the right moment to start the conversation.Sl: „Mateja,“ je začel, ampak ona ga je prekinila.En: "Mateja," he began, but she interrupted him.Sl: „Pusti, da povem,“ je rekla.En: "Let me speak," she said.Sl: Njene oči so izžarevale odločnost.En: Her eyes radiated determination.Sl: „Dolgo sem imela občutek, da me nihče ne razume.En: "For a long time, I felt that no one understood me.Sl: Prepiri zaradi dedovanja so me ranili.En: The arguments about inheritance hurt me.Sl: Ni šlo za denar, ampak za občutek, da nisem enakovredna.“En: It wasn't about the money, but about the feeling that I wasn't equal."Sl: Aljoša je poslušal.En: Aljoša listened.Sl: Telo je imel napeto, a si je prizadeval ne prekinjati.En: His body was tense, but he tried not to interrupt.Sl: V prostoru je odmeval samo njen glas.En: Only her voice echoed in the space.Sl: „Rada bi, da bi se vrnila tisti občutek bratstva, ki sva ga imela kot otroka,“ je nadaljevala Mateja.En: "I wish we could return to that sense of siblinghood we had as children," Mateja continued.Sl: „Ne vem, kako začeti. Oprosti...“En: "I don't know how to start. I'm sorry..."Sl: S komaj slišno šepetajočim glasom je Aljoša zbral pogum.En: With a barely audible whisper, Aljoša gathered the courage.Sl: „Ti... ti si mi pomembna, Mateja.En: "You... you matter to me, Mateja.Sl: Razburjenje okoli dediščine me je zaslepilo.En: The turmoil around the inheritance blinded me.Sl: Želim si, da bi lahko popravila stvari.En: I wish I could fix things.Sl: Rabiva začeti komunicirati bolj odprto.“En: We need to start communicating more openly."Sl: Z besedami težo sta stala tam dolgo.En: They stood there with the weight of words for a long time.Sl: Med njih jima je padla svetloba svetilk iz skritih kotičkov jame.En: The light from hidden corners of the cave fell upon them.Sl: Potem je Mateja stopila bliže.En: Then Mateja stepped closer.Sl: „Lahko začneva tukaj,“ je rekla mehko.En: "We can start here," she said softly.Sl: „Prvi korak.“En: "The first step."Sl: Počasi, skupaj, sta nadaljevala pot po jami, a sedaj je bila tišina polna novih obetov.En: Slowly, together, they continued their path through the cave, but now the silence was full of new promises.Sl: Oba sta vedela, da ničesar ne moreta popraviti čez noč, a pomemben temelj je bil položen.En: Both knew that nothing could be fixed overnight, but an important foundation had been laid.Sl: Ko sta iz Škocjanskih jam spet stopila v svetlo jesen, sta bila njuna srca že malce lažja.En: When they stepped out of the Škocjanske Caves into the bright autumn day, their hearts were already a little lighter.Sl: Aljoša se je učil biti bolj odprt in ranljiv.En: Aljoša was learning to be more open and vulnerable.Sl: Mateja pa je, izgovorjena iz navzkrižja besed in čustev, izkusila moč izrekanja svojih misli.En: Mateja, spoken out from a tangle of words and emotions, experienced the power of voicing her thoughts.Sl: Pred njima je bila dolga pot, vendar sta stopala po njej skupaj.En: Before them lay a long journey, but they were walking it together.Sl: In to je za zdaj zadoščalo.En: And for now, that was enough. Vocabulary Words:descended: spustilahesitantly: zadržanoinstilled: vlivalaenveloped: obdalastalactites: stalaktitiicicles: ledene svečemurmured: zamrmraladetermination: odločnostarguments: prepiriinheritance: dedovanjaequal: enakovrednasiblinghood: bratstvawhisper: šepetajočimcourage: pogumturmoil: razburjenjeblinded: zaslepilosilence: tišinapromises: obetovfoundation: temeljvulnerable: ranljivvoicing: izrekanjatangle: navzkrižjaemotions: čustevhidden: skritihcorners: kotičkovpath: potovercome: premagatabond: vezchamber: dvoranastream: tok
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Skating Into Connection: A Lake Bled Winter Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Lake Bled leži miren in mističen, ko se začetek zime prepleta z zadnjimi vzdihi jeseni.En: Lake Bled lies calm and mystical as the beginning of winter intertwines with the last breaths of autumn.Sl: Okolica je tiha, pokrita s tančico snega, ko se turisti in domačini zberejo, da izkusijo čarobnost drsanja na zamrznjeni površini.En: The surroundings are quiet, covered with a veil of snow, as tourists and locals gather to experience the magic of skating on the frozen surface.Sl: Mateja se počuti drugačna v tem idiličnem kraju.En: Mateja feels different in this idyllic place.Sl: Preselila se je v majhno vasico blizu jezera in od takrat išče povezave, prijateljstva, ki bi ji pregnala osamljenost.En: She moved to a small village near the lake and has since been searching for connections, friendships to chase away her loneliness.Sl: Njena prijateljica Tina, polna energije in odločnosti, jo je pripeljala na led.En: Her friend Tina, full of energy and determination, brought her to the ice.Sl: "Skupaj bova drsali," je Tina opogumljala Matejo.En: "We'll skate together," Tina encouraged Mateja.Sl: "Lepo bo, ti boš uživala!"En: "It'll be nice, you'll enjoy it!"Sl: Z drsalkami na nogah Mateja okleva, občutek ledu pod čevlji ji je neznan.En: With skates on her feet, Mateja hesitates, the feeling of ice under her shoes unfamiliar.Sl: Vsak korak je negotov.En: Every step is uncertain.Sl: "Samo dihaj," si Mateja reče.En: "Just breathe," Mateja tells herself.Sl: Tina, vedno polna nasvetov, ji pokaže osnove drsanja in kmalu se obe smejeta.En: Tina, always full of advice, shows her the basics of skating, and soon they are both laughing.Sl: Na jezeru je še veliko ljudi.En: There are many people on the lake.Sl: Otroci se smejijo, odrasli pazljivo drsijo po gladini.En: Children are laughing, adults carefully gliding on the surface.Sl: Med njimi je tudi Jaka, ki išče navdih za nove začetke.En: Among them is Jaka, who seeks inspiration for new beginnings.Sl: Rad ima naravo, gre mu za svežino novega.En: He loves nature and is all about the freshness of the new.Sl: Ko se Mateja premika po ledu, se nenadoma neprevidno zamaje.En: As Mateja moves on the ice, she suddenly wobbles carelessly.Sl: Seveda Tina ni daleč za njo, vendar Mateja zgreši ravnotežje in s treskom pade.En: Of course, Tina isn't far behind her, but Mateja loses her balance and crashes down.Sl: Nekaj trenutkov zatem jo prime močna roka.En: Moments later, a strong hand grabs her.Sl: "Oprosti, da sem te prestrašil," reče Jaka z nasmehom.En: "Sorry I scared you," says Jaka with a smile.Sl: "Ti si v redu?"En: "Are you okay?"Sl: Mateja se sramežljivo nasmehne, "Da, hvala, sem."En: Mateja shyly smiles, "Yes, thank you, I am."Sl: Njuni pogledi se srečajo, v trenutku oba začutita nekaj posebnega.En: Their eyes meet, and in an instant, they both feel something special.Sl: Jaka jo dvigne in prijateljsko predlaga, "Greš na čaj, da se ogreješ?"En: Jaka lifts her up and friendly suggests, "How about some tea to warm up?"Sl: Začno hoditi skupaj po ledu, pogovor teče gladko kot zamrznjena površina jezera.En: They start walking together on the ice, the conversation flowing as smoothly as the frozen surface of the lake.Sl: Mateja se počuti živa, kot da se led v njenem srcu topi.En: Mateja feels alive as if the ice in her heart is melting.Sl: Pripoveduje o svoji ljubezni do umetnosti, Jaka pa govori o svojih zimskih pustolovščinah kot smučarski učitelj.En: She talks about her love for art, and Jaka shares his winter adventures as a ski instructor.Sl: Ko se sonce spušča nad jezero, Mateja čuti, da se je spremenila.En: As the sun sets over the lake, Mateja feels changed.Sl: "Je kaj, kar si želiš poskusiti? Nekaj novega?" vpraša Jaka, medtem ko skupaj gledata čarobno pokrajino.En: "Is there anything you'd like to try? Something new?" asks Jaka, as they gaze together at the magical landscape.Sl: Mateja se zazre v zimo, ki prihaja.En: Mateja looks into the approaching winter.Sl: "Mislim, da bi rada bolj spoznavala to novo okolje."En: "I think I'd like to get to know this new environment better."Sl: Njegov nasmeh ji da pogum, spremljanje novosti in novih ljudi.En: His smile gives her courage, the prospect of new things and people.Sl: Dogovorita se, da se bosta znova srečala, odkrivala še neznane kotičke Bleda.En: They agree to meet again to discover yet unknown corners of Bled.Sl: Ko se vrne domov, Mateja ve, da ni več sama.En: When she returns home, Mateja knows she's no longer alone.Sl: Našla je več kot le prijatelja.En: She's found more than just a friend.Sl: Našla je vez do skupnosti, ki jo začne vedno bolj privlačiti.En: She's found a connection to a community that increasingly draws her in.Sl: Njen strah pred zavrnitvijo je odšel kot jesenski list, ki ga odnese veter.En: Her fear of rejection has vanished like an autumn leaf carried away by the wind.Sl: V Matejinem srcu je toplo.En: In Mateja's heart, it's warm.Sl: Občutek pripadnosti in radovednosti postane vir njene umetnosti, novega poglavja, ki ga piše na tem čudovitem kraju.En: The feeling of belonging and curiosity becomes the source of her art, a new chapter she's writing in this beautiful place.Sl: St. Martinov dan prinaša ne le novi letnik vin, temveč tudi nove zgodbe, prijateljstva in začetek nečesa, kar je komaj začelo cveteti.En: St. Martin's Day brings not only the new vintage of wines but also new stories, friendships, and the beginning of something just starting to bloom. Vocabulary Words:calm: mirenmystical: mističenintertwines: prepletaveil: tančicaidyllic: idiličnemhesitates: oklevaunfamiliar: neznanadults: odrasligliding: drsijowobbles: zamajecarelessly: neprevidnocrashes: padegrab: primeshyly: sramežljivosuggests: predlagasmoothly: gladkomelting: topiinstructor: učiteljlandscape: pokrajinocourage: pogumconnections: povezavecommunity: skupnostirejection: zavrnitvijobelonging: pripadnosticuriosity: radovednostichapter: poglavjabloom: cvetetiinspiration: navdihdetermination: odločnostiprospect: spremljanje
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unveiling Lake Bled: Mysteries Beneath the Mist Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Sredi jeseni je jezero Bled obdano z rjavimi in oranžnimi drevesi.En: In the middle of autumn, Lake Bled is surrounded by brown and orange trees.Sl: Meglica počasi pleše nad vodo.En: A mist slowly dances over the water.Sl: Na malem otoku se dviga cerkev, ki jo obkroža skrivnost.En: On the small island, a church rises, surrounded by mystery.Sl: Stari grad na pečini kot da pazi na vse.En: The old castle on the cliff seems to watch over everything.Sl: Na tem čarobnem kraju se zgodi nekaj skrivnostnega.En: In this magical place, something mysterious happens.Sl: Matej, radovedni novinar, je prišel na Bled.En: Matej, a curious journalist, arrived at Bled.Sl: Hotel je raziskati izginotje turista.En: He wanted to investigate the disappearance of a tourist.Sl: Njegov cilj je pisati članek, ki mu bo prinesel slavo.En: His goal was to write an article that would bring him fame.Sl: Vendar ga domačini niso hoteli sprejeti.En: However, the locals didn't want to accept him.Sl: O nesreči niso hoteli govoriti.En: They didn't want to talk about the incident.Sl: Tanja, lokalna vodnica, je Mateju ponujala pomoč.En: Tanja, a local guide, offered Matej her help.Sl: Sprva je bila previdna.En: Initially, she was cautious.Sl: Vedela je več, kot je povedala.En: She knew more than she revealed.Sl: Ona je namreč poznala izginulega turista.En: She was, in fact, acquainted with the missing tourist.Sl: Ravno zato ni želela govoriti.En: That's exactly why she didn't want to talk.Sl: Toda Matej je videl priložnost v njeni lokalni modrosti.En: But Matej saw an opportunity in her local wisdom.Sl: »Potrebuješ mojo pomoč,« je rekla.En: "You need my help," she said.Sl: »Bled skriva mnogo skrivnosti.En: "Bled hides many secrets."Sl: «Matej je počasi začel zaupati Tanja.En: Matej slowly began to trust Tanja.Sl: Skupaj sta raziskovala stare zgodbe.En: Together, they explored old stories.Sl: Govorice o starih jamah in skrivnih poteh okoli jezera so jih pritegnile.En: Rumors about ancient caves and secret paths around the lake intrigued them.Sl: Eden od starejših domačinov je omenil, da se okoli jezera prepletajo dolgi tuneli.En: One of the older locals mentioned that long tunnels intersect around the lake.Sl: Nekega hladnega jutra sta se Matej in Tanja odločila preveriti te govorice.En: One cold morning, Matej and Tanja decided to check out these rumors.Sl: Hodila sta okoli jezera, mimo gostih dreves in skrivnostnih stez.En: They walked around the lake, past dense trees and mysterious paths.Sl: Po dolgem iskanju sta našla vhod v staro jamo.En: After a long search, they found the entrance to an old cave.Sl: Matej je začutil, da je blizu resnice.En: Matej felt that he was close to the truth.Sl: V jami je bila tišina.En: In the cave, there was silence.Sl: Pot ju je vodila globoko v hladno temo.En: The path led them deep into the cold darkness.Sl: Nenadoma sta našla nahrbtnik in ostalo opremo.En: Suddenly, they found a backpack and other equipment.Sl: Vse je pripadalo manjkajočemu turistu.En: It all belonged to the missing tourist.Sl: Zdaj sta spoznala, da se je revež v temi izgubil.En: Now they realized that the poor man had gotten lost in the darkness.Sl: Ob vrnitvi na svetlobo je Matej spoznal, da je tu pomembnejša zgodba.En: Upon returning to the light, Matej realized there was a more important story here.Sl: Ne le o izginulem turistu, temveč o zgodovini in legendah Bleda.En: Not just about the missing tourist, but about the history and legends of Bled.Sl: Spoznal je, da so včasih zgodbe o ljudeh in kulturi enako pomembne kot dejstva.En: He realized that sometimes stories about people and culture are just as important as the facts.Sl: S Tanjo sta skupaj sestavila članek.En: Together with Tanja, he put together an article.Sl: Povedala sta zgodbo o Bledu, njegovih legendah in ljudeh.En: They told the story of Bled, its legends, and its people.Sl: Matej je spoznal, da se resnica vedno razkriva, ko so srca in um odprta za sodelovanje.En: Matej realized that the truth is always revealed when hearts and minds are open to collaboration.Sl: In da je priznanje posledica dela v skupnosti in s srčnostjo.En: And that recognition is a result of work in the community and with heart. Vocabulary Words:autumn: jesenimist: meglicajournalist: novinardisappearance: izginotjeaccept: sprejetiincident: nesrečicautious: previdnaacquainted: poznalasecrets: skrivnostirumors: govoriceancient: starihdense: gostihpaths: stezentrance: vhodcave: jamabelonged: pripadalodarkness: temicommunity: skupnostirecognition: priznanjeexplore: raziskovatiguide: vodnicainvestigate: raziskatimysterious: skrivnostnocurious: radovedniprovided: ponujalaopportunity: priložnostintersect: prepletajolost: izgubillegends: legendefacts: dejstva
