Autumn Whispers: The Bond Forged in Leaves and Laughter
Update: 2024-11-22
Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Autumn Whispers: The Bond Forged in Leaves and Laughter
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Matej je hodil po stezi skozi Ljubljanski Botanični vrt, jesenski listi so šelesteli pod njegovimi čevlji.
En: Matej walked along the path through the Ljubljanski Botanični vrt, autumn leaves rustling under his shoes.
Sl: Srce mu je bilo težko.
En: His heart felt heavy.
Sl: Nedavno je končal dolgoletno zvezo in zdaj je iskal mir in smisel med barvami jeseni.
En: He had recently ended a long-term relationship and now sought peace and meaning among the colors of autumn.
Sl: Občutek je bil tako pomirjujoč, kot da bi mu drevesa šepetala skrivnosti o življenju.
En: The feeling was so soothing, as if the trees were whispering secrets about life to him.
Sl: Na klopi ob robu poti je sedela Nina.
En: On a bench at the edge of the path sat Nina.
Sl: Skicirala je liste, ki so v svojih rdeče-zlatih odtenkih prekrivali tla.
En: She was sketching the leaves, which in their red-golden shades covered the ground.
Sl: Na prvi pogled je bil to preprost prizor, vendar je Mateja pritegnila svetloba v njenih očeh.
En: At first glance, it was a simple scene, yet Matej was drawn to the light in her eyes.
Sl: Bil je radoveden.
En: He was curious.
Sl: Pogledal je preko njenega ramena in opazil žive barve v njenem zvezku.
En: He looked over her shoulder and noticed the vibrant colors in her notebook.
Sl: "Ti listi so res posebni," je nenadoma rekel, skoraj presenečen nad lastnim glasom.
En: "These leaves are really special," he suddenly said, almost surprised by his own voice.
Sl: Nina se je zasmejala in dvignila pogled.
En: Nina laughed and looked up.
Sl: "Hvala.
En: "Thank you.
Sl: Poskušam ujeti njihovo lepoto, preden jih odnese zima.
En: I'm trying to capture their beauty before winter takes them away."
Sl: " Matej je začutil njeno strah in dvom, ki sta ga njena umetnost skrivala med potezami čopičev.
En: Matej sensed her fear and doubt, which her art hid among the strokes of the brushes.
Sl: "Sliši se, kot da resnično čutiš naravo," je dodal, ko je sedel poleg nje.
En: "It sounds like you truly feel nature," he added as he sat next to her.
Sl: V srcu je začutil toplo pekočo žogo – prvi namig radosti, ki ga je že dolgo pogrešal.
En: In his heart, he felt a warm, burning sensation—a first hint of joy he had long missed.
Sl: Nina mu je pokazala nekaj svojih skic, negotovo, a z iskro upanja v očeh.
En: Nina showed him some of her sketches, uncertain but with a spark of hope in her eyes.
Sl: "Morda lahko poveš svoje mnenje," je rekla.
En: "Maybe you can give your opinion," she said.
Sl: Matej je z rahlim smehljajem preletel njene skice.
En: With a slight smile, Matej glanced over her sketches.
Sl: "Tvoja dela imajo dušo," je rekel.
En: "Your works have soul," he said.
Sl: "Čudovita so.
En: "They are wonderful."
Sl: " Ta priznanja so napolnila praznino, ki jo je čutila tudi sama.
En: These acknowledgments filled the void that she also felt.
Sl: Nenadna hladna sapica je razmetala Ninine skice po vsej poti.
En: A sudden cold breeze scattered Nina's sketches all over the path.
Sl: Matej in Nina sta skupaj naglo skakala okrog, lovila liste umetniških del z glasnim smehom, ki je odmeval med drevesi.
En: Matej and Nina quickly jumped around together, catching the leaves of artwork with loud laughter echoing among the trees.
Sl: Po tej nenadni preizkušnji sta se usedla na klop, ogrela roke ob toplih skodelicah kuhanega vina.
