DiscoverFluentFiction - SlovenianFrom Screens to Skeletons: Reigniting Curiosity in Ljubljana
From Screens to Skeletons: Reigniting Curiosity in Ljubljana

From Screens to Skeletons: Reigniting Curiosity in Ljubljana

Update: 2024-11-02


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: From Screens to Skeletons: Reigniting Curiosity in Ljubljana
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Ljubljana je sijala v barvah jeseni, ko je Mateja s svojima otrokoma, Gregorjem in Anjo, hodila po sveže posutih listih Tivolija proti Prirodoslovnemu muzeju.
En: Ljubljana shined in the colors of autumn as Mateja, with her two children, Gregor and Anja, walked through the freshly scattered leaves of Tivoli towards the Natural History Museum.

Sl: Poletni dnevi so se umaknili hladnim sapam in dan je bil popoln za raziskovanje notranjosti muzeja.
En: The summer days had given way to the chilly breezes, and the day was perfect for exploring the museum's interior.

Sl: Mateja je želela, da bi med obiskom njena družina našla nekaj novega, stran od vsakodnevnih tehnologij in skrbi.
En: Mateja wanted her family to find something new during the visit, away from everyday technology and worries.

Sl: Ko so vstopili v muzej, so jih pozdravili visoki stropi in ogromna okostja dinozavrov, ki so jih opazovali iz višine.
En: As they entered the museum, they were greeted by high ceilings and enormous dinosaur skeletons observing them from above.

Sl: "Wow," je zavzdihnila Anja, ko je razmišljala o umetniških oblikah fosilov.
En: "Wow," sighed Anja as she contemplated the artistic shapes of the fossils.

Sl: Gregor pa se je hitro zatekel k svojemu telefonu in vsemu okoli sebe posvetil le malo pozornosti.
En: Gregor, however, quickly retreated to his phone, paying little attention to his surroundings.

Sl: Mateja je bila zaskrbljena.
En: Mateja was concerned.

Sl: "Gregor, poglej, kako fascinantno je," je poskusila z navdušenim glasom.
En: "Gregor, look how fascinating it is," she tried to say with an enthusiastic voice.

Sl: Gregor je le pokimal, bolj zatopljen v zaslon.
En: Gregor just nodded, more engrossed in the screen.

Sl: Anja je medtem klepetala o mineralih in kamnih, ki so se svetili in pritegnili njeno oko.
En: Meanwhile, Anja chatted about the minerals and rocks that shimmered and caught her eye.

Sl: Mateja je premišljevala, kako naj Gregorju pokaže zanimivosti muzeja.
En: Mateja pondered how to show Gregor the museum's interesting exhibits.

Sl: Pravkar so prestopili v nov razstavni prostor.
En: They just stepped into a new exhibition room.

Sl: Tu je zagledala velikansko repliko dinozavrove glave, ki je pritegnila njeno pozornost.
En: There, she spotted a gigantic replica of a dinosaur's head that caught her attention.

Sl: "Gregor, poglej to!
En: "Gregor, look at that!

Sl: To je glava tiranozavra," je vzkliknila, ko je kazala na eksponat.
En: That's a T. rex head," she exclaimed, pointing at the exhibit.

Sl: Na njeno presenečenje je Gregor umaknil oči z zaslona in pogledal.
En: To her surprise, Gregor lifted his eyes from the screen and looked.

Sl: Dinozaver je bil tako velik in impresiven, da je pritegnil njegovo pozornost.
En: The dinosaur was so large and impressive that it caught his attention.

Sl: Začel je hoditi okoli njega, preučeval je vsak del ogromne kosti in postavljal vprašanja, na katera je Mateja z veseljem odgovarjala.
En: He began to walk around it, examining every part of the massive bone and asking questions, to which Mateja gladly responded.

Sl: Anja se je pridružila in kmalu so vsi trije skupaj raziskovali dinozavrski razstavni prostor, pozabili na vse drugo.
En: Anja joined in, and soon all three of them were exploring the dinosaur exhibition space together, forgetting about everything else.

Sl: Gregor je zdaj postavljal vprašanja o življenju pred milijoni let.
En: Gregor was now asking questions about life millions of years ago.

Sl: "Kako so te živali živele?
En: "How did these animals live?

Sl: Kaj so jedle?
En: What did they eat?"

Sl: " je spraševal, kar je povzročilo smeh pri Mateji in Anji.
En: he asked, which made Mateja and Anja laugh.

Sl: Ko so zapuščali muzej, je Gregor še vedno razpravljal o različnih vrstah dinozavrov, ki jih je spoznal.
En: As they left the museum, Gregor was still discussing the various types of dinosaurs he had learned about.

Sl: Anja in Mateja sta se nasmehnili.
En: Anja and Mateja smiled.

Sl: Mateji je uspelo: njen sin se je oddaljil od telefona in odkril novo strast.
En: Mateja had succeeded: her son had distanced himself from the phone and discovered a new passion.

Sl: Mateja je spoznala, da lahko njuni otroci uživajo v učenju, če jih le spodbuja na pravi način.
En: Mateja realized that her children could enjoy learning if encouraged in the right way.

Sl: Družina je odšla iz muzeja povezana in navdušena, pripravljena na nove jesenske dogodivščine.
En: The family left the museum connected and excited, ready for new autumn adventures.

Vocabulary Words:
  • scattered: posutih
  • interior: notranjosti
  • worries: skrbi
  • greeted: pozdravili
  • ceilings: stropi
  • enormous: ogromna
  • skeletons: okostja
  • contemplated: razmišljala
  • fossils: fosilov
  • retreated: zatekel
  • engrossed: zatopljen
  • shimmered: svetili
  • pondered: premišljevala
  • replica: repliko
  • exclaimed: vzkliknila
  • impressive: impresiven
  • examining: preučeval
  • gigantic: velikansko
  • bone: kosti
  • exhibits: eksponati
  • joined: pridružila
  • exploring: raziskovali
  • connected: povezana
  • adventures: dogodivščine
  • chilly: hladnim
  • breezes: sapam
  • observing: opazovali
  • artistic: umetniških
  • exhibition: razstavni
  • attention: pozornost








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From Screens to Skeletons: Reigniting Curiosity in Ljubljana

From Screens to Skeletons: Reigniting Curiosity in Ljubljana