DiscoverLimitless HealthThe Friction That Keeps us Stuck
The Friction That Keeps us Stuck

The Friction That Keeps us Stuck

Update: 2024-01-24


There’s lots of reasons to not take action in our health.  In fact, a lot of them are good reasons!  We want to look at all those reasons today.

We’re looking at ALL the friction that keeps us from taking action from “no time” to “don’t know what to do” to “I don’t have support at home” and everything in between.


The key is looking at WHY these things keep you stuck.  From there, you can start connecting with how to make things work.

Your brain is designed to put up resistance so let’s talk about it!


But at the end of the day, do you want a short term behavior change or a lifestyle health?

Thanks for tuning in today!

We are beyond excited that our HAAC Membership is LIVE!  Join Health Assurance, Accountability Coaching as a great way to live your BEST health with the support of daily BEST text reminders, LIVE health assurance & accountability coaching & being part of a tribe who wants to live their BEST!  Join Here to start finding YOUR BEST!  We’re here to be in your corner for encouragement, motivation, accountability and support through the struggles.


Also, make sure to join our Facebook Community Hardwired For Health to continue the conversation or on Instagram bejourneystrong or Tracy’s Instagram movement.warrior to learn if our Neuro-Hacking Health Success Method is right for you!  You can also directly message us at if you’re ready to take the plunge into our custom 1:1 coaching programs.  And, if you got some value from this, we want to hear about it, share it with a friend and write a review!  It’s how more people will get this valuable message!  Have questions about how we can serve you in your unique health journey?  Make sure to schedule your Free Health Discovery Call where we’ll chat about your specific needs. 


What are we Loving?

Today is about loving books that support our health.  Tracy is reading You, Happier about brain science and how what we eat changes our mood and either loves us back or doesn’t.  Jess is loving her new cookbook Eat Smarter to get some inspiration on bringing more family meals to her home.









Sleep Timer


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The Friction That Keeps us Stuck

The Friction That Keeps us Stuck

Tracy Hill & Jessica Midkiff