Rekindling Sibling Bonds in the Heart of Škocjanske Caves
Update: 2024-11-20
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Rekindling Sibling Bonds in the Heart of Škocjanske Caves
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Story Transcript:
Sl: V zgodnjem jesenskem jutru sta Aljoša in Mateja, brat in sestra, prispela do Škocjanskih jam.
En: On an early autumn morning, Aljoša and Mateja, brother and sister, arrived at the Škocjanske Caves.
Sl: Sonce je sijalo skozi rumene liste, ko sta se spustila v hladno senco, ki jo je ustvarjal gozd okoli vhoda v jame.
En: The sun shone through the yellow leaves as they descended into the cool shade created by the forest around the entrance to the caves.
Sl: Aljoša je z velikim korakom vodil pot, Mateja pa je hodila nekoliko zadržano za njim.
En: Aljoša led the way with large steps, while Mateja walked slightly hesitantly behind him.
Sl: Škocjanske jame so bile vedno poseben kraj za Aljošo.
En: The Škocjanske Caves had always been a special place for Aljoša.
Sl: Njihova lepota mu je vlivala mir in jasnost misli.
En: Their beauty instilled peace and clarity of thought in him.
Sl: Upal je, da bo ista atmosfera pomagala tudi njemu in Mateji, da premagata preteklost in obnovita svojo vez.
En: He hoped that the same atmosphere would help both him and Mateja overcome the past and rebuild their bond.
Sl: Ko sta stopila v prvo dvorano, ju je obdala tišina.
En: As they entered the first chamber, they were enveloped by silence.
Sl: Mateja je pogledovala okoli sebe.
En: Mateja glanced around.
Sl: Stalaktiti so viseli kot ledene sveče s stropa, podzemni tok je brnel v daljavi.
En: Stalactites hung like icicles from the ceiling, and the underground stream murmured in the distance.
Sl: „Kako mogočno,“ je zamrmrala.
En: "How powerful," she murmured.
Sl: Aljoša je prikimal.
En: Aljoša nodded.
Sl: Čutil je, da je pravi trenutek, da začne pogovor.
En: He felt it was the right moment to start the conversation.
Sl: „Mateja,“ je začel, ampak ona ga je prekinila.
En: "Mateja," he began, but she interrupted him.
Sl: „Pusti, da povem,“ je rekla.
En: "Let me speak," she said.
Sl: Njene oči so izžarevale odločnost.
En: Her eyes radiated determination.
Sl: „Dolgo sem imela občutek, da me nihče ne razume.
En: "For a long time, I felt that no one understood me.
Sl: Prepiri zaradi dedovanja so me ranili.
En: The arguments about inheritance hurt me.
Sl: Ni šlo za denar, ampak za občutek, da nisem enakovredna.“
En: It wasn't about the money, but about the feeling that I wasn't equal."
Sl: Aljoša je poslušal.
En: Aljoša listened.
Sl: Telo je imel napeto, a si je prizadeval ne prekinjati.
En: His body was tense, but he tried not to interrupt.
Sl: V prostoru je odmeval samo njen glas.
En: Only her voice echoed in the space.
Sl: „Rada bi, da bi se vrnila tisti občutek bratstva, ki sva ga imela kot otroka,“ je nadaljevala Mateja.
En: "I wish we could return to that sense of siblinghood we had as children," Mateja continued.
Sl: „Ne vem, kako začeti. Oprosti...“
En: "I don't know how to start. I'm sorry..."
Sl: S komaj slišno šepetajočim glasom je Aljoša zbral pogum.
En: With a barely audible whisper, Aljoša gathered the courage.
Sl: „Ti... ti si mi pomembna, Mateja.
En: "You... you matter to me, Mateja.
Sl: Razburjenje okoli dediščine me je zaslepilo.
En: The turmoil around the inheritance blinded me.
Sl: Želim si, da bi lahko popravila stvari.
En: I wish I could fix things.
Sl: Rabiva začeti komunicirati bolj odprto.“
En: We need to start communicating more openly."
