DiscoverFluentFiction - SlovenianCrafting Connections: A Candlelit Journey to Heritage
Crafting Connections: A Candlelit Journey to Heritage

Crafting Connections: A Candlelit Journey to Heritage

Update: 2024-11-24


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Crafting Connections: A Candlelit Journey to Heritage
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Bledski grad je stal na pečini, veličastno nadzoroval jezero pod njim.
En: The Bledski grad stood on the cliff, majestically overseeing the lake beneath it.

Sl: Jesenski veter je lahkotno valoval po površju jezera, medtem ko je sonce lesketalo skozi pisano listje.
En: The autumn breeze gently rippled across the surface of the lake, while the sun shimmered through the colorful leaves.

Sl: Luka je hodil po kamnitih stopnicah gradu, globoko v mislih.
En: Luka walked along the stone steps of the castle, deep in thought.

Sl: Pred kratkim se je odločil, da bo več časa posvetil tradicionalnim obrtim.
En: Recently, he had decided to dedicate more time to traditional crafts.

Sl: Danes je bil njegov prvi poskus, da se spoprijatelji s svojim kulturnim izročilom – delavnica izdelovanja sveč ob prazniku svetega Martina.
En: Today was his first attempt to reconnect with his cultural heritage – a candle-making workshop for the feast of svetega Martina.

Sl: Luka je stopil v prijetno toplo sobo, napolnjeno s prijetnim vonjem čebeljega voska in kuhanega vina.
En: Luka stepped into a pleasantly warm room, filled with the delightful scent of beeswax and mulled wine.

Sl: Ljudje so sedeli za lesenimi mizami, obkroženi z materiali za izdelavo sveč.
En: People sat at wooden tables, surrounded by candle-making materials.

Sl: Kmalu ga je pozdravila Nina, živahna obiskovalka iz Ljubljane.
En: Soon, he was greeted by Nina, a lively visitor from Ljubljana.

Sl: Odlašala je z delom, ko je začela pogovor z njim.
En: She paused in her work as she started a conversation with him.

Sl: »Živjo, sem Nina.
En: "Hello, I'm Nina.

Sl: Prvič na delavnici?
En: Is this your first time at the workshop?"

Sl: « je rekla s nasmehom.
En: she asked with a smile.

Sl: Luka je prikimal, stisnil ustnice in se bežno nasmehnil, a kljub temu sploh ni bil prepričan, ali naj deli več o svoji preteklosti.
En: Luka nodded, pressed his lips together, and gave a faint smile, yet he wasn't entirely sure whether to share more about his past.

Sl: Nina je nadaljevala z energijo: »Tudi jaz.
En: Nina continued with energy: "Me too.

Sl: V zadnjem času se zanimam za slovensko dediščino.
En: Lately, I've been interested in Slovene heritage.

Sl: Malo življenjskega ravnotežja med odmorom, veš?
En: A bit of life balance during a break, you know?

Sl: Zelo rada bi spoznala več ljudi, ki so prav tako navdušeni nad našimi tradicijami.
En: I'd really love to meet more people who are just as enthusiastic about our traditions."

Sl: «Ko sta delala skupaj, so njune roke previdno oblikovale sveče.
En: As they worked together, their hands carefully shaped the candles.

Sl: Z mehkimi gibi in počasnimi koraki se je vzdušje med njima otoplilo.
En: With gentle movements and slow steps, the atmosphere between them warmed.

Sl: Luka je sčasoma znal sprostiti svojo zadržanost.
En: Luka eventually managed to release his restraint.

Sl: »Veš, tehnologija je moja preteklost.
En: "You know, technology is my past.

Sl: Ampak počutil sem se odrezanega od korenin,« je priznal.
En: But I felt cut off from my roots," he admitted.

Sl: Nina ga je pozorno poslušala, spodbujala ga je z vsako besedo: »Razumem te.
En: Nina listened intently, encouraging him with every word: "I understand you.

Sl: Tudi sama iščem tisti občutek pripadnosti.
En: I'm also looking for that sense of belonging.

Sl: Želim raziskovati svoje korenine z nekom, ki to resnično ceni.
En: I want to explore my roots with someone who truly appreciates it."

Sl: «Topla svetloba sveč je osvetljevala njune obraze, ko sta delila sanje in strasti.
En: The warm candlelight illuminated their faces as they shared dreams and passions.

Sl: Končno, ko je bil večer že skoraj pri koncu, sta si izmenjala telefonske številke.
En: Finally, as the evening was nearly over, they exchanged phone numbers.

Sl: »Mogoče bi se lahko naslednjič srečala v Ljubljani?
En: "Maybe we could meet next time in Ljubljana?"

Sl: « je predlagala Nina s kančkom upanja v glasu.
En: Nina suggested with a hint of hope in her voice.

Sl: »Grem na razstavo narodnih noš, če ti to ustreza.
En: "I'm going to an exhibition of national costumes, if that suits you."

Sl: «Luka je občutil majhno, a pomembno spremembo v sebi.
En: Luka felt a small yet significant change within himself.

Sl: Nič več ni čutil strahu pred zasmehovanjem.
En: No longer did he feel the fear of being ridiculed.

Sl: »Seveda, to bi mi bilo v veselje.
En: "Of course, I would enjoy that."

Sl: «Drugačni in pomirjeni, sta se Luka in Nina poslovila.
En: Different and at ease, Luka and Nina said their goodbyes.

Sl: Vsak je odšel domov z novimi obeti, hvaležen za svečen večer v čarobnem okolju Bleda.
En: Each left for home with new prospects, grateful for the candlelit evening in the magical setting of Bled.

Sl: V življenju obeh se je začelo nekaj novega – odkrita pot prijateljstva in morda še več.
En: In both their lives, something new had begun – a discovered path of friendship and perhaps even more.

Vocabulary Words:
  • grad: castle
  • cliff: pečina
  • majestic: veličasten
  • breeze: veter
  • rippled: valoval
  • shimmered: lesketalo
  • heritage: izročilo
  • workshop: delavnica
  • beeswax: čebelji vosek
  • mulled wine: kuhano vino
  • lively: živahen
  • pressed: stisnil
  • restraint: zadržanost
  • roots: korenine
  • intently: pozorno
  • belonging: pripadnost
  • illuminated: osvetljevalo
  • faint: bežen
  • exhibition: razstava
  • costumes: noše
  • ridiculed: zasmehovanje
  • prospects: obeti
  • gentle: mehak
  • movements: gibi
  • national: naroden
  • cultural: kulturno
  • surface: površje
  • pause: odlašala
  • exchanged: izmenjala
  • candlelit: svečen








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Crafting Connections: A Candlelit Journey to Heritage

Crafting Connections: A Candlelit Journey to Heritage