En: After this sudden trial, they sat on the bench, warming their hands with cups of mulled wine.
Sl: Vdihavala sta sladkobni vonj pijače in delila zgodbe iz svojih življenj, kot stara prijatelja, ki sta se končno našla.
En: They inhaled the sweet scent of the drink and shared stories from their lives, like old friends who had finally found each other.
Sl: Matej je začel odpirati svoje srce.
En: Matej began to open his heart.
Sl: Občutek radosti je bil resničen in vendar nov.
En: The feeling of joy was real yet new.
Sl: Nina je našla v utrinkih smeha in odkritem pogovoru novo samozavest.
En: Nina found new confidence in bursts of laughter and open conversation.
Sl: Njene skice so zdaj nosile pečat njenega pravega navdiha.
En: Her sketches now bore the mark of her true inspiration.
Sl: "Morava se srečati še enkrat," je predlagal Matej s toplino v očeh, ki je presegla hladno jesen.
En: "We must meet again," Matej suggested with warmth in his eyes that transcended the cold autumn.
Sl: "Razmisliva, kako lahko združiva tvojo umetnost in moje pesmi.
En: "Let's think about how we can combine your art and my poetry."
Sl: ""Z veseljem," je odgovorila Nina z novo energijo in zaupanjem.
En: "With pleasure," Nina replied with renewed energy and confidence.
Sl: Njuna zgodba še ni bila končana, vendar so semena prijateljstva in ustvarjalnega sodelovanja že rasla med jesenskimi listi botaničnega vrta.
En: Their story was not yet finished, but the seeds of friendship and creative collaboration were already growing among the autumn leaves of the botanical garden.
Vocabulary Words:
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Sl: Matej je hodil po stezi skozi Ljubljanski Botanični vrt, jesenski listi so šelesteli pod njegovimi čevlji.
En: Matej walked along the path through the Ljubljanski Botanični vrt, autumn leaves rustling under his shoes.
Sl: Srce mu je bilo težko.
En: His heart felt heavy.
Sl: Nedavno je končal dolgoletno zvezo in zdaj je iskal mir in smisel med barvami jeseni.
En: He had recently ended a long-term relationship and now sought peace and meaning among the colors of autumn.
Sl: Občutek je bil tako pomirjujoč, kot da bi mu drevesa šepetala skrivnosti o življenju.
En: The feeling was so soothing, as if the trees were whispering secrets about life to him.
Sl: Na klopi ob robu poti je sedela Nina.
En: On a bench at the edge of the path sat Nina.
Sl: Skicirala je liste, ki so v svojih rdeče-zlatih odtenkih prekrivali tla.
En: She was sketching the leaves, which in their red-golden shades covered the ground.
Sl: Na prvi pogled je bil to preprost prizor, vendar je Mateja pritegnila svetloba v njenih očeh.
En: At first glance, it was a simple scene, yet Matej was drawn to the light in her eyes.
Sl: Bil je radoveden.
En: He was curious.
Sl: Pogledal je preko njenega ramena in opazil žive barve v njenem zvezku.
En: He looked over her shoulder and noticed the vibrant colors in her notebook.
Sl: "Ti listi so res posebni," je nenadoma rekel, skoraj presenečen nad lastnim glasom.
En: "These leaves are really special," he suddenly said, almost surprised by his own voice.
Sl: Nina se je zasmejala in dvignila pogled.
En: Nina laughed and looked up.
Sl: "Hvala.
En: "Thank you.
Sl: Poskušam ujeti njihovo lepoto, preden jih odnese zima.
En: I'm trying to capture their beauty before winter takes them away."
Sl: " Matej je začutil njeno strah in dvom, ki sta ga njena umetnost skrivala med potezami čopičev.
En: Matej sensed her fear and doubt, which her art hid among the strokes of the brushes.
Sl: "Sliši se, kot da resnično čutiš naravo," je dodal, ko je sedel poleg nje.