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Beneath the Autumn Leaves: A Bond Forged at Bled Lake Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Na robu mirnega Blejskega jezera sta Luka, Mateja in Jure začela svojo pot.En: At the edge of the peaceful Blejsko jezero (Bled Lake), Luka, Mateja, and Jure began their journey.Sl: Jesenski zrak je bil hladen, listje pa se je lesketalo v odtenkih oranžne in zlate.En: The autumn air was cold, and the leaves shimmered in shades of orange and gold.Sl: Luka je globoko vdihnil svežino jutra, odločen, da dokonča pohod.En: Luka took a deep breath of the morning freshness, determined to complete the hike.Sl: V sebi je čutil nekoliko skrbi, a je skril svoje občutke.En: He felt a bit of anxiety inside but hid his feelings.Sl: Dolgo je načrtoval ta pohod, zdaj pa se ni želel ustaviti zaradi zdravstvenih težav, ki jih ni razkril niti najboljšima prijateljema.En: He had been planning this hike for a long time, and now he didn't want to stop due to health issues he hadn't disclosed to even his best friends.Sl: Mateja se je veselo smejala, kazala je na otoček sredi jezera, kjer se je cerkev zinila proti nebu.En: Mateja laughed cheerfully, pointing to the little island in the middle of the lake, where a church reached for the sky.Sl: "Poglej, kako čudovito je danes," je rekla Mateja.En: "Look how beautiful it is today," Mateja said.Sl: Jure je prikimal, držal je v roki svoj telefon in slikal pokrajino.En: Jure nodded, holding his phone and taking pictures of the landscape.Sl: "To bo fantastičen dan za pohod," je dodal.En: "This will be a fantastic day for a hike," he added.Sl: Luka je hodil nekaj korakov za njima.En: Luka walked a few steps behind them.Sl: Srce mu je močno bilo, čutil je nenavadno utrujenost.En: His heart was pounding, and he felt unusually tired.Sl: Celo tako enostaven korak se mu je zdel težaven.En: Even such an easy step seemed difficult to him.Sl: Kljub vsemu se je prisilil naprej, nočeč priznati slabosti.En: Despite everything, he forced himself to continue, not wanting to admit weakness.Sl: Ko so krenili v gozd, se je pot zožala.En: As they headed into the forest, the path narrowed.Sl: Vetrič je rahlo pihljal skozi drevesne krošnje, listje je padalo okoli njih kot pisana praprotna preproga.En: A breeze gently blew through the tree crowns, and leaves fell around them like a colorful fern carpet.Sl: Luka je občasno zaostal, njegov dih je postal neenakomeren.En: Luka occasionally lagged behind, his breath becoming uneven.Sl: Mateja in Jure sta ga opazovala, a še nihče ni nič rekel.En: Mateja and Jure observed him, but no one said anything yet.Sl: "V redu si?En: "Are you okay?"Sl: " je končno vprašala Mateja, ko je Luka nenadoma zastal in se oprijel drevesa.En: Mateja finally asked when Luka suddenly stopped and leaned against a tree.Sl: Luka je le prikimal, skušajoč se nasmehniti.En: Luka just nodded, trying to smile.Sl: "Samo malo zadihan," je rekel, vsaj poskušal.En: "Just a little out of breath," he said, or at least tried to.Sl: Toda kmalu zatem je Luka omahnil na tla.En: But soon after, Luka collapsed to the ground.Sl: "Luka!En: "Luka!"Sl: " sta hkrati zavpila Mateja in Jure ter hitro pritekla do njega.En: Mateja and Jure shouted simultaneously and quickly ran to him.Sl: Luka je zaprl oči, njegov obraz je bil bled.En: Luka closed his eyes, his face pale.Sl: Po nekaj trenutkih tišine se je Luka odločil povedati resnico.En: After a few moments of silence, Luka decided to tell the truth.Sl: "Žal mi je," je povedal s tresočim glasom.En: "I'm sorry," he said with a trembling voice.Sl: "Imam zdravstvene težave.En: "I have health issues.Sl: Nisem vam povedal.En: I didn't tell you."Sl: "Mateja in Jure sta se zaskrbljeno spogledala, a brez oklevanja sta mu pomagala.En: Mateja and Jure exchanged worried glances, but without hesitation, they helped him.Sl: "Zakaj nam nisi rekel?En: "Why didn't you tell us?"Sl: " ga je vprašal Jure, ko sta ga počasi dvignila.En: Jure asked as they slowly lifted him.Sl: "Ne vem," je priznal Luka s sklonjeno glavo.En: "I don't know," Luka admitted with his head bowed.Sl: "Nisem hotel biti breme.En: "I didn't want to be a burden."Sl: "Mateja je prijela Luka pod ramo in ga podprla, medtem ko je Jure poklical pomoč s telefonom.En: Mateja took Luka under his arm and supported him while Jure called for help on his phone.Sl: "Nismo tukaj, da bi sodili.En: "We're not here to judge.Sl: Smo prijatelji, tukaj smo, da si pomagamo," je rekla Mateja.En: We're friends, we're here to help," Mateja said.Sl: Po nekaj napornih minutah so prišli do ceste blizu jezera.En: After a few strenuous minutes, they reached the road near the lake.Sl: Tam jih je čakala mala koča, kjer so se lahko spočili.En: There, a small cabin awaited them, where they could rest.Sl: Mateja je stisnila Luko, medtem ko se je Jure smejal, poskušajoč spraviti malo svetlobe v situacijo.En: Mateja hugged Luka while Jure laughed, trying to bring some light into the situation.Sl: Vprašal je: "Naslednjič pa poveš kaj prej, velja?En: He asked, "Next time, will you tell us sooner, okay?"Sl: "Luka je pokimal in si oddahnil.En: Luka nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.Sl: "Obljubim," je rekel z rahlim nasmehom.En: "I promise," he said with a slight smile.Sl: V koči, s skodelico vročega čaja v rokah in toplimi odejami okoli njih, je Luka spoznal pomembnost poštenosti in moč prijateljstva.En: In the cabin, with a cup of hot tea in his hands and warm blankets around them, Luka realized the importance of honesty and the strength of friendship.Sl: Na tistem čarobnem kraju si je prisegel, da bo naslednjič bolj odkrito govoril s tistimi, ki mu stojijo ob strani.En: In that magical place, he vowed to be more open with those who stand by his side next time. Vocabulary Words:edge: robpeaceful: mirnegajourney: potautumn: jesenskishimmered: lesketalodetermined: odločenanxiety: skrbdisclosed: razkrilcheerfully: veselolandscape: pokrajinapounding: močno bilonarrowed: zožalabreeze: vetričcrowns: krošnjeuneven: neenakomerentired: utrujenostcollapsed: omahniltrembling: tresočimglances: spogledalaburden: bremestrained: napornihroad: cesterest: spočitistrength: močcabin: kočalaughed: smejalhugged: stisnilapromise: obljubimhonesty: poštenostimagical: čarobnem
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Ljubljana's Market Surprise: A Day of Friendship and Strategy Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana.En: Ljubljana.Sl: Jesen v mestu.En: Autumn in the city.Sl: Centralna tržnica živi.En: The central market is alive.Sl: Prodajalci ponujajo sveže sadje, zelenjavo, domače izdelke.En: Vendors offer fresh fruit, vegetables, and homemade products.Sl: Po zraku diši po cimetu in klinčkih.En: The air is scented with cinnamon and cloves.Sl: Listje leži na tlakovanih poteh kot zlat pregrinjalo.En: Leaves lie on the cobblestone paths like a golden blanket.Sl: Matej se sprehaja med stojnicami.En: Matej strolls among the stalls.Sl: Skrbi ga.En: He is worried.Sl: Rad ima, da je vse popolno.En: He likes everything to be perfect.Sl: Danes mora organizirati presenečenje za prijatelja Andreja.En: Today, he must organize a surprise for his friend Andrej.Sl: Želi si, da bi bilo vse brezhibno.En: He wants everything to be flawless.Sl: Z njim je Nina.En: With him is Nina.Sl: Energija, ki kar žari od kreativnosti.En: An energy glowing with creativity.Sl: A včasih pozabi na malenkosti.En: But sometimes she forgets the details.Sl: »Nina, ali imaš seznam?En: "Nina, do you have the list?"Sl: « vpraša Matej.En: Matej asks.Sl: »Seveda,« odgovori Nina in mu pokaže kos papirja, kjer je nekaj na hitro napisanih točk.En: "Of course," replies Nina, showing him a piece of paper with a few hastily written points.Sl: Tržnica je gneča.En: The market is crowded.Sl: Težko se slišita.En: It's hard to hear each other.Sl: Matej skrbi.En: Matej is worried.Sl: "Kaj če bo šlo kaj narobe?En: "What if something goes wrong?"Sl: " se vpraša.En: he wonders.Sl: »Matej, glej, stojnica s svečami!En: "Matej, look, a stall with candles!Sl: Povsem naravne!En: Completely natural!Sl: Si predstavljam, kako lepo bi bile na mizi!En: I can imagine how beautiful they would be on the table!"Sl: « vzklikne Nina.En: Nina exclaims.Sl: Matej se osredotoča na načrt.En: Matej focuses on the plan.Sl: »Sveče so na seznamu.En: "Candles are on the list.Sl: Preverim,« pravi z resnim glasom.En: I'll check," he says seriously.Sl: Po nekaj minutah so vrečke že polne.En: After a few minutes, the bags are full.Sl: Oreški, suho sadje, nekaj malenkosti.En: Nuts, dried fruit, a few trinkets.Sl: Matej išče darilo, ki ga je imel v mislih.En: Matej looks for the gift he had in mind.Sl: A trg je brez njegove izbrane stvari.En: But the market is without his chosen item.Sl: Razprodan.En: Sold out.Sl: Panika.En: Panic.Sl: »Nina, darila ni!En: "Nina, the gift is not there!Sl: Kaj pa zdaj?En: What now?"Sl: « izdavi v zadregi.En: he utters in embarrassment.Sl: Nina se prijateljsko nasmeji.En: Nina smiles kindly.Sl: »Najdi okraske.En: "Find the decorations.Sl: Jaz poskrbim za darilo,« obljubi.En: I'll take care of the gift," she promises.Sl: V trenutku izgineta v različne smeri.En: In an instant, they disappear in different directions.Sl: Matej izbere lesene okraske in misli o prazni svoji vrečki.En: Matej picks wooden decorations and thinks of his empty bag.Sl: Čez nekaj ur stojita v Andrejevem dnevnem prostoru.En: A few hours later, they stand in Andrej's living room.Sl: Vse je pripravljeno.En: Everything is ready.Sl: Svečane lučke mežikajo, miza je polna dobrot.En: Festive lights twinkle, the table is full of treats.Sl: Andrej stopi skozi vrata, slepariti se je moral, a zdaj vidi svoje presenečenje.En: Andrej walks through the door, he had to be tricked, but now he sees his surprise.Sl: Zasliši smeh, čestitke.En: He hears laughter, congratulations.Sl: »Kako ti je uspelo, Matej?En: "How did you manage this, Matej?Sl: To je neverjetno!En: This is incredible!"Sl: « reče Andrej, vidno ganjen.En: says Andrej, visibly moved.Sl: Matej se nasmehne in pogleda Nino.En: Matej smiles and looks at Nina.Sl: »S sodelovanjem.En: "With cooperation.Sl: Hvala, Nina,« izjavi.En: Thank you, Nina," he states.Sl: Nina pomežikne.En: Nina winks.Sl: »Kdo pravi, da spontano ne more biti popolno?En: "Who says spontaneous can't be perfect?"Sl: « Matej z novega pogleda sprejme nauk.En: Matej learns a lesson from a new perspective.Sl: Tistih nekaj improvizacij je bilo ključno.En: Those few improvisations were crucial.Sl: Nauči se, da je včasih treba prepustiti nekaj nadzora, da vse steče tako kot mora.En: He learns that sometimes you have to let go of some control for everything to work as it should.Sl: Najpomembneje pa je: Andrej je presrečen.En: Most importantly, Andrej is overjoyed.Sl: Vsi se smejijo, prijateljstvo sij je svetlo kot sveče.En: Everyone is laughing, the glow of friendship is as bright as the candles.Sl: Ljubljana, jesen, prijatelji.En: Ljubljana, autumn, friends.Sl: Ne pozabi se.En: It should not be forgotten. Vocabulary Words:autumn: jesenvendor: prodajalecscented: dišicinnamon: cimetcobblestone: tlakovanstrolls: sprehajaworried: skrbiperfect: popolnoorganize: organiziratiflawless: brezhibnocreativity: kreativnostidetails: malenkosticrowded: gnečafocuses: osredotočaseriously: resnimhastily: na hitrotrinkets: malenkostipanic: panikaembarrassment: zadregapromises: obljubidirections: smeridecorations: okrasketwinkle: mežikajotricked: sleparitiglow: sijcooperation: sodelovanjespontaneous: spontanoperspective: pogledimprovisations: improvizacijcontrol: nadzora