Sl: Z besedami težo sta stala tam dolgo.
En: They stood there with the weight of words for a long time.
Sl: Med njih jima je padla svetloba svetilk iz skritih kotičkov jame.
En: The light from hidden corners of the cave fell upon them.
Sl: Potem je Mateja stopila bliže.
En: Then Mateja stepped closer.
Sl: „Lahko začneva tukaj,“ je rekla mehko.
En: "We can start here," she said softly.
Sl: „Prvi korak.“
En: "The first step."
Sl: Počasi, skupaj, sta nadaljevala pot po jami, a sedaj je bila tišina polna novih obetov.
En: Slowly, together, they continued their path through the cave, but now the silence was full of new promises.
Sl: Oba sta vedela, da ničesar ne moreta popraviti čez noč, a pomemben temelj je bil položen.
En: Both knew that nothing could be fixed overnight, but an important foundation had been laid.
Sl: Ko sta iz Škocjanskih jam spet stopila v svetlo jesen, sta bila njuna srca že malce lažja.
En: When they stepped out of the Škocjanske Caves into the bright autumn day, their hearts were already a little lighter.
Sl: Aljoša se je učil biti bolj odprt in ranljiv.
En: Aljoša was learning to be more open and vulnerable.
Sl: Mateja pa je, izgovorjena iz navzkrižja besed in čustev, izkusila moč izrekanja svojih misli.
En: Mateja, spoken out from a tangle of words and emotions, experienced the power of voicing her thoughts.
Sl: Pred njima je bila dolga pot, vendar sta stopala po njej skupaj.
En: Before them lay a long journey, but they were walking it together.
Sl: In to je za zdaj zadoščalo.
En: And for now, that was enough.
Vocabulary Words:
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Sl: V zgodnjem jesenskem jutru sta Aljoša in Mateja, brat in sestra, prispela do Škocjanskih jam.
En: On an early autumn morning, Aljoša and Mateja, brother and sister, arrived at the Škocjanske Caves.
Sl: Sonce je sijalo skozi rumene liste, ko sta se spustila v hladno senco, ki jo je ustvarjal gozd okoli vhoda v jame.
En: The sun shone through the yellow leaves as they descended into the cool shade created by the forest around the entrance to the caves.
Sl: Aljoša je z velikim korakom vodil pot, Mateja pa je hodila nekoliko zadržano za njim.
En: Aljoša led the way with large steps, while Mateja walked slightly hesitantly behind him.
Sl: Škocjanske jame so bile vedno poseben kraj za Aljošo.
En: The Škocjanske Caves had always been a special place for Aljoša.
Sl: Njihova lepota mu je vlivala mir in jasnost misli.
En: Their beauty instilled peace and clarity of thought in him.
Sl: Upal je, da bo ista atmosfera pomagala tudi njemu in Mateji, da premagata preteklost in obnovita svojo vez.
En: He hoped that the same atmosphere would help both him and Mateja overcome the past and rebuild their bond.
Sl: Ko sta stopila v prvo dvorano, ju je obdala tišina.
En: As they entered the first chamber, they were enveloped by silence.
Sl: Mateja je pogledovala okoli sebe.
En: Mateja glanced around.
Sl: Stalaktiti so viseli kot ledene sveče s stropa, podzemni tok je brnel v daljavi.
En: Stalactites hung like icicles from the ceiling, and the underground stream murmured in the distance.
Sl: „Kako mogočno,“ je zamrmrala.
En: "How powerful," she murmured.
Sl: Aljoša je prikimal.
En: Aljoša nodded.
Sl: Čutil je, da je pravi trenutek, da začne pogovor.
En: He felt it was the right moment to start the conversation.
Sl: „Mateja,“ je začel, ampak ona ga je prekinila.
En: "Mateja," he began, but she interrupted him.
Sl: „Pusti, da povem,“ je rekla.
En: "Let me speak," she said.
Sl: Njene oči so izžarevale odločnost.
En: Her eyes radiated determination.
Sl: „Dolgo sem imela občutek, da me nihče ne razume.