En: "It sounds like you truly feel nature," he added as he sat next to her.
Sl: V srcu je začutil toplo pekočo žogo – prvi namig radosti, ki ga je že dolgo pogrešal.
En: In his heart, he felt a warm, burning sensation—a first hint of joy he had long missed.
Sl: Nina mu je pokazala nekaj svojih skic, negotovo, a z iskro upanja v očeh.
En: Nina showed him some of her sketches, uncertain but with a spark of hope in her eyes.
Sl: "Morda lahko poveš svoje mnenje," je rekla.
En: "Maybe you can give your opinion," she said.
Sl: Matej je z rahlim smehljajem preletel njene skice.
En: With a slight smile, Matej glanced over her sketches.
Sl: "Tvoja dela imajo dušo," je rekel.
En: "Your works have soul," he said.
Sl: "Čudovita so.
En: "They are wonderful."
Sl: " Ta priznanja so napolnila praznino, ki jo je čutila tudi sama.
En: These acknowledgments filled the void that she also felt.
Sl: Nenadna hladna sapica je razmetala Ninine skice po vsej poti.
En: A sudden cold breeze scattered Nina's sketches all over the path.
Sl: Matej in Nina sta skupaj naglo skakala okrog, lovila liste umetniških del z glasnim smehom, ki je odmeval med drevesi.
En: Matej and Nina quickly jumped around together, catching the leaves of artwork with loud laughter echoing among the trees.
Sl: Po tej nenadni preizkušnji sta se usedla na klop, ogrela roke ob toplih skodelicah kuhanega vina.
En: After this sudden trial, they sat on the bench, warming their hands with cups of mulled wine.
Sl: Vdihavala sta sladkobni vonj pijače in delila zgodbe iz svojih življenj, kot stara prijatelja, ki sta se končno našla.
En: They inhaled the sweet scent of the drink and shared stories from their lives, like old friends who had finally found each other.
Sl: Matej je začel odpirati svoje srce.
En: Matej began to open his heart.
Sl: Občutek radosti je bil resničen in vendar nov.
En: The feeling of joy was real yet new.
Sl: Nina je našla v utrinkih smeha in odkritem pogovoru novo samozavest.
En: Nina found new confidence in bursts of laughter and open conversation.
Sl: Njene skice so zdaj nosile pečat njenega pravega navdiha.
En: Her sketches now bore the mark of her true inspiration.
Sl: "Morava se srečati še enkrat," je predlagal Matej s toplino v očeh, ki je presegla hladno jesen.
En: "We must meet again," Matej suggested with warmth in his eyes that transcended the cold autumn.
Sl: "Razmisliva, kako lahko združiva tvojo umetnost in moje pesmi.
En: "Let's think about how we can combine your art and my poetry."
Sl: ""Z veseljem," je odgovorila Nina z novo energijo in zaupanjem.
En: "With pleasure," Nina replied with renewed energy and confidence.
Sl: Njuna zgodba še ni bila končana, vendar so semena prijateljstva in ustvarjalnega sodelovanja že rasla med jesenskimi listi botaničnega vrta.
En: Their story was not yet finished, but the seeds of friendship and creative collaboration were already growing among the autumn leaves of the botanical garden.
Vocabulary Words:
- rustling: šelesteli
- path: steza
- heavy: težko
- ended: končal
- soothing: pomirjujoč
- whispering: šepetala
- bench: klop
- sketching: skicirala
- vibrant: žive
- surprised: presenečen
- capture: ujeti
- hid: skrivala
- hint: namig
- joy: radost
- sketches: skice
- opinion: mnenje
- acknowledgments: priznanja
- void: praznino
- breeze: sapica
- scattered: razmetala
- warming: ogrela
- mulled wine: kuhano vino
- inhaled: vdihavala
- burst: utrinek
- confidence: zaupanje
- transcended: presegla
- pleasure: veselje
- renewed: nova
- seeds: semena
- friendship: prijateljstvo
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