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Art Meets Tech: A Fusion of Tradition and Innovation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljanski grad je sijal pod jesenskimi sončnimi žarki.En: Ljubljanski Castle shone under the autumn sunlight.Sl: Rdeči in zlati listi so se vrtinčili okoli njegovega stolpa.En: Red and golden leaves swirled around its tower.Sl: Dane je bil dan Svetega Martina, praznik vina in veselja.En: It was the day of St. Martin, a festival of wine and joy.Sl: Grad je bil poln ljudi, vsak od njih pripravljen uživati v tradiciji.En: The castle was bustling with people, each one ready to enjoy the tradition.Sl: Na kulturnem dogodku v grajski dvorani je Mateja, mlada umetnica, skrbno pregledovala svojo razstavo.En: At a cultural event in the castle hall, Mateja, a young artist, was carefully reviewing her exhibition.Sl: Njena dela so govorila o slovenski dediščini.En: Her works spoke of Slovenian heritage.Sl: Želela je prikazati lepoto teh tradicij.En: She wanted to showcase the beauty of these traditions.Sl: A nekje v njej je bila majhna senca dvoma.En: But somewhere inside her was a small shadow of doubt.Sl: Luka, tehnični vodič gradu, je opazoval Matejo z drugega konca sobe.En: Luka, the castle's technical guide, was observing Mateja from the other side of the room.Sl: Luka je bil nadarjen v ustvarjanju interaktivnih doživetij.En: Luka had a talent for creating interactive experiences.Sl: Ljubil je zgodovino.En: He loved history.Sl: In danes je občudoval, kako je Mateja z umetnostjo ujela preteklost.En: And today he admired how Mateja captured the past through art.Sl: "Mateja," ga je poklicala Anja, Matejina sodelavka.En: "Mateja," called out Anja, Mateja's colleague.Sl: "Si že videla Lukov najnovejši projekt?En: "Have you seen Luka's latest project?Sl: Sliši se zanimivo.En: It sounds interesting."Sl: "Mateja se je zazrla v Luka in zardela.En: Mateja looked at Luka and blushed.Sl: Vedela je, da Anja čuti nekaj več do Luka, vendar ni želela škodovati njunemu prijateljstvu.En: She knew that Anja felt something more for Luka, but she didn’t want to harm their friendship.Sl: Luka je pristopil bližje.En: Luka approached closer.Sl: "Mateja, tvoje delo me navdihuje," je rekel z nasmeškom.En: "Mateja, your work inspires me," he said with a smile.Sl: "Kaj če povežemo tvojo umetnost z mojimi tehnologijami?En: "What if we connect your art with my technologies?Sl: Ustvarimo nekaj res posebnega za razstavo.En: Let's create something truly special for the exhibition."Sl: "Mateja je oklevala, vendar je prikimala.En: Mateja hesitated but nodded.Sl: Njeni dvomi so se umikali navdušenju.En: Her doubts gave way to excitement.Sl: Naslednje tedne sta Mateja in Luka skupaj delala.En: In the following weeks, Mateja and Luka worked together.Sl: Ustvarila sta interaktivne postaje, kjer so obiskovalci lahko raziskovali slovensko kulturo skozi umetnost in tehnologijo.En: They created interactive stations where visitors could explore Slovenian culture through art and technology.Sl: Na dan Svetega Martina je bila razstava pripravljena.En: On St. Martin’s day, the exhibition was ready.Sl: Matejina srca je poskočilo, ko se je dvorana napolnila z obiskovalci.En: Mateja's heart leaped as the hall filled with visitors.Sl: Turisti in domačini so se smukali med njenimi umetninami, očarani nad kombinacijo tradicije in inovacije.En: Tourists and locals meandered among her artworks, enchanted by the fusion of tradition and innovation.Sl: Medtem ko sta Mateja in Luka opazovala reakcijo ljudi, Anja ni mogla spregledati njune sreče.En: While Mateja and Luka watched people's reactions, Anja couldn’t overlook their happiness.Sl: Njeno srce je bilo težko, vendar je vedela, da je čas, da odstopi.En: Her heart was heavy, but she knew it was time to step aside.Sl: Ko so se luči obarvale mehko rdeče, je Luka stisnil Matejino roko.En: As the lights turned a soft red, Luka squeezed Mateja's hand.Sl: "Hvala, da si zaupala meni in mojem delu," je rekel.En: "Thank you for trusting me and my work," he said.Sl: Mateja je začutila toplino v njegovih besedah.En: Mateja felt the warmth in his words.Sl: Skupaj sta stala in uživala v njunem uspehu in na novo rojeni vezi.En: Together they stood, enjoying their success and the newly formed bond.Sl: Anja je pristopila z nežnim nasmehom.En: Anja approached with a gentle smile.Sl: "Ponosen sem na vaju," je priznala.En: "I’m proud of you two," she admitted.Sl: "Vidva res lahko skupaj premikata meje.En: "You two really can push boundaries together."Sl: "Mateja je našla novo energijo v svoji umetnosti.En: Mateja found new energy in her art.Sl: Naučila se je, da sodelovanje prinaša lepše stvari kot samostojni napori.En: She learned that collaboration brings more beauty than solo efforts.Sl: Z zaupanjem in navdihom, ki ga je našla v Luki, je odločena, da še naprej raziskuje preteklost s pogumom za prihodnost.En: With the trust and inspiration she found in Luka, she was determined to continue exploring the past with courage for the future. Vocabulary Words:swirled: vrtinčilibustling: polnheritage: dediščinashowcase: prikazatidoubt: dvomreviewing: pregledovalacolleague: sodelavkablushed: zardelainteractive: interaktivnihadmired: občudovaltechnologies: tehnologijamiexcitement: navdušenjemeandered: smukalienchanted: očaranitradition: tradicijainnovation: inovacijaoverlook: spregledatiboundaries: mejesqueezed: stisniltrusting: zaupalawarmth: toplinobond: vezigentle: nežnimproud: ponosencollaboration: sodelovanjebeauty: lepotocourage: pogumomsuccess: uspehudetermined: odločenaexploring: raziskuje
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Returning Home: Anže's Journey to Reconnect with Family Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljanski grad se je dvigal nad mestom kot veličasten stražar.En: The Ljubljanski grad rose above the city like a magnificent guardian.Sl: Jesenske barve so preplavile pokrajino, zlato in rdeče listje je ležalo povsod.En: Autumn colors swept over the landscape, with golden and red leaves scattered everywhere.Sl: Zrak je dišal po pečenem kostanju in sveže stisnjenem vinu.En: The air smelled of roasted chestnuts and freshly pressed wine.Sl: Bil je dan sv. Martina in družine so se zbirale na praznovanju.En: It was sv. Martina day, and families were gathering for the celebration.Sl: Anže je hodil po kamnitih poteh gradu.En: Anže walked along the castle's stone paths.Sl: Po dolgih letih dela v tujini se je vrnil domov, a se ni počutil doma.En: After many years of working abroad, he had returned home, but he didn't feel at home.Sl: Ko je prišel do dvorišča, je zagledal Matejo, svojo sestro.En: When he reached the courtyard, he saw Mateja, his sister.Sl: Zdel se mu je utrujen obraz, a ko ga je zagledala, ji je na obraz priplaval rahel nasmešek.En: Her face seemed tired, but when she saw him, a slight smile appeared on her face.Sl: Sara, njuna bratranka, je že hitela proti njima, vedno pripravljena poskrbeti za družinsko harmonijo.En: Sara, their cousin, was already rushing toward them, always ready to ensure family harmony.Sl: Sara je objela Anžeta in rekla: "Končno smo spet vsi skupaj! Mateja, si že pripravila mizo?"En: Sara hugged Anže and said, "Finally, we're all together again! Mateja, have you set the table?"Sl: Mateja je prikimala, a njene misli so bežale drugam.En: Mateja nodded, but her thoughts were elsewhere.Sl: Pogledala je Anžeta in čutila rahel očitek v srcu.En: She looked at Anže and felt a slight reproach in her heart.Sl: Dolga leta ga ni bilo.En: He had been absent for many years.Sl: Ves čas je bila ona tista, ki je skrbela za mamo in organizirala ta praznična srečanja.En: It was always she who took care of their mother and organized these festive gatherings.Sl: Ko so sedli za mizo, polno domačih dobrot, vključno z Martinovo gosjo in mlajšim vinom, se je začela praznična večerja.En: When they sat down at the table, full of homemade delicacies, including Martinova goose and young wine, the festive dinner began.Sl: Vendar pa so se Anžetovi in Matejini pogledi vse pogosteje križali.En: However, Anže and Mateja's glances met more and more frequently.Sl: Sara je začutila napetost in poskušala razvedriti ozračje z zgodbami iz preteklosti, a ni pomagalo.En: Sara sensed the tension and tried to lighten the atmosphere with stories from the past, but it didn't help.Sl: Ko je večer napredoval, so se začela odpirati stara vprašanja.En: As the evening progressed, old questions began to surface.Sl: "Anže, zakaj si se moral vedno izogibati družini?" je nepričakovano vprašala Mateja.En: "Anže, why did you always have to avoid the family?" Mateja unexpectedly asked.Sl: Anže jo je pogledal in počasi začel: "Nisem se izogibal. Samo iskal sem svojo pot. Hotel sem v svet, da bi se nekaj naučil..."En: Anže looked at her and slowly began, "I wasn't avoiding it. I was just trying to find my path. I wanted to go out into the world to learn something..."Sl: "Medtem ko sem jaz ostala tukaj in skrbela za vse," je posegla Mateja, njene oči so se bliskale od čustev.En: "While I stayed here and took care of everything," interrupted Mateja, her eyes sparkling with emotion.Sl: Anže je globoko vdihnil. "Zavem se, da nisem bil dovolj prisoten," je priznal.En: Anže took a deep breath. "I realize I wasn't present enough," he admitted.Sl: "A zdaj sem tu. Želim biti del tega. Želim pomagati."En: "But now I'm here. I want to be a part of this. I want to help."Sl: Besede so za trenutek visele v zraku.En: The words hung in the air for a moment.Sl: Sara je deško pomežiknila obema. "Morda je čas, da pozabimo in začnemo na novo?" je predlagala tiho.En: Sara winked at both of them. "Maybe it's time to forget and start anew?" she quietly suggested.Sl: Mateja je pogledala brata. Videla je iskrenost v njegovih očeh. "Mogoče je," je tiho rekla, z mešanimi občutki, vendar z nekaj olajšanja.En: Mateja looked at her brother. She saw sincerity in his eyes. "Maybe it is," she said quietly, with mixed feelings but some relief.Sl: Tisti večer so nazdravljali z novim vinom.En: That evening, they toasted with the new wine.Sl: Odločeni, da bodo poskusili znova.En: Resolute to try again.Sl: Dogovorili so se, da se bodo srečevali pogosteje, da zgradijo most preko reke, ki jih je ločila.En: They agreed to meet more often, to build a bridge over the river that had separated them.Sl: Ko se je noč spuščala nad grad, so se smejali in klepetali.En: As the night fell over the castle, they laughed and chatted.Sl: Anže je začutil toplino, ki je v njegovem srcu dolga leta manjkala.En: Anže felt a warmth long missing in his heart.Sl: Vedel je, da bo potreboval čas in trud, a zdaj je razumel, da nikoli ni prepozno, da najdeš svojo pot nazaj domov.En: He knew it would take time and effort, but he now understood that it is never too late to find your way back home.Sl: In dom je bil prav tu, v družini.En: And home was right here, in the family. Vocabulary Words:magnificent: veličastenguardian: stražarlandscape: pokrajinacourtyard: dvoriščeslight: rahelreproach: očitekfestive: prazničendelicacies: dobroteharmony: harmonijasurface: odpiratiresentment: zamereeffort: trudresolve: odločitibridge: mostsincerity: iskrenostautumn: jesenscattered: ležečiabsent: odsotenemotion: čustvasuggest: predlagatiensure: zagotoviticelebration: praznovanjeoccur: zgoditi sechat: klepetatigathering: srečanjenarration: pripovedovanjesparkling: bliskati seabsorb: vpijatidwelling: bivatiresentful: zamera