En: "For a long time, I felt that no one understood me.
Sl: Prepiri zaradi dedovanja so me ranili.
En: The arguments about inheritance hurt me.
Sl: Ni šlo za denar, ampak za občutek, da nisem enakovredna.“
En: It wasn't about the money, but about the feeling that I wasn't equal."
Sl: Aljoša je poslušal.
En: Aljoša listened.
Sl: Telo je imel napeto, a si je prizadeval ne prekinjati.
En: His body was tense, but he tried not to interrupt.
Sl: V prostoru je odmeval samo njen glas.
En: Only her voice echoed in the space.
Sl: „Rada bi, da bi se vrnila tisti občutek bratstva, ki sva ga imela kot otroka,“ je nadaljevala Mateja.
En: "I wish we could return to that sense of siblinghood we had as children," Mateja continued.
Sl: „Ne vem, kako začeti. Oprosti...“
En: "I don't know how to start. I'm sorry..."
Sl: S komaj slišno šepetajočim glasom je Aljoša zbral pogum.
En: With a barely audible whisper, Aljoša gathered the courage.
Sl: „Ti... ti si mi pomembna, Mateja.
En: "You... you matter to me, Mateja.
Sl: Razburjenje okoli dediščine me je zaslepilo.
En: The turmoil around the inheritance blinded me.
Sl: Želim si, da bi lahko popravila stvari.
En: I wish I could fix things.
Sl: Rabiva začeti komunicirati bolj odprto.“
En: We need to start communicating more openly."
Sl: Z besedami težo sta stala tam dolgo.
En: They stood there with the weight of words for a long time.
Sl: Med njih jima je padla svetloba svetilk iz skritih kotičkov jame.
En: The light from hidden corners of the cave fell upon them.
Sl: Potem je Mateja stopila bliže.
En: Then Mateja stepped closer.
Sl: „Lahko začneva tukaj,“ je rekla mehko.
En: "We can start here," she said softly.
Sl: „Prvi korak.“
En: "The first step."
Sl: Počasi, skupaj, sta nadaljevala pot po jami, a sedaj je bila tišina polna novih obetov.
En: Slowly, together, they continued their path through the cave, but now the silence was full of new promises.
Sl: Oba sta vedela, da ničesar ne moreta popraviti čez noč, a pomemben temelj je bil položen.
En: Both knew that nothing could be fixed overnight, but an important foundation had been laid.
Sl: Ko sta iz Škocjanskih jam spet stopila v svetlo jesen, sta bila njuna srca že malce lažja.
En: When they stepped out of the Škocjanske Caves into the bright autumn day, their hearts were already a little lighter.
Sl: Aljoša se je učil biti bolj odprt in ranljiv.
En: Aljoša was learning to be more open and vulnerable.
Sl: Mateja pa je, izgovorjena iz navzkrižja besed in čustev, izkusila moč izrekanja svojih misli.
En: Mateja, spoken out from a tangle of words and emotions, experienced the power of voicing her thoughts.
Sl: Pred njima je bila dolga pot, vendar sta stopala po njej skupaj.
En: Before them lay a long journey, but they were walking it together.
Sl: In to je za zdaj zadoščalo.
En: And for now, that was enough.
Vocabulary Words:
- descended: spustila
- hesitantly: zadržano
- instilled: vlivala
- enveloped: obdala
- stalactites: stalaktiti
- icicles: ledene sveče
- murmured: zamrmrala
- determination: odločnost
- arguments: prepiri
- inheritance: dedovanja
- equal: enakovredna
- siblinghood: bratstva
- whisper: šepetajočim
- courage: pogum
- turmoil: razburjenje
- blinded: zaslepilo
- silence: tišina
- promises: obetov
- foundation: temelj
- vulnerable: ranljiv
- voicing: izrekanja
- tangle: navzkrižja
- emotions: čustev
- hidden: skritih
- corners: kotičkov
- path: pot
- overcome: premagata
- bond: vez
- chamber: dvorana
- stream: tok
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