Family Bonds: Inheritance Dilemma Over Martinovanje Feast
Update: 2024-11-10
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Family Bonds: Inheritance Dilemma Over Martinovanje Feast
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Story Transcript:
Sl: V jesenskem dnevu, ko so se listi počasi spuščali na tla, je Ljubljana Business District žarel v barvah rdeče in zlate.
En: On a fall day, when the leaves were slowly descending to the ground, the Ljubljana Business District glowed in shades of red and gold.
Sl: V restavraciji "Pri babici", ki je dišala po štrudlju in sveže stisnjenem moštu, je bilo vzdušje prijetno.
En: In the restaurant "Pri babici," which smelled of strudel and freshly pressed must, the atmosphere was pleasant.
Sl: V zraku je bila čutiti tudi napetost, saj je bilo pred vrati Martinovanje, praznik, ki v Sloveniji pomeni spremembo mošta v vino.
En: There was also a sense of tension in the air, as Martinovanje was just around the corner, a holiday in Slovenia that marks the transformation of must into wine.
Sl: Jure je sedel pri mizi blizu okna in opazoval mimoidoče.
En: Jure sat at a table near the window, observing passersby.
Sl: Bil je najstarejši od treh otrok in njegov cilj je bil ohraniti družinsko harmonijo.
En: He was the oldest of three children, and his goal was to maintain family harmony.
Sl: Družina je pravkar izgubila babico, ki jim je zapustila skromno, a dragoceno dediščino.
En: The family had just lost their grandmother, who had left them a modest but valuable inheritance.
Sl: Vedel je, da Anja in Matej ne delita vedno istega mnenja kot on.
En: He knew that Anja and Matej did not always share the same opinion as he did.
Sl: Anja je prispela prva.
En: Anja arrived first.
Sl: S svojim odločnim korakom in rahlo zagrenjenim izrazom na obrazu je takoj sedla nasproti Jureta.
En: With her determined step and slightly bitter expression, she immediately sat across from Jure.
Sl: "Tokrat bom jaz odločala," je dejala.
En: "This time I will decide," she said.
Sl: "Vedno vse na koncu vi odločate. Ne bom več spregledana."
En: "You always end up making all the decisions. I won't be overlooked anymore."
Sl: Matej je vstopil nasmejan, a malo slep za napetost, ki je že tlela.
En: Matej entered with a smile, but somewhat oblivious to the tension that was already simmering.
Sl: "Kaj bomo jedli? Upam, da ima restavracija kej posebnega za Martinovanje!" je vzkliknil.
En: "What will we eat? I hope the restaurant has something special for Martinovanje!" he exclaimed.
Sl: Njegova lahkomiselnost je včasih razburila Anjo.
En: His lightheartedness sometimes upset Anja.
Sl: Ko so si naročili jedi, je ozračje postajalo zasičeno.
En: As they ordered their meals, the atmosphere grew tense.
Sl: Jure je začel pogovor o dediščini.
En: Jure started a discussion about the inheritance.
Sl: "Potrebujemo plan," je rekel.
En: "We need a plan," he said.
Sl: "Trebamo se pravično dogovoriti."
En: "We need to agree fairly."
Sl: Anja je hitro prekinila.
En: Anja quickly interrupted.
Sl: "Jure, vedno vi govorite o pravičnosti. Kaj pa moje potrebe?"
En: "Jure, you always talk about fairness. What about my needs?"
Sl: Njen glas je bil trd in obremenjen s preteklostjo, kjer je čutila, da je bila zanemarjena.
En: Her voice was firm, burdened by a past where she felt neglected.
Sl: Matej se je žvečil svoje jedi in ni razumel teže trenutka.
En: Matej was chewing his food and failed to grasp the gravity of the moment.
Sl: Začel je humorno. "Ah, bom pa kupil kaj luskuznega!"
En: He began jokingly, "Ah, I might buy something luxurious!"
Sl: Jure se je zavedel, da mora ukrepati.
En: Jure realized he needed to take action.
Sl: "Poslušajta," je rekel pomirjujoče.
En: "Listen," he said soothingly.
Sl: "Kaj če bi ustanovili družinski sklad? Dediščino bi uporabili za nekaj, kar bo koristilo vsem.