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Chasing Fog and Friendship: A Bled Autumn Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Jutro je bilo sveže in jasna modrina neba se je stekala z barvitimi listi, ki so okrasili drevesa okoli Blejskega jezera.En: The morning was fresh, and the clear blueness of the sky mingled with the colorful leaves that adorned the trees around Blejsko jezero.Sl: Mateja, Gregor in Andreja so stali na robu vode, vsak s svojim nahrbtnikom polnim malic in pričakovanj.En: Mateja, Gregor, and Andreja stood at the water’s edge, each with their backpacks full of snacks and expectations.Sl: Bil je dan šolskega izleta.En: It was the day of a school trip.Sl: Jesenske počitnice pri Bledu so se obetale kot popolna priložnost za spoznavanje narave in kulture ob Martinovanju.En: Autumn holidays at Bled promised to be a perfect opportunity for discovering nature and culture during the Martinovanje festival.Sl: "Vsi se zberimo," je ukazovala Andreja.En: "Everyone gather around," commanded Andreja.Sl: Njeni lasje so plapolali v jutranjem vetru, ko je usmerjala skupino po ustaljenem urniku.En: Her hair fluttered in the morning breeze as she directed the group according to the established schedule.Sl: "Najprej gremo do Blejske cerkve."En: "First, we’ll go to the Blejska cerkev."Sl: "Mateja, pohiti," je vzkliknil Gregor, ki je videl, kako njegova prijateljica že zamišljeno gleda okoli sebe, opazujoc svetlobo, ki je plesala po gladini jezera.En: "Mateja, hurry up," exclaimed Gregor, noticing how his friend was already lost in her thoughts, observing the light dancing on the lake’s surface.Sl: Mateja je bila znana po tem, da se je izgubila v svetu fotografije, vedno iščoč popoln posnetek.En: Mateja was known for getting lost in the world of photography, always searching for the perfect shot.Sl: Po peščeni poti so hodili mimo pisanih kmečkih hiš do višje točke, od koder je bil boljši razgled.En: They walked along the sandy path past colorful farmhouses to a higher point for a better view.Sl: Medtem ko je Andreja pripovedovala zgodbe o lokalnih šegah ob Martinovanju, je Mateja opazila, kako je megla začela plaziti čez jezero.En: While Andreja narrated stories of local customs during Martinovanje, Mateja noticed the fog beginning to creep over the lake.Sl: Vedela je, da se mora hitro premakniti, če želi ujeti pravi trenutek.En: She knew she had to move quickly if she wanted to capture the right moment.Sl: "Gregor, pridi! Mislim, da lahko najdem boljše mesto za fotografijo," je tiho rekla Mateja, a Gregor je le zmajal z glavo, previden pred tavanjem iz ustaljene poti.En: "Gregor, come! I think I can find a better spot for a photo," Mateja said quietly, but Gregor just shook his head, cautious about wandering off the beaten path.Sl: "Boljše, da ostaneva z Andrejo," je rekel.En: "Better to stay with Andreja," he said.Sl: "Ampak, če res misliš, da se splača..."En: "But if you really think it’s worth it…"Sl: Mateja je vedela, da časa ni veliko.En: Mateja knew there wasn’t much time.Sl: Pohitela je po stezi, čuteč pridušen talni šelestenje listov pod nogami, dokler ni našla majhno jaso.En: She hurried down the trail, feeling the soft rustle of leaves underfoot, until she found a small clearing.Sl: Megla je tanjšala in v tistem trenutku se je pred njo razkrila cerkev na otoku v vsej svoji lepoti.En: The fog thinned, and at that moment, the church on the island revealed itself in all its beauty.Sl: S srcem, ki ji je nagajalo od vznemirjenja, Mateja ni oklevala.En: With her heart racing with excitement, Mateja didn’t hesitate.Sl: Fotoaparat je izvlekla iz torbe in v utripu srčnega bitja zajela nepozaben prizor.En: She pulled out her camera from her bag and captured the unforgettable scene in the beat of a heart.Sl: Megla se je začela vračati, in s tem se je Mateja hitro vrnila k skupini.En: As the fog began to return, Mateja quickly rejoined the group.Sl: Ko so končno opravili računanje, Andreja ni opazila Matejinega kratkega odhoda.En: When they finally did a headcount, Andreja hadn’t noticed Mateja’s brief departure.Sl: Mateja je bila vesela, da je fotografijo lahko hitro pogledala.En: Mateja was pleased to glance at the photograph quickly.Sl: Slika je bila res popolna.En: The picture truly was perfect.Sl: "V šolskem časopisu jo bomo objavili," je povedala Andreja, ko so se vrnili na avtobus.En: “We’ll publish it in the school newspaper,” Andreja said when they got back on the bus.Sl: Njena odločenost je bila mehkejša, ko je videla, kako je Mateja našla ravnovesje med svojo ljubeznijo do pustolovščin in sodelovanjem s skupino.En: Her determination softened when she saw how Mateja had found balance between her love of adventure and collaboration with the group.Sl: Z Matejinim uspehom je prišel tudi občutek ponosa, ki se je razširil med njenimi sošolci, ob strmenju v prelepo fotografijo Bleda v jesen.En: With Mateja’s success came a sense of pride that spread among her classmates as they stared at the beautiful photograph of Bled in the fall.Sl: Njena zgodba je bila popoln prikaz lepote Slovenije in moči prijateljstva ter učenja iz izkušenj.En: Her story was a perfect depiction of the beauty of Slovenia and the power of friendship and learning from experiences. Vocabulary Words:fresh: svežemingled: stekalaadorned: okrasiliexpectations: pričakovanjcommanded: ukazovalafluttered: plapolalibeaten path: ustaljene potirustle: šelestenjeclearing: jasathinned: tanjšalarevealed: razkrilaheart racing: srce nagajalodeparture: odhoddetermination: odločenostsoftened: mehkejšabalance: ravnovesjecollaboration: sodelovanjeadventure: pustolovščindepiction: prikazunforgettable: nepozabenopportunity: priložnostcustoms: šegahcreep: plazitihesitate: oklevalauncommon: neenkratnepublishing: objavilisense of pride: občutek ponosaglance: pogledalabrief: kratkegastared: strmenju
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Inspiration: A Photographic Journey of Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Megleno jutro je na Blejskem jezeru prinašalo vzdušje pričakovanja.En: The foggy morning at Blejsko jezero brought an atmosphere of anticipation.Sl: Jesenski listi so se barvali v zlato in rdeče, gozd je dišal po svežem dežju.En: Autumn leaves were painted in gold and red, and the forest smelled of fresh rain.Sl: Matej, mlad fotograf, je hodil ob jezeru, njegov fotoaparat pa je visel z ramen.En: Matej, a young photographer, was walking by the lake, his camera hanging from his shoulders.Sl: Iskal je tisti en popoln posnetek, ki bi mu znova prižgal strast do fotografije.En: He was searching for that one perfect shot that would reignite his passion for photography.Sl: Toda megla je bila gosta, skoraj skrivnostna, in težko je bilo najti popoln pogled skozi objektiv.En: But the fog was thick, almost mysterious, and it was difficult to find the perfect view through the lens.Sl: Na drugi strani jezera je Tina sedela na klopci, zvezek je ležal odprt v njenem naročju.En: On the other side of the lake, Tina sat on a bench, a notebook lying open in her lap.Sl: Bila je pisateljica, ki je prišla iskati mir in navdih za svojo novo knjigo.En: She was a writer who had come to find peace and inspiration for her new book.Sl: A njene misli so tavale, okolica jo je vlekla stran od zgodb, ki jih je želela napisati.En: But her thoughts wandered, and the surroundings pulled her away from the stories she wanted to write.Sl: Matej je končno opazil Tino, kako je zamišljena strmela v daljavo.En: Matej finally noticed Tina, how she thoughtfully stared into the distance.Sl: Zdela se mu je zanimiva, kot del kraja, ki ga je skušal ujeti v fotoaparat.En: She seemed interesting to him, like part of the place he was trying to capture with his camera.Sl: Odločil se je pristopiti.En: He decided to approach.Sl: "Živjo," je pozdravil, "si tudi ti tu zaradi navdiha?En: "Hi," he greeted, "are you here for inspiration too?"Sl: "Tina se je sprva zdrznila, a nato se je nasmehnila.En: Tina was initially startled, but then she smiled.Sl: "Da," je odgovorila, "iščem mir, da bi pisala, ampak težko se osredotočim.En: "Yes," she replied, "I'm seeking peace to write, but it's hard to focus."Sl: "Matej je sedel zraven nje in pričel pogovor o fotografiji in pisanju.En: Matej sat beside her and started a conversation about photography and writing.Sl: Povedal je o svoji strasti, o trenutnem pomanjkanju motivacije, in Tina mu je zaupala o svojem pisateljskem bloku.En: He spoke of his passion, his current lack of motivation, and Tina confided in him about her writer's block.Sl: Skupna želja po ustvarjanju in boj z negotovostjo sta ju povezala.En: Their shared desire to create and struggle with uncertainty connected them.Sl: Pogovor je tekel, čas je mineval, in z vsakim trenutkom je megla počasi popuščala.En: The conversation flowed, time passed, and with each moment, the fog slowly lifted.Sl: Matej je skozi objektiv ujel pogled, ki ga je iskal, tokrat z Tino v ospredju.En: Matej captured the view he had been searching for through the lens, this time with Tina in the foreground.Sl: Bila je popolna kombinacija miru in globokega razmisleka.En: It was the perfect combination of peace and deep thought.Sl: Sočasno je Tina začela zapisovati sveže ideje, ki so se rodile iz njunega pogovora.En: Simultaneously, Tina began jotting down fresh ideas born from their conversation.Sl: Navdih je našla tako v pokrajini kot v besedah, ki sta jih delila.En: She found inspiration both in the landscape and in the words they shared.Sl: Ko se je dan končal, se je megla končno umaknila.En: As the day ended, the fog finally retreated.Sl: Matej je dobil svoj popoln posnetek, Tina pa novo energijo za pisanje.En: Matej got his perfect shot, and Tina gained new energy for writing.Sl: V tistih nekaj urah sta našla več kot le navdih - našla sta prijateljstvo, ki ju bo podpiral na ustvarjalni poti.En: In those few hours, they found more than just inspiration—they found a friendship that would support them on their creative journey.Sl: Oba, obogatena z novim pogumom in povezana skozi razumevanje, sta zapustila Bled z občutkom, da bo njuna pot odslej nekoliko lažja.En: Both enriched with new courage and connected through understanding, they left Bled with a feeling that their paths would be somewhat easier going forward.Sl: Njuna umetnost je zasijala v novem svetlobnem krogu, ki sta ga našla v meglenem jutru.En: Their art shone in a new circle of light that they found in the foggy morning. Vocabulary Words:foggy: meglenoanticipation: pričakovanjeatmosphere: vzdušjepainted: barvaliforest: gozdmysterious: skrivnostnaperfect: popolnlend: posnetekwriter: pisateljicanotebook: zvezekwandered: tavalecapture: ujetiapproach: pristopitistartled: zdrznilaconversation: pogovormotivation: motivacijaconfided: zaupalauncertainty: negotovostconnected: povezalaflowed: tekelforeground: ospredjujotting: zapisovatiretreated: umaknilajourney: potjoenriched: obogatenacourage: pogumomunderstanding: razumevanjelandscape: pokrajiniinspiration: navdihsupport: podpiral
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding the Essence of Martinovanje in Ljubljana's Heart Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana je dišala po jeseni.En: Ljubljana smelled like autumn.Sl: Barve listov so bile živo oranžne in rdeče, in mešana aroma svežega sadja je napolnila zrak na Ljubljanski mestni trg.En: The colors of the leaves were vibrant orange and red, and a mixed aroma of fresh fruit filled the air at the Ljubljanski mestni trg.Sl: Ljudje so se prerivali med stojnicami, obteženimi s pridelki in siri.En: People jostled among the stalls, laden with produce and cheeses.Sl: Med njimi je bila Anja, novinarka s posebnim navdušenjem za tradicijo.En: Among them was Anja, a journalist with a special enthusiasm for tradition.Sl: V mislih je že videla svojo stanovanje, polno ljudi za Martinovanje.En: In her mind, she could already picture her apartment filled with people for Martinovanje.Sl: Martinovanje je bil Anjin najljubši praznik.En: Martinovanje was Anja's favorite celebration.Sl: Občutila je veselje ob misli na prihodnje slavje, a pred njo je bila še ena naloga: najti popolne okraske, ki bi poudarili pravi pomen tega praznika – zahvalnost za letino.En: She felt joy at the thought of the upcoming festivity, but she had one more task ahead: to find the perfect decorations that would emphasize the true meaning of this holiday – gratitude for the harvest.Sl: Celotna ljubljanska tržnica pa se je zdela preveč moderna ali komercializirana za njen okus.En: The entire Ljubljana market seemed too modern or commercialized for her taste.Sl: "Petra, sem videla to isto stvar že na treh stojnicah," je pomenila svoji prijateljici, medtem ko je njen prijatelj Matej prinesel kavo.En: "Petra, I've seen this same thing at three different stalls," she remarked to her friend, while their friend Matej brought over some coffee.Sl: "Vse je tako potrošniško. Hočem nekaj posebnega."En: "Everything is so consumer-driven. I want something special."Sl: Petra, vedno polna idej, predlaga, da poskusijo manj znane stojnice, kjer mojstri izdelujejo ročne umetnine.En: Petra, always full of ideas, suggested they try less-known stalls where craftsmen make handmade art.Sl: Anja je bila skeptična, a tudi upala, da bo morda našla skriti zaklad.En: Anja was skeptical but also hopeful that she might find a hidden treasure.Sl: "Hodimo na drugo stran trga," je rekel Matej.En: "Let's go to the other side of the square," Matej said.Sl: "Tam sem videl nekaj zanimivega."En: "I saw something interesting over there."Sl: Anja je sledila prijaznemu zvoku njegovega glasu, odločna, da najde nekaj posebnega.En: Anja followed the friendly sound of his voice, determined to find something special.Sl: Po nekaj minutah hoje med starimi zgradbami, polnimi zgodovine, so prišli do manj obljudene stojnice.En: After a few minutes of walking among old buildings filled with history, they arrived at a less crowded stall.Sl: Tam je starejši gospod ponujal ročno izdelane okraske, lepe in skrbno izdelane.En: There, an elderly gentleman offered handmade decorations, beautiful and carefully crafted.Sl: "Dober dan," je rekel starec, oči so mu zaiskrile.En: "Good day," said the old man, his