En: "What if we set up a family fund? We could use the inheritance for something that benefits everyone.
Sl: Ohranimo vrednost tega, kar nam je babica zapustila."
En: Let's preserve the value of what grandma left us."
Sl: Anja in Matej sta utihnila.
En: Anja and Matej fell silent.
Sl: Anja je razumela, da Jure resnično želi najbolje za vse.
En: Anja understood that Jure genuinely wanted the best for everyone.
Sl: Matej je razmislil o tem, kar mu je bilo ponujeno.
En: Matej considered what was being offered.
Sl: "To ni slabo.
En: "That's not bad.
Sl: Na koncu, babica bi bila ponosna na nas."
En: In the end, grandma would be proud of us."
Sl: Ko so zaključili obrok, je zunaj začel padati rahel dež, listi so se vrtinčili v vetru.
En: As they finished their meal, a light rain began to fall outside, and the leaves swirled in the wind.
Sl: Jure, Anja in Matej so zapustili restavracijo z večjim spoštovanjem drug do drugega.
En: Jure, Anja, and Matej left the restaurant with a greater respect for each other.
Sl: Vsak je našel nekaj novega v svojih odnosih; spoštovanje, sprejemanje, povezavo.
En: Each found something new in their relationships: respect, acceptance, connection.
Sl: Ustanovitev sklada se je zdela prava odločitev.
En: Establishing the fund seemed like the right decision.
Sl: Obrazi, nekoč napeti, so postali sproščeni.
En: Faces, once tense, had become relaxed.
Sl: Zavetje toplih luči Ljubljane jih je spremljalo do doma, kjer so počasi, a sigurno, oblikovali svetlejšo družinsko prihodnost.
En: The warmth of Ljubljana's lights guided them home, where they slowly but surely shaped a brighter family future.
Vocabulary Words:
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Sl: V jesenskem dnevu, ko so se listi počasi spuščali na tla, je Ljubljana Business District žarel v barvah rdeče in zlate.
En: On a fall day, when the leaves were slowly descending to the ground, the Ljubljana Business District glowed in shades of red and gold.
Sl: V restavraciji "Pri babici", ki je dišala po štrudlju in sveže stisnjenem moštu, je bilo vzdušje prijetno.
En: In the restaurant "Pri babici," which smelled of strudel and freshly pressed must, the atmosphere was pleasant.
Sl: V zraku je bila čutiti tudi napetost, saj je bilo pred vrati Martinovanje, praznik, ki v Sloveniji pomeni spremembo mošta v vino.
En: There was also a sense of tension in the air, as Martinovanje was just around the corner, a holiday in Slovenia that marks the transformation of must into wine.
Sl: Jure je sedel pri mizi blizu okna in opazoval mimoidoče.
En: Jure sat at a table near the window, observing passersby.
Sl: Bil je najstarejši od treh otrok in njegov cilj je bil ohraniti družinsko harmonijo.
En: He was the oldest of three children, and his goal was to maintain family harmony.
Sl: Družina je pravkar izgubila babico, ki jim je zapustila skromno, a dragoceno dediščino.
En: The family had just lost their grandmother, who had left them a modest but valuable inheritance.
Sl: Vedel je, da Anja in Matej ne delita vedno istega mnenja kot on.
En: He knew that Anja and Matej did not always share the same opinion as he did.
Sl: Anja je prispela prva.
En: Anja arrived first.
Sl: S svojim odločnim korakom in rahlo zagrenjenim izrazom na obrazu je takoj sedla nasproti Jureta.
En: With her determined step and slightly bitter expression, she immediately sat across from Jure.
Sl: "Tokrat bom jaz odločala," je dejala.
En: "This time I will decide," she said.
Sl: "Vedno vse na koncu vi odločate. Ne bom več spregledana."
En: "You always end up making all the decisions. I won't be overlooked anymore."
Sl: Matej je vstopil nasmejan, a malo slep za napetost, ki je že tlela.
En: Matej entered with a smile, but somewhat oblivious to the tension that was already simmering.
Sl: "Kaj bomo jedli? Upam, da ima restavracija kej posebnega za Martinovanje!" je vzkliknil.
En: "What will we eat? I hope the restaurant has something special for Martinovanje!" he exclaimed.