eyes twinkling.Sl: "Rokodelci iz Vipavske doline jih naredijo."En: "Craftsmen from the Vipavska dolina make them."Sl: Dekoracije so bile natančno izdelane iz naravnih materialov, z grozdjem in ptiči, simboli bogate jeseni in preprostega življenja.En: The decorations were meticulously made from natural materials, with grapes and birds, symbols of a rich autumn and simple life.Sl: Anja je občudovala njihovo lepoto, a cena je bila višja, kot je pričakovala.En: Anja admired their beauty, but the price was higher than she expected.Sl: Bila je v dilemi.En: She was in a dilemma.Sl: Matej, s svojim umirjenim načinom, jo je spomnil: "Anja, gre za bistvo Martinovanja.En: Matej, with his calm manner, reminded her: "Anja, it's about the essence of Martinovanje.Sl: Kaj ti je resnično pomembno?"En: What is truly important to you?"Sl: Anja je stisnila ustnice, dvignila eno od najlepših dekoracij in se obrnila k staremu možu.En: Anja pressed her lips together, picked up one of the most beautiful decorations, and turned to the old man.Sl: "Prosim, vzamem tole.En: "Please, I'll take this one.Sl: In... bi se nam radi pridružili na večeru?En: And... would you like to join us for the evening?Sl: Vedno je lepo spoznati človeka, ki ceni tradicijo, kot vi."En: It's always nice to meet someone who appreciates tradition, like you."Sl: Starec je bil presenečen in vesel.En: The old man was surprised and pleased.Sl: "Hvala vam, z veseljem!"En: "Thank you, with pleasure!"Sl: Anja se je odpravila domov, zadovoljna z izbiro.En: Anja set off home, satisfied with her choice.Sl: Spoznala je, da Martinovanje ni le o okrasju, temveč tudi o povezanosti med ljudmi.En: She realized that Martinovanje is not just about the decorations, but also about the connection between people.Sl: Važna je vsa toplina in duh praznika, ki ga delimo z drugimi.En: It's about the warmth and spirit of the holiday that we share with others.Sl: Stanje na Ljubljanskem mestnem trgu se je umirjalo, a za Anjo se je čarobnost večera šele začela.En: The hustle and bustle at the Ljubljanski mestni trg was calming down, but for Anja, the magic of the evening was just beginning. Vocabulary Words:autumn: jesenivibrant: živoaroma: aromajostled: prerivaliladen: obteženimienthusiasm: navdušenjemfestivity: slavjegratitude: zahvalnostharvest: letinoconsumer-driven: potrošniškocraftsmen: rokodelcihandmade: ročneskeptical: skeptičnatreasure: zakladelderly: starejšimeticulously: natančnodilemma: dilemiessence: bistvotwinkling: zaiskrileappreciates: cenipleased: veselrealized: spoznalawarmth: toplinaspirit: duhhustle: stanjebustle: umirjaloconnection: povezanostisymbols: simboliproduce: pridelkiprecious: dragoceni
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Family Bonds: Inheritance Dilemma Over Martinovanje Feast Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: V jesenskem dnevu, ko so se listi počasi spuščali na tla, je Ljubljana Business District žarel v barvah rdeče in zlate.En: On a fall day, when the leaves were slowly descending to the ground, the Ljubljana Business District glowed in shades of red and gold.Sl: V restavraciji "Pri babici", ki je dišala po štrudlju in sveže stisnjenem moštu, je bilo vzdušje prijetno.En: In the restaurant "Pri babici," which smelled of strudel and freshly pressed must, the atmosphere was pleasant.Sl: V zraku je bila čutiti tudi napetost, saj je bilo pred vrati Martinovanje, praznik, ki v Sloveniji pomeni spremembo mošta v vino.En: There was also a sense of tension in the air, as Martinovanje was just around the corner, a holiday in Slovenia that marks the transformation of must into wine.Sl: Jure je sedel pri mizi blizu okna in opazoval mimoidoče.En: Jure sat at a table near the window, observing passersby.Sl: Bil je najstarejši od treh otrok in njegov cilj je bil ohraniti družinsko harmonijo.En: He was the oldest of three children, and his goal was to maintain family harmony.Sl: Družina je pravkar izgubila babico, ki jim je zapustila skromno, a dragoceno dediščino.En: The family had just lost their grandmother, who had left them a modest but valuable inheritance.Sl: Vedel je, da Anja in Matej ne delita vedno istega mnenja kot on.En: He knew that Anja and Matej did not always share the same opinion as he did.Sl: Anja je prispela prva.En: Anja arrived first.Sl: S svojim odločnim korakom in rahlo zagrenjenim izrazom na obrazu je takoj sedla nasproti Jureta.En: With her determined step and slightly bitter expression, she immediately sat across from Jure.Sl: "Tokrat bom jaz odločala," je dejala.En: "This time I will decide," she said.Sl: "Vedno vse na koncu vi odločate. Ne bom več spregledana."En: "You always end up making all the decisions. I won't be overlooked anymore."Sl: Matej je vstopil nasmejan, a malo slep za napetost, ki je že tlela.En: Matej entered with a smile, but somewhat oblivious to the tension that was already simmering.Sl: "Kaj bomo jedli? Upam, da ima restavracija kej posebnega za Martinovanje!" je vzkliknil.En: "What will we eat? I hope the restaurant has something special for Martinovanje!" he exclaimed.Sl: Njegova lahkomiselnost je včasih razburila Anjo.En: His lightheartedness sometimes upset Anja.Sl: Ko so si naročili jedi, je ozračje postajalo zasičeno.En: As they ordered their meals, the atmosphere grew tense.Sl: Jure je začel pogovor o dediščini.En: Jure started a discussion about the inheritance.Sl: "Potrebujemo plan," je rekel.En: "We need a plan," he said.Sl: "Trebamo se pravično dogovoriti."En: "We need to agree fairly."Sl: Anja je hitro prekinila.En: Anja quickly interrupted.Sl: "Jure, vedno vi govorite o pravičnosti. Kaj pa moje potrebe?"En: "Jure, you always talk about fairness. What about my needs?"Sl: Njen glas je bil trd in obremenjen s preteklostjo, kjer je čutila, da je bila zanemarjena.En: Her voice was firm, burdened by a past where she felt neglected.Sl: Matej se je žvečil svoje jedi in ni razumel teže trenutka.En: Matej was chewing his food and failed to grasp the gravity of the moment.Sl: Začel je humorno. "Ah, bom pa kupil kaj luskuznega!"En: He began jokingly, "Ah, I might buy something luxurious!"Sl: Jure se je zavedel, da mora ukrepati.En: Jure realized he needed to take action.Sl: "Poslušajta," je rekel pomirjujoče.En: "Listen," he said soothingly.Sl: "Kaj če bi ustanovili družinski sklad? Dediščino bi uporabili za nekaj, kar bo koristilo vsem.En: "What if we set up a family fund? We could use the inheritance for something that benefits everyone.Sl: Ohranimo vrednost tega, kar nam je babica zapustila."En: Let's preserve the value of what grandma left us."Sl: Anja in Matej sta utihnila.En: Anja and Matej fell silent.Sl: Anja je razumela, da Jure resnično želi najbolje za vse.En: Anja understood that Jure genuinely wanted the best for everyone.Sl: Matej je razmislil o tem, kar mu je bilo ponujeno.En: Matej considered what was being offered.Sl: "To ni slabo.En: "That's not bad.Sl: Na koncu, babica bi bila ponosna na nas."En: In the end, grandma would be proud of us."Sl: Ko so zaključili obrok, je zunaj začel padati rahel dež, listi so se vrtinčili v vetru.En: As they finished their meal, a light rain began to fall outside, and the leaves swirled in the wind.Sl: Jure, Anja in Matej so zapustili restavracijo z večjim spoštovanjem drug do drugega.En: Jure, Anja, and Matej left the restaurant with a greater respect for each other.Sl: Vsak je našel nekaj novega v svojih odnosih; spoštovanje, sprejemanje, povezavo.En: Each found something new in their relationships: respect, acceptance, connection.Sl: Ustanovitev sklada se je zdela prava odločitev.En: Establishing the fund seemed like the right decision.Sl: Obrazi, nekoč napeti, so postali sproščeni.En: Faces, once tense, had become relaxed.Sl: Zavetje toplih luči Ljubljane jih je spremljalo do doma, kjer so počasi, a sigurno, oblikovali svetlejšo družinsko prihodnost.En: The warmth of Ljubljana's lights guided them home, where they slowly but surely shaped a brighter family future. Vocabulary Words:descending: spuščaligleamed: žarelstrudel: štrudeljmust: mošttension: napetostinheritance: dediščinaharmony: harmonijadetermined: odločenoverlooked: spregledanaoblivious: sleplightheartedness: lahkomiselnostsimmering: tlelaluxurious: luksuznegasoothingly: pomirjujočefund: skladpreserve: ohranitisilence: utihnilaburdened: obremenjenchewing: žvečilgravity: težaslick: veterrespect: spoštovanjeaccepted: sprejemanjeconnection: povezavorelaxed: sproščeniglow: žarelsurroundings: zavetjeplan: planexpensive: dragocenshape: oblikovali
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Artistic Encounters: A Fusion of Inspiration in Tivoli Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: V Tivoli parku v Ljubljani je bil čudovit jesenski dan.En: In Tivoli park in Ljubljana, it was a beautiful autumn day.Sl: Listi na drevesih so sijali v toplih odtenkih oranžne, rdeče in zlate barve.En: The leaves on the trees shone in warm shades of orange, red, and gold.Sl: Zrak je bil hladen, potke pa prepletene z živobarvnimi listi.En: The air was cool, and the paths were intertwined with colorful leaves.Sl: Zvok listja pod nogami je dodal prijeten občutek narave.En: The sound of leaves underfoot added a pleasant sense of nature.Sl: Počasi se je približevalo Martinovanje, čas, ko nova vina postanejo stara, in duh veselja zapolni zrak.En: Martinovanje was slowly approaching, a time when new wines become old, and the spirit of joy fills the air.Sl: Anže se je že zgodaj pripravljal na fotografsko sejo.En: Anže was preparing early for a photography session.Sl: Njegov cilj je bil ujeti popolno jesensko podobo za bližajočo se razstavo.En: His goal was to capture the perfect autumn image for the upcoming exhibition.Sl: Vedel je, da bo moral narediti nekaj posebnega.En: He knew he would have to do something special.Sl: Vendar pa so oblaki zagrinjali nebo in ga silili, da je čakal na sončni trenutek.En: However, clouds were covering the sky, forcing him to wait for a sunny moment.Sl: Na drugi strani parka je Mateja sedela na klopi s skiciranim blokom.En: On the other side of the park, Mateja sat on a bench with a sketchbook.Sl: Njen um je bil poln dvomov.En: Her mind was full of doubts.Sl: Dolgo ni našla ideje, ki bi navdihnila njena dela.En: For a long time, she hadn't found an idea that would inspire her work.Sl: Danes je sklenila, da bo poskusila nekaj novega.En: Today, she decided to try something new.Sl: Risala bo, kar čuti, ne le kar vidi.En: She would draw what she feels, not just what she sees.Sl: Minute so minevale in Anže je izgubil potrpljenje.En: Minutes passed, and Anže lost patience.Sl: Ampak nekaj ga je držalo tam.En: But something kept him there.Sl: Morda je bilo nekaj v svežem zraku, nekaj, kar ga klanjanja edinstvenim trenutkom.En: Maybe there was something in the fresh air, something that bowed to unique moments.Sl: Mateja prav tako ni našla pravega razpoloženja.En: Mateja also couldn't find the right mood.Sl: A nato, ravno ko se je pripravljala oditi, se je zgodilo nekaj čudovitega.En: But then, just as she was about to leave, something wonderful happened.Sl: Sonce se je prebilo skozi oblake in obsijalo listje z zlatimi žarki.En: The sun broke through the clouds and illuminated the leaves with golden rays.Sl: Njeni dvomi so se pričeli topiti, ko so sončni žarki oživeli njeno platno.En: Her doubts began to melt as the sun’s rays brought her canvas to life.Sl: V istem trenutku je Anže dvignil svoj fotoaparat.En: At the same moment, Anže lifted his camera.Sl: Zajemal je svetlobo, ki je plesala po drevesih.En: He captured the light dancing through the trees.Sl: Takrat so se njegove oči ustavile na rokah Mateje, ki so nežno premikale čopič po skicirki.En: Then his eyes stopped on Mateja's hands, gently moving a brush across her sketchbook.Sl: Njune poti so se križale.En: Their paths crossed.Sl: Osupnjen od trenutka je Anže spregovoril: "Takoj sem opazil, kako nežno vijugaš po papirju.En: Awestruck by the moment, Anže spoke: "I immediately noticed how gently you swirl across the paper."Sl: " Mateja je dvignila pogled in se nasmehnila.En: Mateja looked up and smiled.Sl: "In jaz sem ujela tvojo odločnost, kako natančno zajameš svetlobo.En: "And I caught your determination, how precisely you capture the light."Sl: "Spoznala sta, da delita strast do umetnosti.En: They realized they shared a passion for art.Sl: V tistem trenutku sta si izmenjala osebne podatke.En: At that moment, they exchanged personal information.Sl: Dogovorila sta se, da se bosta znova srečala in sodelovala.En: They agreed to meet again and collaborate.Sl: Ko sta odšla vsak v svojo smer, je Anže začutil nekaj novega.En: As they each went their separate ways, Anže felt something new.Sl: Povezava z Matejo mu je ponudila drugačno perspektivo, svež navdih.En: The connection with Mateja offered him a different perspective, a fresh inspiration.Sl: Mateja pa je našla samozavest, ki jo je iskala.En: Mateja found the confidence she had been seeking.Sl: Njuna nova prijateljstva sta jima širila obzorja.En: Their new friendship broadened their horizons.Sl: Tivoli je nadaljeval svoje vsakdanje življenje, vendar sta Anže in Mateja odšla z novo energijo.En: Tivoli continued its everyday life, but Anže and Mateja left with new energy.Sl: Jesen je prinesla novo obdobje, polno upanja in kreativnosti.En: Autumn brought a new era, full of hope and creativity. Vocabulary Words:shone: sijaliintertwined: prepleteneunderfoot: pod nogamiapproaching: približevalosession: sejoexhibition: razstavoapproach: pripravljadoubts: dvomovinspire: navdihnilapatience: potrpljenjeilluminated: obsijalocanvas: platnodetermination: odločnostprecisely: natančnopassion: strastcollaborate: sodelovalaperspective: perspektivoconfidence: samozavestexpand: širilaconnections: povezavehorizons: obzorjaenergy: energijoera: obdobjeswirl: vijugašawestruck: osupnjensketchbook: skicirkifresh: svežemunique: edinstvenimrays: žarkibroadened: širila