Sl: Njegova lahkomiselnost je včasih razburila Anjo.
En: His lightheartedness sometimes upset Anja.
Sl: Ko so si naročili jedi, je ozračje postajalo zasičeno.
En: As they ordered their meals, the atmosphere grew tense.
Sl: Jure je začel pogovor o dediščini.
En: Jure started a discussion about the inheritance.
Sl: "Potrebujemo plan," je rekel.
En: "We need a plan," he said.
Sl: "Trebamo se pravično dogovoriti."
En: "We need to agree fairly."
Sl: Anja je hitro prekinila.
En: Anja quickly interrupted.
Sl: "Jure, vedno vi govorite o pravičnosti. Kaj pa moje potrebe?"
En: "Jure, you always talk about fairness. What about my needs?"
Sl: Njen glas je bil trd in obremenjen s preteklostjo, kjer je čutila, da je bila zanemarjena.
En: Her voice was firm, burdened by a past where she felt neglected.
Sl: Matej se je žvečil svoje jedi in ni razumel teže trenutka.
En: Matej was chewing his food and failed to grasp the gravity of the moment.
Sl: Začel je humorno. "Ah, bom pa kupil kaj luskuznega!"
En: He began jokingly, "Ah, I might buy something luxurious!"
Sl: Jure se je zavedel, da mora ukrepati.
En: Jure realized he needed to take action.
Sl: "Poslušajta," je rekel pomirjujoče.
En: "Listen," he said soothingly.
Sl: "Kaj če bi ustanovili družinski sklad? Dediščino bi uporabili za nekaj, kar bo koristilo vsem.
En: "What if we set up a family fund? We could use the inheritance for something that benefits everyone.
Sl: Ohranimo vrednost tega, kar nam je babica zapustila."
En: Let's preserve the value of what grandma left us."
Sl: Anja in Matej sta utihnila.
En: Anja and Matej fell silent.
Sl: Anja je razumela, da Jure resnično želi najbolje za vse.
En: Anja understood that Jure genuinely wanted the best for everyone.
Sl: Matej je razmislil o tem, kar mu je bilo ponujeno.
En: Matej considered what was being offered.
Sl: "To ni slabo.
En: "That's not bad.
Sl: Na koncu, babica bi bila ponosna na nas."
En: In the end, grandma would be proud of us."
Sl: Ko so zaključili obrok, je zunaj začel padati rahel dež, listi so se vrtinčili v vetru.
En: As they finished their meal, a light rain began to fall outside, and the leaves swirled in the wind.
Sl: Jure, Anja in Matej so zapustili restavracijo z večjim spoštovanjem drug do drugega.
En: Jure, Anja, and Matej left the restaurant with a greater respect for each other.
Sl: Vsak je našel nekaj novega v svojih odnosih; spoštovanje, sprejemanje, povezavo.
En: Each found something new in their relationships: respect, acceptance, connection.
Sl: Ustanovitev sklada se je zdela prava odločitev.
En: Establishing the fund seemed like the right decision.
Sl: Obrazi, nekoč napeti, so postali sproščeni.
En: Faces, once tense, had become relaxed.
Sl: Zavetje toplih luči Ljubljane jih je spremljalo do doma, kjer so počasi, a sigurno, oblikovali svetlejšo družinsko prihodnost.
En: The warmth of Ljubljana's lights guided them home, where they slowly but surely shaped a brighter family future.
Vocabulary Words:
- descending: spuščali
- gleamed: žarel
- strudel: štrudelj
- must: mošt
- tension: napetost
- inheritance: dediščina
- harmony: harmonija
- determined: odločen
- overlooked: spregledana
- oblivious: slep
- lightheartedness: lahkomiselnost
- simmering: tlela
- luxurious: luksuznega
- soothingly: pomirjujoče
- fund: sklad
- preserve: ohraniti
- silence: utihnila
- burdened: obremenjen
- chewing: žvečil
- gravity: teža
- slick: veter
- respect: spoštovanje
- accepted: sprejemanje
- connection: povezavo
- relaxed: sproščeni
- glow: žarel
- surroundings: zavetje
- plan: plan
- expensive: dragocen
- shape: oblikovali
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