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Escape from the Depths: A Journey Through Postojna Cave Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Postojna jama je veličasten kraj.En: Postojna jama is a magnificent place.Sl: Hladni zrak in meglica ustvarjata skrivnostno vzdušje.En: The cold air and mist create a mysterious atmosphere.Sl: Matej, previden geolog, vodi skupino turistov.En: Matej, a cautious geologist, leads a group of tourists.Sl: Med njimi sta Nina, radovedna turistka s strahom pred zaprtimi prostori, in pogumni raziskovalec Gregor, ki hrepeni po pustolovščinah.En: Among them are Nina, a curious tourist with a fear of enclosed spaces, and the brave explorer Gregor, who longs for adventures.Sl: Skupina počasi hodi po hodnikih, obkrožena s čudovitimi stalaktiti in stalagmiti.En: The group walks slowly through the corridors, surrounded by beautiful stalactites and stalagmites.Sl: Luči svetilk mečejo dolge sence, ki plešejo po stenah.En: The lantern lights cast long shadows that dance on the walls.Sl: Naenkrat se jama močno strese.En: Suddenly, the cave shakes violently.Sl: Glasen hrup preplavi prostor.En: A loud noise fills the space.Sl: Padec kamenja zasuje izhod.En: A rockfall blocks the exit.Sl: Turisti obstojijo v tišini, odmeva le kapljanje vode.En: The tourists stand still in silence, with only the sound of water dripping echoing.Sl: Panika naraste, ko ugotovijo, da je pot nazaj zaprta.En: Panic rises when they realize the way back is closed.Sl: Matej poskuša umiriti situacijo.En: Matej tries to calm the situation.Sl: Njegov glavni cilj je varnost vseh.En: His main goal is everyone's safety.Sl: Preveri telefon, a signala ni.En: He checks his phone, but there's no signal.Sl: Odločiti se mora: čakati na reševalce ali najti drugo pot ven.En: He must decide: wait for rescuers or find another way out.Sl: Spomni se na svojo izkušnjo.En: He recalls his experience.Sl: V jamo je prišel že mnogokrat, pozna vsako njeno skrivnost.En: He has been to the cave many times and knows all its secrets.Sl: Vendar zdaj mora tvegati.En: However, now he must take a risk.Sl: Medtem ko skuša misliti, Nina stisne roko ob telo.En: While he tries to think, Nina clasps her hands to her body.Sl: Strah napolni njen obraz, a zaupa Mateju.En: Fear fills her face, but she trusts Matej.Sl: Gregor, nasproti, razburjeno predlaga raziskovanje novih poti.En: Gregor, on the other hand, excitedly suggests exploring new paths.Sl: "Matej, na levi sem videl neznan prehod.En: "Matej, on the left I saw an unknown passage.Sl: Morda je naša rešitev," pogumno pravi Gregor.En: Maybe that's our solution," Gregor says courageously.Sl: Matej okleva, a ve, da časa ni več veliko.En: Matej hesitates but knows there isn't much time left.Sl: "Gremo," po kratkem premisleku reče in vodi skupino proti nevarni poti.En: "Let's go," he says after a brief pause and leads the group toward the dangerous path.Sl: Pot je ozka in nejasna.En: The path is narrow and unclear.Sl: Skrbi ga za varnost, toda srce mu govori, naj verjame.En: He worries about safety, but his heart tells him to believe.Sl: Gregor za njim pogumno preverja, ali je pot stabilna.En: Gregor follows, bravely checking if the path is stable.Sl: Po dolgem in izčrpljujočem iskanju, skozi katakombe in ozke tunele, končno vidijo svetlobo.En: After a long and exhausting search, through catacombs and narrow tunnels, they finally see light.Sl: Počasi pridejo do novega izhoda.En: Slowly they reach a new exit.Sl: Navdušenje napolni vse.En: Excitement fills everyone.Sl: Matej je premagal dvome in strahove.En: Matej has overcome doubts and fears.Sl: Z Gregorjevo pomočjo je skupino pripeljal na varno.En: With Gregor's help, he has brought the group to safety.Sl: Na svežem zraku, pod jesenskimi listi dreves, Matej ponosno pogleda okoli sebe.En: In the fresh air, under the autumn leaves of the trees, Matej proudly looks around.Sl: Naučil se je zaupati sebi in v svojih odločitvah.En: He has learned to trust himself and his decisions.Sl: Nina se končno nasmehne.En: Nina finally smiles.Sl: Gregor pa ve, da ga čakajo še mnoge avanture.En: Gregor knows that many adventures still await him.Sl: Skupina odide iz Postojne, hvaležna za svojo varno vrnitev in prelep spomin na avanturo v jami.En: The group leaves Postojna, grateful for their safe return and the beautiful memory of the cave adventure. Vocabulary Words:magnificent: veličastenmist: meglicacautious: previdenenclosed: zaprtimistalactites: stalaktitistalagmites: stalagmitilantern: svetilkeshadows: senceviolently: močnorockfall: padec kamenjadripping: kapljanjeechoing: odmevapanic: panikarescuers: reševalcesecrets: skrivnostclasp: stisneunknown: neznancourageously: pogumnohesitates: oklevanarrow: ozkaunclear: nejasnaexhausting: izčrpljujočemcatacombs: katakombeventure: pustolovščinahsafety: varnosttrust: zaupatidecision: odločitvahadventures: avanturegrateful: hvaležnamemory: spomin
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Amidst Chaos and Leaves: Mateja's Battle to Heal Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Mateja je stala pred vhodom v poljsko bolnišnico v Ljubljani.En: Mateja stood in front of the entrance to the field hospital in Ljubljana.Sl: Listje je padalo z dreves, vetrič je nosil zlato-rumene liste po tleh.En: Leaves were falling from the trees, and a breeze was carrying golden-yellow leaves across the ground.Sl: Bolnišnica je bila le začasna postavitev, velika telovadnica, polna postelj in kaosa.En: The hospital was only a temporary setup, a large gymnasium filled with beds and chaos.Sl: To jesen so hudo prizadeta območja v Sloveniji zaradi poplav.En: This fall, areas badly hit by floods in Slovenia were in dire need.Sl: Mateja je že teden dni spala le po nekaj ur na noč.En: Mateja had slept only a few hours each night for a week.Sl: Kljub temu je bila odločena pomagati vsakemu, ki je prišel po pomoč.En: Despite this, she was determined to help anyone who came seeking aid.Sl: "Bojan, kje potrebujemo več zalog?En: "Bojan, where do we need more supplies?"Sl: " je poklicala mladega zdravniškega pomočnika.En: she called to the young medical assistant.Sl: Bolnišnica ni imela dovolj materiala.En: The hospital didn't have enough materials.Sl: Mateja je vedela, da mora biti inovativna.En: Mateja knew she needed to be innovative.Sl: Potreben je bil vsak par rok.En: Every pair of hands was needed.Sl: "Potrebujemo več gaz in oblog, hitro!En: "We need more gauze and bandages, quickly!"Sl: " je Bojan odgovoril, medtem ko se je ukvarjal s pacienti.En: Bojan replied while attending to patients.Sl: Naravna nesreča je prinesla val ljudi v bolnišnico.En: The natural disaster had brought a wave of people to the hospital.Sl: Njihovi obrazi so bili utrujeni, polni skrbi.En: Their faces were tired, full of worry.Sl: Mateja je videla, da so potrebovali njeno pomoč.En: Mateja saw that they needed her help.Sl: Pogoltnila je utrujenost in se predala delu.En: She swallowed her fatigue and dedicated herself to her work.Sl: Ljudje so bili prestrašeni, a Mateja jih je pomirila z nasmehom in vestnim delom.En: People were scared, but Mateja reassured them with a smile and her diligent work.Sl: Sredi živahne telovadnice je zazvonil telefon.En: Amid the bustling gymnasium, the phone rang.Sl: "Zoran, potreben si na vhodu," je zaklicala Mateja.En: "Zoran, you're needed at the entrance," Mateja called out.Sl: Zoran, izkušen zdravnik, je bil večno na poti od enega konca bolnišnice do drugega.En: Zoran, an experienced doctor, was constantly moving from one end of the hospital to the other.Sl: Njegova usta so bila resna, a njegove oči so oddajale toplino.En: His mouth was serious, but his eyes radiated warmth.Sl: Skupaj sta delala brez predaha.En: Together, they worked tirelessly.Sl: Vsak trenutek je bil dragocen, vsaka odločitev ključna.En: Every moment was precious, every decision crucial.Sl: Nenadoma je prišel klic.En: Suddenly, a call came.Sl: "Mateja, tu je kritični primer!En: "Mateja, there's a critical case!"Sl: " srce ji je poskočilo.En: her heart jumped.Sl: Pacient je bil starejši moški, njegova diha plitka, koža bleda.En: The patient was an elderly man, his breathing shallow, his skin pale.Sl: Mateja je vedela, da mora hitro odločiti.En: Mateja knew she had to decide quickly.Sl: Njena ekipa se je zbrala okoli nje.En: Her team gathered around her.Sl: Zdelo se je, da čas teče počasneje, a v resnici je šlo vse zelo hitro.En: Time seemed to slow down, but in reality, everything was moving very fast.Sl: Odločila se je, da bodo uporabili preostale zaloge za stabilizacijo moškega.En: She decided they would use the remaining supplies to stabilize the man.Sl: Starejši gospod je s težavo dihati, a z Matejino oskrbo je njegovo stanje kmalu bilo stabilizirano.En: The elderly gentleman struggled to breathe, but with Mateja's care, his condition soon stabilized.Sl: "Dobro delo," je pohvalil Zoran, ko je opazoval Matejo.En: "Good job," Zoran praised as he watched Mateja.Sl: Vedela je, da so te besede pomenile več kot katerikoli počitek.En: She knew those words meant more than any rest.Sl: Po dolgem dnevu je sedla na klop, zadvoljna z rezultatom.En: After a long day, she sat on a bench, satisfied with the outcome.Sl: Kljub vsemu je našla trenutek notranjega miru.En: Despite everything, she found a moment of inner peace.Sl: Ko se je sonce spustilo za oblake, je Mateja pogledala proti vratom.En: As the sun set behind the clouds, Mateja looked toward the doors.Sl: Venku so listi še vedno padali.En: Outside, the leaves were still falling.Sl: Utrujena, a zadovoljna, je poglobila spoštovanje do ekipnega dela.En: Tired but satisfied, she deepened her appreciation for teamwork.Sl: Razumela je, koliko lahko dosežejo skupaj.En: She understood how much they could achieve together.Sl: Njena utrujenost je bila sekundarna v primerjavi z majhnimi čudeži, ki jih je vsakodnevno doživljala.En: Her fatigue was secondary compared to the small miracles she experienced daily.Sl: Vedela je, da bo jutri nov dan, poln izzivov, a tudi priložnosti za nova dejanja sočutja.En: She knew tomorrow would be another day, full of challenges but also opportunities for new acts of compassion. Vocabulary Words:entrance: vhodbreeze: vetričtemporary: začasnasetup: postavitevchaos: kaosdire: hudoinnovative: inovativnamaterials: materialadisaster: nesrečaworry: skrbifatigue: utrujenostreassured: pomirilabustling: živahneradiated: oddajaletirelessly: brez predahaprecious: dragocencrucial: ključnacritical: kritičnishallow: plitkastabilize: stabilizacijoelderly: starejšistruggled: s težavosatisfied: zadvoljnaappreciation: spoštovanjemiracles: čudežicompassion: sočutjaopportunities: priložnostiteamwork: ekipnega deladedicated: predaladecision: odločitev
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Through the Frozen Silence: A Tundra Tale of Trust and Triumph Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je trdno stiskal roke v žepih.En: Matej firmly clenched his hands in his pockets.Sl: Hladno jesensko jutro je prineslo ostre vetrove, ki so brisali po neskončni beli tundri.En: The cold autumn morning brought sharp winds that swept across the endless white tundra.Sl: Vsak njegov vdih je bil izziv.En: Every breath he took was a challenge.Sl: Ana je hodila poleg njega, resna in zamišljena.En: Ana walked beside him, serious and pensive.Sl: Njihovo potovanje po Arktični tundri ni bilo le raziskava, bilo je tudi iskanje.En: Their journey across the Arctic tundra was not just an exploration, it was also a quest.Sl: Za Mateja je bilo pomembno, da uspe.En: For Matej, it was important to succeed.Sl: Pretekle napake so bile kot sence, ki so ga spremljale.En: Past mistakes were like shadows that followed him.Sl: Ana je to vedela.En: Ana knew this.Sl: Ni bila prepričana, če lahko sledi njegovemu vodstvu, a ga je podpirala.En: She wasn't sure if she could follow his lead, but she supported him.Sl: Gregor, njihov vodnik, je bil vedno korak pred njima.En: Gregor, their guide, was always a step ahead of them.Sl: Njegova močna postava je dajala vtis neuničljivosti, a tokrat je bil videti drugačen.En: His strong frame gave an impression of invincibility, but this time he appeared different.Sl: Nenadoma se je Gregor zatresel in omahnil na tla.En: Suddenly, Gregor shuddered and collapsed to the ground.Sl: Mateja in Ano je zajela panika.En: Panic consumed Matej and Ana.Sl: Hipotermija.En: Hypothermia.Sl: Bili so več ur oddaljeni od najbližje medicinske postaje.En: They were hours away from the nearest medical station.Sl: Gregorjev ponavadi trden obraz je postal bled in brezizrazen.En: Gregor's usually strong face turned pale and expressionless.Sl: Čas se je neusmiljeno odmikal.En: Time was relentlessly slipping away.Sl: "Matej," je rekla Ana, njene oči so bile polne skrbi.En: "Matej," Ana said, her eyes full of concern.Sl: "Moramo pohiteti.En: "We need to hurry.Sl: Potrebujemo načrt.En: We need a plan."Sl: "Matej je vedel, da so možnosti omejene.En: Matej knew their options were limited.Sl: Predlagal je, da počakajo na pomoč, a Ana ni bila prepričana.En: He suggested they wait for help, but Ana was uncertain.Sl: Hlad je bil preveč intenziven.En: The cold was too intense.Sl: Odločiti se je moral.En: He had to make a decision.Sl: Zadnje napetosti so se strnile v njegovem srcu.En: Recent tensions condensed in his heart.Sl: Nato se je spomnil Gregorjevega nasveta o bližnjici skozi tundro.En: Then he remembered Gregor's advice about a shortcut through the tundra.Sl: Bila je nevarna, vendar je ponudila možnost hitrejšega prihoda do medicinske postaje.En: It was dangerous, but it offered the possibility of reaching the medical station faster.Sl: "Sprejeli bomo bližnjico," je rekel Matej odločno, čeprav ga je strah tiščal.En: "We'll take the shortcut," Matej said decisively, though fear gripped him.Sl: Ana se je strinjala in pomagala.En: Ana agreed and helped.Sl: Skupaj sta dvignila Gregorja in se podala na pot.En: Together, they lifted Gregor and set off.Sl: Vetrovna tišina je bila zastrašujoča, a Matej je bil odločen.En: The windy silence was daunting, but Matej was determined.Sl: Vodil je ekipni korak, sledil je nasvetom in pozornosti svoje ekipe.En: He led the team’s pace, following the advice and attention of his team.Sl: Ko so se približali medicinski postaji, je Matej čutil, kako se led na njegovem srcu topi.En: As they approached the medical station, Matej felt the ice on his heart melting.Sl: Prebujala se je nova samozavest, občutil je pomen zaupanja in sodelovanja.En: A new confidence awakened, and he sensed the importance of trust and cooperation.Sl: Ko so prispeli, so medicinski delavci hitro poskrbeli za Gregorja.En: When they arrived, the medical staff quickly took care of Gregor.Sl: Njegove trepetajoče ustnice so se sprostile in vračal se je rdeč v obraz.En: His trembling lips relaxed, and color returned to his face.Sl: Matej je stisnil Ano k sebi in ji hvaležno pokimal.En: Matej pulled Ana close and nodded gratefully to her.Sl: Kljub težki poti so uspeli.En: Despite the arduous journey, they succeeded.Sl: Naučil se je, da ni sam in da se lahko zanese na svojo ekipo.En: He learned that he is not alone and can rely on his team.Sl: Skupaj so prebrodili nevarnost, in Matej je bil pripravljen na prihodnje izzive.En: Together, they overcame the danger, and Matej was ready for future challenges.Sl: Odlomil je košček svojega dvoma in ga pustil za sabo – v neskončni belini arktične tundre.En: He broke off a piece of his doubt and left it behind—in the endless whiteness of the Arctic tundra. Vocabulary Words:clenched: stiskalpockets: žepihshuddered: zatreselcollapsed: omahnilpanic: panikahypothermia: hipotermijaexpressionless: brezizrazenrelentlessly: neusmiljenodecision: odločiticondensed: strnileshortcut: bližnjicidaunting: zastrašujočainvincibility: neuničljivostitrek: potmelting: topiconfidence: samozavesttensions: napetostidoubt: dvomaquest: iskanjeframe: postavasucceed: uspeinvincibility: neuničljivostitrembling: trepetajočearduous: težkiguide: vodnikinevitably: neusmiljenoresolve: odločiticoncern: skrbijourney: potovanjeovercame: prebrodili
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Unraveling Mysteries: The Light Draws A Legacy Revealed Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: V rožnatem mraku jesenskega večera na obronku hriba, je Matevž zrl v staro, zapuščeno skladišče.En: In the pink dusk of an autumn evening on the edge of a hill, Matevž gazed at the old, abandoned warehouse.Sl: S kraja, kjer se je vzpenjal na griču, je videl, kako je skozi razbita okna utripala čudna luč.En: From the spot where he climbed the hill, he could see a strange light flickering through the broken windows.Sl: Matevž je razmišljal o svojem dedku, ki je nekoč delal v tem skladišču.En: Matevž thought about his grandfather, who once worked in this warehouse.Sl: Spomnil se je zgodb, ki mu jih je dedek pripovedoval o delovnih dneh in dogodivščinah v tem masivnem, rjasto rjavem poslopju.En: He remembered the stories his grandfather used to tell him about the working days and adventures in this massive, rust-brown building.Sl: Želel je vedeti, zakaj se luč pojavlja vsak večer.En: He wanted to know why the light appeared every evening.Sl: Kaj če je to povezano z dedkovo preteklostjo?En: What if it was connected to his grandfather's past?Sl: Njegova prijatelja, Nina in Anže, nista bila prepričana.En: His friends, Nina and Anže, were not convinced.Sl: "To je preveč nevarno," je rekel Anže in zbral moč v glasu.En: "It's too dangerous," said Anže, gathering strength in his voice.Sl: "Kaj če se skladišče zruši?"En: "What if the warehouse collapses?"Sl: Nina je pokimala v znak strinjanja.En: Nina nodded in agreement.Sl: "Ali pa je tam nekdo drug. Nekdo, ki nima dobrih namenov," je dodala z zaskrbljenim pogledom.En: "Or what if someone else is there? Someone who doesn't have good intentions," she added with a worried look.Sl: Matevž pa je čutil, da mora raziskati.En: But Matevž felt he had to investigate.Sl: Našel je tolažbo v misli, da 1. novembra, na dan vseh svetih, morda odkrije, kaj ga tako vabi.En: He found comfort in the thought that on November 1st, All Saints' Day, he might discover what was calling him.Sl: Vseeno jim je zagotovil, da bo previden.En: Nevertheless, he assured them he would be careful.Sl: Na dan vseh svetih so se oblaki zgostili nad mestom in tema je legla že zgodaj.En: On All Saints' Day, clouds gathered over the town, and darkness fell early.Sl: Matevž je natočill svetilko, pogumno zakorakal proti skladišču.En: Matevž filled his flashlight and boldly marched toward the warehouse.Sl: Kljub strahu, je srce tikalo polno vznemirjenja.En: Despite his fear, his heart ticked full of excitement.Sl: Stopil je v notranjost.En: He stepped inside.Sl: Skladišče je bilo tiho, le odmev njegovih stopinj je spremljal njegovo pot med starimi, zaprašenimi stroji in lesenimi zaboji.En: The warehouse was silent, only the echo of his footsteps accompanied his path among the old, dusty machines and wooden crates.Sl: Našel je stopnišča, ki ga je vodilo do majhne sobe, o kateri ni vedel.En: He found stairs that led him to a small room he didn't know about.Sl: Luč je utripala skozi ozko špranjo pod vrati.En: The light flickered through a narrow crack under the door.Sl: Z dominom na srcu, je pritisnil kljuko in odprl vrata.En: With a pounding heart, he pressed the handle and opened the door.Sl: Na mizi je stala luč stare elektronike, osvetljujoč pisma in fotografije.En: On the table stood a light from old electronics, illuminating letters and photographs.Sl: Spuščeni prah je trosil zgodbe.En: The settling dust scattered stories.Sl: Vzel je enega izmed listov in prepoznal dedkov rokopis.En: He picked up one of the sheets and recognized his grandfather's handwriting.Sl: Pisal je o delu in skrivnostih, ki jih je skrival s to staro napravo.En: It spoke of work and secrets he had hidden with this old device.Sl: Bil je člen v dolgi verigi družinskih skrivnosti, ki jih Matevž ni poznal.En: It was a link in a long chain of family secrets that Matevž did not know.Sl: Zbrane fotografije so kazale trenutke njegovega dedka, ki jih ni videl nikoli prej.En: The gathered photographs showed moments of his grandfather that he had never seen before.Sl: Matevž je stopil bližje k skrivnostim, ki so skupaj z lučjo razblinile njegove dvome.En: Matevž stepped closer to the secrets, which, along with the light, dispelled his doubts.Sl: Znova zunaj, Matevž je dihal globoko.En: Outside again, Matevž breathed deeply.Sl: Počutil se je bližje dedku in lastni družini.En: He felt closer to his grandfather and his own family.Sl: Njegova radovednost ni bila več le otroška igra.En: His curiosity was no longer just child's play.Sl: Zdaj je vedel, kako se soočiti z resnico - s premišljenostjo namesto z nepremišljeno drznostjo.En: Now he knew how to face the truth—with thoughtfulness rather than reckless daring.Sl: Ko se je vračal k prijateljem, so stali na robu hriba in ga čakali.En: As he returned to his friends, they were standing on the edge of the hill waiting for him.Sl: Matevž se je smejal in že iz daljave mahal z rokami, prežet z novim spoštovanjem do preteklosti.En: Matevž laughed and was already waving his arms from a distance, filled with a newfound respect for the past.Sl: Ta izkušnja ga je spremenila.En: This experience changed him.Sl: Zdaj je vedel, kje so njegove korenine in kakšne zgodbe so jih oblikovale, resnične in polne večne svetlobe iz skrivnostnega skladišča.En: Now he knew where his roots were and the stories that shaped them, true and full of eternal light from the mysterious warehouse. Vocabulary Words:dusk: mrakgazed: zrlabandoned: zapuščenoflickering: utripalaadventures: dogodivščinecollapse: zrušiintentions: namenovboldly: pogumnoexcitement: vznemirjenjaecho: odmevaccompanied: spremljalcrack: špranjopounding: dominilluminating: osvetljujočscattered: trosilrecognize: prepoznalhidden: skrivalchain: verigistepped: stopildispelled: razblinilebreathed: dihalcuriosity: radovednostreckless: nepremišljenodaring: drznostjowaving: mahalrespect: spoštovanjemexperience: izkušnjaroots: korenineeternal: večnemysterious: skrivnostnega
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Finding Solitude: A Weekend at Blejsko Jezero Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Jutro nad Blejskim jezerom je bilo hladno in mirno.En: The morning over Blejsko jezero was cold and calm.Sl: Listi na drevesih ob jezeru so bili rdeči, oranžni in rumeni.En: The leaves on the trees by the lake were red, orange, and yellow.Sl: Miha je stal ob obali in opazoval meglico, ki se je dvigala iz vode.En: Miha stood by the shore, watching the mist rising from the water.Sl: Njegovi prijatelji, Nina in Matej, so bili navdušeni nad načrti za vikend.En: His friends, Nina and Matej, were excited about the weekend plans.Sl: Jaz sem rad tukaj, je pomislil Miha, vendar si želi tudi nekaj trenutkov tišine.En: I like it here, Miha thought, but he also longed for a few moments of silence.Sl: »Gremo veslat,« je rekla Nina, polna energije.En: "Let's go rowing," said Nina, full of energy.Sl: Miha se je nasmehnil in rekel: »Ja, seveda.«En: Miha smiled and said, "Yeah, sure."Sl: V resnici pa je želel ostati ob jezeru, le on in njegove misli.En: In reality, though, he wanted to stay by the lake, just him and his thoughts.Sl: Vroč čaj in knjiga bi mu bila ljubša kot glasna vožnja s čolnom.En: Hot tea and a book were more appealing to him than a loud boat ride.Sl: Kmalu zatem so že veslali na jezeru.En: Soon after, they were already rowing on the lake.Sl: Miha je slišal smeh in veselje svojih prijateljev.En: Miha heard the laughter and joy of his friends.Sl: A njegovo srce je hrepenelo po miru.En: But his heart yearned for peace.Sl: Razmišljal je o ljudeh, ki jih ima rad in koliko jim daje.En: He thought about the people he loves and how much he gives to them.Sl: Redko pa si vzame čas zase.En: Rarely did he take time for himself.Sl: Naslednji dan so odšli na pohod na bližnji hrib.En: The next day, they went hiking on a nearby hill.Sl: Pot je bila posuta s kostanji in suhimi listi.En: The path was scattered with chestnuts and dry leaves.Sl: Nina je vodila skupino, Matej je sledil tesno za njo, Miha pa nekoliko zadaj.En: Nina led the group, Matej closely followed her, while Miha stayed a little behind.Sl: Tu na vzponu med drevesi je našel kratek trenutek, ko je veter pihal in prijetno suh list padel nanj.En: Here on the ascent among the trees, he found a brief moment when the wind blew and a pleasant dry leaf fell on him.Sl: Ko so prispeli na čudovito razgledišče nad jezerom, je Miha pogledal čez rob in občudoval prizor.En: When they reached the beautiful vantage point over the lake, Miha looked over the edge and admired the view.Sl: Tam, kjer se je zdelo, se je narava dotaknila neba.En: There, where it seemed nature touched the sky.Sl: Njegov dih se je umiril.En: His breath calmed.Sl: V tem trenutku se je odločil.En: In that moment, he made a decision.Sl: »Veš, prijatelji,« je rekel postajajoč pogumen, »ali je v redu, če za nekaj časa ostanem tukaj?«En: "You know, friends," he said, gathering courage, "is it okay if I stay here for a while?"Sl: Nina ga je presenetljivo razumela: »Seveda! Uživaj v miru. Pridruži se nama, ko boš pripravljen.«En: Nina, surprisingly, understood: "Of course! Enjoy the peace. Join us when you're ready."Sl: Miha je hvaležno prikimal in ostal.En: Miha nodded gratefully and stayed.Sl: Globoko je vdihnil svež zrak, opazoval ptice, ki so letele mimo, in končno začutil tišino, ki jo je potreboval.En: He took a deep breath of fresh air, watched the birds flying by, and finally felt the silence he needed.Sl: Tišina ni bila samota; bila je balzam za njegovo dušo.En: Silence was not loneliness; it was a balm for his soul.Sl: Ko se je vrnil k prijateljem, je bil bolj sproščen in vesel.En: When he returned to his friends, he was more relaxed and joyful.Sl: Ugotovil je, da je izražanje svojih potreb pomembno.En: He realized that expressing his needs is important.Sl: Nina in Matej sta bila zadovoljna, ko sta videla, da je srečen, brez prisilnega nasmeha.En: Nina and Matej were pleased to see him happy, without a forced smile.Sl: Ta vikend ob Blejskem jezeru je Miha naučil nekaj dragocenega.En: This weekend at Blejsko jezero taught Miha something valuable.Sl: Da je prijateljstvo lepše, če jo obogatiš z iskrenostjo in razumevanjem.En: That friendship is more beautiful when enriched with honesty and understanding.Sl: In da je včasih treba se najprej izgubiti v miru, da bi našli pot nazaj k ljudem, ki jih imaš rad.En: And that sometimes, you need to first lose yourself in peace to find your way back to the people you love. Vocabulary Words:mist: meglicashore: obalayearned: hrepeneloenriched: obogatišscattered: posutavantage point: razglediščebalm: balzamsolitude: samotacalm: mirenadmired: občudovalgratefully: hvaležnohiking: pohodchestnuts: kostanjicourage: pogumenascend: vzponpleased: zadovoljnaforced smile: prisilni nasmehpeace: mirbrief: kratekleaves: listifriendship: prijateljstvohonesty: iskrenostunderstanding: razumevanjeexpressing: izražanjesilence: tišinabirds: pticebreath: dihmoment: trenuteknature: naravajoyful: vesel
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Gift from the Heart: Discovering Natural Sunshine in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: V meglenem jutru, ko so se jesenski listi spustili na tla kot barvni preprog, je Ljubljana Botanični vrt dišal po svežem zraku in dežju.En: In the foggy morning, when the autumn leaves fell to the ground like a colorful carpet, the Ljubljana Botanical Garden smelled of fresh air and rain.Sl: Mateja je stopila v vrt, v srcu nosila misel na darilo za prijatelja.En: Mateja entered the garden, carrying thoughts of a gift for a friend in her heart.Sl: Anže je hodil ob njej, rok v žepih, opazujoč lilije in hrastove liste pod nogami.En: Anže walked beside her, hands in his pockets, observing the lilies and oak leaves underfoot.Sl: »Mateja, zakaj ne bi kar odšla v trgovino v centru? Hitro bi končala,« je rekel Anže med hojo.En: "Mateja, why don't we just go to the store in the center? We would be done quickly," Anže said as they walked.Sl: Mateja se je nasmehnila, potrpežljiva kot vedno. »Prijateljica ljubi rastline. Hočem ji podariti nekaj posebnega. Nekaj... iz srce.«En: Mateja smiled, patient as always. "My friend loves plants. I want to give her something special. Something... from the heart."Sl: Objela je pogled med živahnimi barvami.En: She embraced the view among the vibrant colors.Sl: Rdeče, rumene in oranžne so bile razpete pred njo kot slikarsko platno.En: Reds, yellows, and oranges were spread out before her like a painter's canvas.Sl: Zrak je imel vonj po mokri zemlji in cvetlicah pripravljajočimi na zimo.En: The air smelled of wet earth and flowers preparing for winter.Sl: »Poglej, kako čudovito! Veliko izbiro imajo tukaj,« je rekla in zavila po potki proti trgovinici ob robu vrta.En: "Look, how beautiful! They have a great selection here," she said and turned down the path toward the small shop at the edge of the garden.Sl: Anže je zavzdihnil, a sledil.En: Anže sighed but followed.Sl: Notranjost trgovine je bila prijetna in topla, police so bile napolnjene z različnimi sadikami, lonci in vrtni okraski.En: The interior of the store was cozy and warm, shelves filled with various seedlings, pots, and garden decorations.Sl: Mateja je raziskovala vsak kotiček s strastjo raziskovalca.En: Mateja explored every corner with the passion of an explorer.Sl: Končno se je njen pogled ustavil.En: Finally, her gaze settled.Sl: Med različnimi rastlinami je zagledala nekaj edinstvenega – žarečo rumeno cvetlico z elegantnimi cvetovi.En: Among the different plants, she spotted something unique—a glowing yellow flower with elegant blooms.Sl: V očeh se ji je zasvetila iskrica.En: A sparkle appeared in her eyes.Sl: »Kaj je to?« je vprašala prodajalca.En: "What is this?" she asked the shopkeeper.Sl: »To je redka slovenska planinska roža, imenovana 'naravni sonček'.En: "This is a rare Slovenian alpine flower called 'natural sunshine'.Sl: Je težko najti,« je pojasnil.En: It's hard to find," he explained.Sl: Mateja je pogledala Anžeta z iskrico v očeh.En: Mateja looked at Anže with a sparkle in her eyes.Sl: »To je popolno.En: "This is perfect.Sl: Takšno darilo bo popolnoma pokazalo, koliko mi pomeni prijateljica.«En: Such a gift will truly show how much my friend means to me."Sl: Anže je privzdignil obrvi, a na obrazu se mu je pojavila rahla zanimanje.En: Anže raised an eyebrow, but a hint of interest appeared on his face.Sl: »Res misliš, da je to bolje kot katerakoli druga trgovina?«En: "Do you really think this is better than any other store?"Sl: Mateja je sama sebi prikimala. »Vem, da je.«En: Mateja nodded to herself. "I know it is."Sl: Nekaj minut kasneje, z rastlino skrbno zavito v papir, sta zapustila trgovino.En: A few minutes later, with the plant carefully wrapped in paper, they left the store.Sl: Matejin korak je bil lahek in srečen, Anže pa je počasi sprejemal idejo.En: Mateja's step was light and happy, while Anže was slowly warming up to the idea.Sl: »Veš, Mateja, včasih hitre odločitve ne ponujajo najboljših rezultatov.En: "You know, Mateja, sometimes quick decisions don't offer the best results.Sl: Zdaj vidim, zakaj ti to toliko pomeni,« je rekel, rahlo omahujoč.En: Now I see why this means so much to you," he said, slightly hesitating.Sl: Mateja mu je stisnila roko.En: Mateja squeezed his hand.Sl: »Včasih je vredno vzeti si čas, Anže.En: "Sometimes it's worth taking the time, Anže.Sl: Tako najdemo stvari, ki nas zares osrečujejo.«En: That's how we find things that truly make us happy."Sl: Skozi vrt sta odkorakala s svojo novo pridobitvijo.En: They walked through the garden with their new acquisition.Sl: Jesenski zrak ju je objemal, v sencah in svetlobi dneva, pripravljena deliti srečo z nekom dragim.En: The autumn air embraced them, in the shadows and light of the day, ready to share happiness with someone dear.Sl: Oba sta vedela, da se je tisto jutro v vrtu rodilo novo razumevanje.En: Both knew that a new understanding had been born in the garden that morning. Vocabulary Words:foggy: meglenemautumn: jesenskicarpet: preprogbotanical: botaničnithoughts: miselobserving: opazujočpatient: potrpežljivaembraced: objelavibrant: živahnimicanvas: platnocozy: prijetnawarm: toplaseedlings: sadikamiexplorer: raziskovalcagaze: pogledsettled: ustavilsparkle: iskricarare: redkaalpine: planinskagift: dariloperfect: popolnowrapped: zavitolight: lahekdecisions: odločitvehesitating: omahujočsqueezed: stisnilaacquisition: pridobitvijoembraced: objemalshadows: sencahunderstanding: razumevanje
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Screens to Skeletons: Reigniting Curiosity in Ljubljana Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Sl: Ljubljana je sijala v barvah jeseni, ko je Mateja s svojima otrokoma, Gregorjem in Anjo, hodila po sveže posutih listih Tivolija proti Prirodoslovnemu muzeju.En: Ljubljana shined in the colors of autumn as Mateja, with her two children, Gregor and Anja, walked through the freshly scattered leaves of Tivoli towards the Natural History Museum.Sl: Poletni dnevi so se umaknili hladnim sapam in dan je bil popoln za raziskovanje notranjosti muzeja.En: The summer days had given way to the chilly breezes, and the day was perfect for exploring the museum's interior.Sl: Mateja je želela, da bi med obiskom njena družina našla nekaj novega, stran od vsakodnevnih tehnologij in skrbi.En: Mateja wanted her family to find something new during the visit, away from everyday technology and worries.Sl: Ko so vstopili v muzej, so jih pozdravili visoki stropi in ogromna okostja dinozavrov, ki so jih opazovali iz višine.En: As they entered the museum, they were greeted by high ceilings and enormous dinosaur skeletons observing them from above.Sl: "Wow," je zavzdihnila Anja, ko je razmišljala o umetniških oblikah fosilov.En: "Wow," sighed Anja as she contemplated the artistic shapes of the fossils.Sl: Gregor pa se je hitro zatekel k svojemu telefonu in vsemu okoli sebe posvetil le malo pozornosti.En: Gregor, however, quickly retreated to his phone, paying little attention to his surroundings.Sl: Mateja je bila zaskrbljena.En: Mateja was concerned.Sl: "Gregor, poglej, kako fascinantno je," je poskusila z navdušenim glasom.En: "Gregor, look how fascinating it is," she tried to say with an enthusiastic voice.Sl: Gregor je le pokimal, bolj zatopljen v zaslon.En: Gregor just nodded, more engrossed in the screen.Sl: Anja je medtem klepetala o mineralih in kamnih, ki so se svetili in pritegnili njeno oko.En: Meanwhile, Anja chatted about the minerals and rocks that shimmered and caught her eye.Sl: Mateja je premišljevala, kako naj Gregorju pokaže zanimivosti muzeja.En: Mateja pondered how to show Gregor the museum's interesting exhibits.Sl: Pravkar so prestopili v nov razstavni prostor.En: They just stepped into a new exhibition room.Sl: Tu je zagledala velikansko repliko dinozavrove glave, ki je pritegnila njeno pozornost.En: There, she spotted a gigantic replica of a dinosaur's head that caught her attention.Sl: "Gregor, poglej to!En: "Gregor, look at that!Sl: To je glava tiranozavra," je vzkliknila, ko je kazala na eksponat.En: That's a T. rex head," she exclaimed, pointing at the exhibit.Sl: Na njeno presenečenje je Gregor umaknil oči z zaslona in pogledal.En: To her surprise, Gregor lifted his eyes from the screen and looked.Sl: Dinozaver je bil tako velik in impresiven, da je pritegnil njegovo pozornost.En: The dinosaur was so large and impressive that it caught his attention.Sl: Začel je hoditi okoli njega, preučeval je vsak del ogromne kosti in postavljal vprašanja, na katera je Mateja z veseljem odgovarjala.En: He began to walk around it, examining every part of the massive bone and asking questions, to which Mateja gladly responded.Sl: Anja se je pridružila in kmalu so vsi trije skupaj raziskovali dinozavrski razstavni prostor, pozabili na vse drugo.En: Anja joined in, and soon all three of them were exploring the dinosaur exhibition space together, forgetting about everything else.Sl: Gregor je zdaj postavljal vprašanja o življenju pred milijoni let.En: Gregor was now asking questions about life millions of years ago.Sl: "Kako so te živali živele?En: "How did these animals live?Sl: Kaj so jedle?En: What did they eat?"Sl: " je spraševal, kar je povzročilo smeh pri Mateji in Anji.En: he asked, which made Mateja and Anja laugh.Sl: Ko so zapuščali muzej, je Gregor še vedno razpravljal o različnih vrstah dinozavrov, ki jih je spoznal.En: As they left the museum, Gregor was still discussing the various types of dinosaurs he had learned about.Sl: Anja in Mateja sta se nasmehnili.En: Anja and Mateja smiled.Sl: Mateji je uspelo: njen sin se je oddaljil od telefona in odkril novo strast.En: Mateja had succeeded: her son had distanced himself from the phone and discovered a new passion.Sl: Mateja je spoznala, da lahko njuni otroci uživajo v učenju, če jih le spodbuja na pravi način.En: Mateja realized that her children could enjoy learning if encouraged in the right way.Sl: Družina je odšla iz muzeja povezana in navdušena, pripravljena na nove jesenske dogodivščine.En: The family left the museum connected and excited, ready for new autumn adventures. Vocabulary Words:scattered: posutihinterior: notranjostiworries: skrbigreeted: pozdraviliceilings: stropienormous: ogromnaskeletons: okostjacontemplated: razmišljalafossils: fosilovretreated: zatekelengrossed: zatopljenshimmered: svetilipondered: premišljevalareplica: replikoexclaimed: vzkliknilaimpressive: impresivenexamining: preučevalgigantic: velikanskobone: kostiexhibits: eksponatijoined: pridružilaexploring: raziskovaliconnected: povezanaadventures: dogodivščinechilly: hladnimbreezes: sapamobserving: opazovaliartistic: umetniškihexhibition: razstavniattention: pozornost
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